cps filing services

2020 ANNUAL CERTIFICATE INSTRUCTION FORM FOR LLC COMPANIES IN OKLAHOMA. Not sure why the BBB or IRS does not go after this scamster and hold them accountable for sending out fake letters to unssuspecting business owners, inspite if several complaints to BBB. You may choose whether or not to give your name when reporting. Five Criteria CPS Needs to Register a Report: You do not need to be certain that child abuse or neglect has occurred before you call the Child Abuse Hotline. Clever, though! Thank you for this post confirming the SCAM, the form looks so official. Phone: (405) 522-1487. Also the words that the money is for state processing fee and C.P.S. Trenton, NJ a scam ? and here I am ! Please call immediately if you know of, or suspect, an incident of child abuse or neglect.. During regular business hours (8:45 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F) call the Department of Families and Children (DCF) area office that serves the city or town where the child lives. In this article, we will clarify the valid reasons for CPS to remove a child from the parents' care, what you can do to fight a CPS worker's inaccurate report, and the standard procedure to suing Child Protective Services in small claims court. Anika, great question, although CPS Filings may have just approached the line of what is still legal, but highly immoral at the least. Mandatory Poster Agency State-Name-Here Labor Law Poster Service (there are 50 of these businesses, and they apparently use mail-solicitation tactics similar to CPS to hawk overpriced labor law posters) State-Name-Here Council for Corporations (there are 6 of these) Virginia Relay enables people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, or have difficulty speaking to communicate by TTY (text telephone . March 31, 2020 http://www.sos.la.gov Just validated what I was thinking. The Washoe County Human Services Agency's (HSA) Child Protective Services (CPS) is required by Nevada law to investigate reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. You can take a photo of the scam letter that shows the C.P.S. Apply Family Preservation and Support Services for some families Assess or identify problems, gather facts and clarify the problems Plan and provide services, set goals, identify resources and timeframes Document the case Terminate the case or transfer it to another program HI, I ALSO GOT a form from C.P.S., demanding $160.00 for filing my NJ LLC. A child is subjected to willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment. I am so glad that I checked this all out before sending money. To report concerns about child abuse, neglect or sexual abuse, contact the county . business is not in good standing; or a business is revoked. Table of Contents . They are charging $160 which is a gross overcharge. I think I will utilize their return envelope and send themnothing. Oral reports should be made immediately. Investigations may be managed by child protective services, by the police, or by both. A time ago I had a discussion at telephone with clerk from New Jerseys government, and they told me that 90 days before one year since the registration of my business, they will REMIND me that I have to fulfill my report. Heading was "2021 STATEMENT OF INFORMATION INSTRUCTION FORM (California LLCs)." They are crooks. $185.00 to file my annual $100.00 report. I got a letter too from C.P.S. I cant believe this company has been known about as a scammer for several years and theyre not shut down. #Scandalous. legal services, medical care, appropriate living arrangements, assistance in personal hygiene, food, clothing, adequately . Find your local intake number to report abuse or neglect or use the map below. I read every single word and then came across two things that automatically should tell you its a scam. 202-838-0037 The focus of CPS is to protect children from harm and to make sure that children live in safe environments. Read this if you are involved with Child Protective Services, but there is no court case or if the State of Washington (through DSHS, CPS, the Prosecutor, or the Attorney General's Office) has filed a court case to take your child from you. Business owners BEWARE of C.P.S. IF YOU FEEL THAT SOMEONE IS IN IMMEDIATE DANGER PLEASE CALL 911 TO FILE REPORT OF ABUSE OR NEGLECT: Weld County Child Protection Hotline 1-844-CO-4-KIDS ( 1-844-264-5437) Weld County Adult Protection Hotline (970) 400-6700 Online 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #190, Washington DC 20015-2604. I want to warn others to google and do your own research before sending strange companies any money. So deceiving since they do not mention at all that they are a 3rd party company! While being reminded, they will expect that report when the year is full (July, in my case). They didnt think it through too well. It truly looked like a bill or annual filing requirement, very misleading and a bit threatening. They want you to send a check. I received an offer from them to handle it for $125.00. A child is neglected by a parent or caretaker who fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care or supervision. Thanks Daniel, you have given me very important information. Weird thing is, it was sent to my home address and not the PO Box where the biz mail is sent. But that's not all: Krueger was also pregnant with their third son at the time. Lucky for me this New Yorker didnt fall for their scam right to the shredder the letter went. So sad! Within 72 hours of CPS filing a dependency petition, if the children are not removed from . I have an LLC and my state requires like $10 a year. 1026 Florin Road #312 Now I read everything I get and having done statements of information before for my church I knew right away it was a scam I also googled the address and it is a ups store, what these scammers are trying to get more clever in getting money from people. Mailing Address: Child Welfare Services. Tina, you are not alone. Child Protective Services (CPS) Hotline: 1 (800) 342-3720 Well, they are still at it here in California. What is a mandated reporter? The hotline is available 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. Linda, good eye to spot the scam from BCS. Info Phising & requesting funds $100 over normal $20 filing fees. How do they get away with this? I reported it to the Colorado Secretary of States office. To insert an useful input, different from the useful things mentioned by others: In California, you may do this e-filing up to 6 months prior. Im in Colorado, where my annual LLC fee is $10; they wanted $110! Yeah SO SHADY! i got a letter from them too and have never seen one like this before!! Rosemary, good eye, astute logic, ignore CPS and their scam letter. CPS Filing Services sent me a form and asked for $100. Select your agency from the dropdown to view the contact information. Haha. Wish it was postage paid. This isnt even the time I file, so I just went online to check my business entity report to renew and it said I am still over 90 days out before renewal. LOL. Also doesnt give what the initials C.P.S stands for. 1. is not a government agency. If you suspect a case of child abuse in your neighborhood, you should contact your county child welfare agency or local law enforcement agency. Suite E#109 my ass. I also had discolved my company over a year ago, so this also gave me concern. I just accidentally discovered it as my wife gave me the mail today. Scam even found news articles forewarning people. Intention is not clearly identified. Carla, good instincts to not fall for the CPS scam during the pandemic. THIS PRODUCT OR SERVICE HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED OR ENDORSED BY ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY. Besides, why would you need help filing an annual report? I file annually and thankfully did not fall for this. We needed to respond by 7/12/2019. was dated February 24 ! Your attorney will file your complaint in the federal district court that has jurisdiction over the county where the CPS agency is located. NEWS RELEASE Bite me. Phone: 518-473-7793. Same deal here, please send check for $160 to CPS Filing Service, 1977 North Olden Avenue Ext #650, Trenton NJ 08618. They hear about this specific thing all the time. They will work with both parents to safely care for their child. Office: 919-560-8346. Existing law provides for services to abused and neglected children and their families. for $160.00 this did not sit right with me from the state. For additional information, call (914)-995-6028 weekdays between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Be real careful of these scams. Be careful. 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #190 Corporate Records Service, Louisiana Corporate Compliance Business Services and I received my letter today. I got the same letter. Cannot believe the BB has done nothing about it I filed a complaint. Thanks for posting!!! . Kathy, way to go in keeping good records and not falling for the scam. So you do need these forms, but again, you can do this all for FREE by yourself! FROM THE LOUISIANA SECRETARY OF STATES COMMERCIAL DIVISION and It is imperative that people are aware of that and are more dubious about legal notices they receive. [5] 2 Do an online search for your state's child abuse hotline. If you have concerns that a child is being abused or neglected but is not in immediate danger, please call our 24/7 hotline at 303-636-1750 or the statewide hotline at 1-844-CO-4-KIDS . I got a weird feeling about it so I quickly did some research. To learn more about CPS Intake and Assessments please click on the Video below. They wanted me to send them 100.00. children from abuse and neglect. Alan, Technically CPS Filings is acting legally, but morally they are just trying to extort money from business owners that dont read the fine print. It looks quite formal print as the company information is correct. Monika, Sharp eye, and all the best in running your new LLC. 101-260. I just got 2 in the mail from C.P.S. Local Departments of Social Services. When a child cannot be returned to a safe home after services have been delivered, the child must be provided with a family-like living arrangement as soon as possible. Virginia: 804-786-8536. 123-339 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 and left phone number 405-791-6331. Carmen, Thats a good practice to do a quick Google search to verify if something fishy is legit or not, glad that you caught it in time. To report child abuse in Sacramento County, California: Contact 24-Hour Child Abuse Hotline - (916) 875-5437 (875-KIDS) In case of an emergency call 911 for law enforcement They are also using the address: 5614 Connecticut Ave. NW #190, Washington DC 20015, which is a UPS store. Having filed this form every other year for the past 20 years (as required by all New York State LLCs), I was shocked to see that the normal filing fee of $9.00 had increased to $100.00. The fee was paid to them by check. I called their no. I will be extra cautious and diligent going forward!! P.O. Received a 2020- Biennial statement instruction form (New York LLCs) asking for $100.00 to be mailed to C.P.S. Their form does say that they are not a government agency, so I suppose they may be technically operating within the law, but its definitely a slimy way to do business and scamish to say the least. You should report your suspicion to the local department in the jurisdiction where you believe the abuse or neglect took or is taking place. basis for action to protect children and to allow intervention by public Its scary because they have my home address as I am new to having an llc an presently only have a website. Same s@#t just happened to me:$160 requested for filing which is due much later in the year. I too received a letter from C.P.S. At first when I googled the company acronym I was getting child protective services. Ray, great question. But the street address is a UPS store. You confirmed my suspicions and I certainly appreciate it. pg. The way they go about it its not okay. Unbelievable, I got the same letter and the address goes back to Trenton, NJ so it truly looked official. This was similar to a company that was trying to scam me on my student loan. Why cant more be done to stop this stuff from happening? Before I started my LLC I did ALOT of research about what steps I needed to take, and CPS DEFINITELY wasnt one of them!!!! Postal Inspection Service, since the scam arrived by mail. is to write a Yelp review about the UPS store that provides a mail box for these C.P.S. Aloha, glad that you double checked before paying an inflated fee. 52 Washington Street. When your fee is due you may receive a notice that looks a lot like an official NYS form that is, in fact, a solicitation from a company like CPS Filing Services (see the . In Indiana, the filing fee is $30.00. Hi Daniel, thank you so much for exposing this group as scammers. At first I looked legit and a bit intimidating. This is in addition to any income taxes you may be liable for in NJ. Services for people with disabilities Services for vulnerable adults This article focuses mostly on claims against child protective services (CPS). I got one from Trenton and they wanted $235!! sounds official. Out-of-State: 1-800-552-7096. I just received mailing fro CPS for my NJ LLC. I searched using the address and found this website and others listing this as scam but under a different name, C.P.S. We get renewal reminders by email from info@ehawaii.gov, Below is regarding we received a notice dated 2/24/2020 (Respond by 03/27/2020), Hawaii laws require every limited liability company authorized to transact business in the state shall deliver to the director for filing an annual report, If you do not file an annual report, you may be at risk for penalties., C.P.S. Im tempted to file a complaint w/the CO Attorney Generals Office and send a copy of the complaint back in their envelope: B.C.S., 5614 Connecticut Ave, NW #190, Washington, D.C. 20015, Yes, I also received oneI will see if the Attorney General will help. Some might fall for this trick. It was demanding a payment of $145.00. Yes their return address is. The filing fee costs $9 so obviously a $100 charge is unnecessary, disappointing and clearly scam like. Parent's Guide to Foster Care: While Your Child Is in Our Care, Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC), Monthly Statistics About Children in DFPS Care, Necesidad de normalidad: Entrenamiento para padres de acogida temporal, Medical Consent Training for Non-DFPS Employees, Capacitacin sobre el consentimiento mdico, Gua para Padres Sobre el Cuidado Temporal, Gua para Padres Sobre las Investigaciones, Regional Children Statistics in DFPS Care, Find Your Birth Family or Biological Sibling, Providing services to help youth in foster care. Types: faq FAQ Program Areas: Child Welfare Institutional child abuse and neglect is defined by North Dakota Century Code 50-25.1-02 (17) as, "situations of known or suspected child abuse or neglect when the institution responsible for the child's welfare is a public or private school, a residential facility or setting either licensed, certified . Why? Helena, when I filed for an LLC there was no letter from OSHA. Integrating your Web Site, Blog and Facebook, https://ehome.uspis.gov/fcsexternal/default.aspx, https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/#crnt&panel1-1, Adding Artists in WordPress as a Custom Post Type, Updating Windows 10 to 11 on a Mac, with Parallels, Four helpful tips from Amazon for online security. Just got one today and reported to FTC regulations to stop these scammers. sent me a very official-looking letter telling me it was time to pay my biennial NYS LLC filing fee. Shirley, your research paid off, I wish that CPS would simply go out of business so that we can all focus on running our own businesses. I am going to include the letter when I actually send my statement to Sacramento. I appreciate you writing this SCAM so others can be safe. It looks like CPS is running their rouse all across our great nation, which is sad to see. I dont usually provide comments but now feel that we all need to keep people aware of these scams. Washington, DC 20015 #3120EN . It looks like an official NJ State bill but says, in very fine print: "C.P.S. ReportChildAbuse@alaska.gov. Saying 2022 Safety Manual Solicitation Form, Workplace Safety Is Essential. Sadly their are thousands of companies that will fall prey to this. Got our C.P.S. II. Buren, maybe we should start sending bogus invoices to CPS Filing Service asking payment to see how they like it. Nights, weekends, and holidays dial the Child-at-Risk Hotline . The return address shows CPS Filing Services 1026 Florin Road 312 , Sacramento. CPS Filings skims your info from public records, they are not private. So glad I question everything these days. Rest In Peace to C.P.S or whoever is scamming at 2755 Commercial St. Under a different name, C.P.S so official ) -995-6028 weekdays between 9 a.m. 4... Whether or not to give your name when reporting 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week, neglect or abuse!, ignore CPS and their families this New Yorker didnt fall for this post confirming the scam that! 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Jeanette Hutchinson Of The Emotions, Articles C