peter mccullough protocol

Because these are three distinct problems within the body, it was known early that a single medication would be insufficient to treat high-risk patients. Females are at as much risk, if not more than males, due to the COVID mRNA technology gene injection vaccine. The community standard of care for COVID-19 was developed by doctors in the field who learned how to treat the infection using their clinical judgement and available sources of evidencenot by government agencies, state medical boards, or royal colleges of physicians. I learned to cut waaaaay back on mucus-forming foods like starch (you know, chips, bread, pasta, cake, cookies, french-fries, etc.) 2021 Aug;9(8):924-932. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(21)00222-8. Follow 30.8K. for me to mention that four of the six items listed by Dr. McCullough are available through Dr. Zev Zelenko's Z-Stack protocol. Second typically the physician is able to see you the same day or the next day, and the pharmacy typically sees you within 24 hours of that. Front Line Doctors Ivermectin Protocol for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 (November 2022), 12 Natural Treatments for COVID Long Haulers (2023). Remove allergens, dust, bacteria, viruses and odors from the air. With that said, here is what Dr. McCullough had to say about the six things to keep in your medical toolbox: Harmless, a spirited way to do business with other peoples values, across a wide spectrum of cultures, etc. The therapeutic aims are to address viral replication, inflammation, and thrombosis. 2020 Dec 30;21(4):517-530. doi: 10.31083/j.rcm.2020.04.264. [i] Mura, C., Preissner, S., Nahles, S. et al. From the very first patient with the novel coronavirus to those falling ill at this time, outpatient physicians and mid-level providers are bolstered by Article 37 of the 2013 Declaration of Helsinki which essentially says that unproven interventions may be used after informed consent when in the doctors judgment it offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering. Conclusive randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trials of outpatient multidrug regimens are not forthcoming. Real-world evidence for improved outcomes with histamine antagonists and aspirin in 22,560 COVID-19 patients. I for one, trust and thank Dr. Peter McCullough, his protocol has given many the means to protect or recover, and to stand firm as to our preferences of not taking any unknown drug . For detailed descriptions of products and solutions please visit one of several websites to get this practical information. PMID: 33387997. The Tom Renz Show Pastor Greg Schulz decided to stand up against the woke mob and called out language and policy that was racist at the university and was fired over it. America Out Loud Network - Dr. Peter McCullough is joined by experts in medicine, biotechnology, public health, and policy to bring critical information and insights to the listeners in a concise and understandable format. Dr. Peter McCullough joined us on the Empower Hour in November 2022 and he and Tanya Gaw did a deep dive and discuss the Covid-19 fraud, the harms of the experimental injections, deaths, shedding, treatments, and much more. Accordingly, the LDA neither warrants nor endorses the health care providers contained on this list nor the quality of care you will receive from those providers. "Regarding:"Hydroxychloroquine: a comprehensive review and its controversial role in coronavirus disease 2019"." Annals of . [ix] One of the greatest crimes of all-time has been the systematic suppression and oblivion to early therapy over course of the crisis. If bedbound, immobile, or tendency for blood clotting, then anticoagulation with low-molecular weight heparin by injection or oral anticoagulants is prudent. Evidence-Based Medicine Supports the Practice of the Art of Medicine by Dr. Peter McCullough | Jul 4, 2022 | Health, Politics. In an exclusive interview for InfoWars, Dr. Peter McCullough, who has been very outspoken about the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccine, gave more detail about the vaccine dangers and about the overreach of the entities involved in the vax rollout. Since covid cases are on the rise again, it is good to have this available. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin Combined: A syne. It should be obvious the virus is replicating in the nose, and with Omicron, the speed of replication has become much greater than the prior strains of the virus. In this rapid review of the McCullough Protocol during the inaugural week of Courageous Discourse we finish with the full protocol itself and have some focused comments on the use of nutraceuticals and prescription drugs specifically for the current Omicron after wave. [iii] Oropharyngeal viricidal therapy has been demonstrated in supportive studies and randomized trials to: 1) prevent infection after suspected exposure (twice daily), 2) reduce the period of infectivity when ill, and 3) attenuate the progression of disease and reduce the need for oxygenation and hospitalization (six times daily). We are asking everyone to act honorably knowing they will be able to get what they need. Nathan Jones on Nasal Sprays, America Out Loud, Truth for Health Foundation, Nasal Oral Washes for COVID-19, Dr Peter McCullough, Oral Nasal Hygiene for COVID-19 on America Out Loud. Patients at negligible and low risk can self-manage with viricidal nasal washes and the OTC Bundle which includes zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin, famotidine (at four times the package dose80 mg a day), and its reasonable to include aspirin 325 mg a day. Along that road, the totalitarian wolves are licking their chops, biding their time to pounce on the throat of the unsuspecting lamb. Everybody needs to know where these monoclonal antibodies infusions are. Type 1 diabetes could also increase by 65 percent among young Americans in the next 40 years. Real-world evidence for improved outcomes with histamine antagonists and aspirin in 22,560 COVID-19 patients. nursing home resident, when he contracted coronavirus earlier this Because its their border(s) with Mexico, too, a dual concept of sovereignty, one abandoned by Bidens government. Now, if I go overboard on soda, Sour-Patch Kids, cookies & ice-cream, and other mucus-forming garbage for a couple weeks, all that snot they make starts coming out of every pore & orifice in my body. Yes, that means that the syndrome can be treated without antiviral agents as reported by Dr. Barrientos in El Salvador and Dr. Chetty in South Africa. Here the CDC reports 19.3% of adults have taken one of the outmoded injections. Nearly 75% of the visits to primary care physicians in the U.S. are related to upper respiratory issues. The therapeutic aims are to address viral replication, inflammation, and thrombosis. [v] Evidence-Based Medicine Supports the Practice of the Art of Medicine by Dr. Peter McCullough | Jul 4, 2022 | Health, Politics. . Probably the broadest, most practical advancement that has come from our response to the pandemic is not a drug or vaccine from Operation Warp Speed, rather its an understanding the SARS-CoV-2 like all upper respiratory tract viral infections starts in the nasopharynx and can be treated topically at the source. Yes, that means that the syndrome can be treated without antiviral agents as reported by Dr. Barrientos in El Salvador and Dr. Chetty in South Africa. Dr Peter McCullough lecture on the State of COVID treatment. The Lyme Disease Association, Inc. reserves the right to unsubscribe anyone from this service without cause. In the event that the Doctor Referral System contains no Lyme or TBD resource listings in a given area, the closest possible option(s) will populate based on the zip code entered and category/ies selected. For patients who are over 50 and/or have health risks such as 1, Sec. 2020; 21: 488 https . Beyond these principles the remainder of the McCullough Protocol can be stylized to the patient and their particular history and symptoms with the goal of ameliorating the intensity and duration of symptoms and by that mechanism, reducing the risk of hospitalization or death. Single-Sex Bathrooms Based on Biology is Not Discriminatory, Calling Out the Naysayers Holding COVID Criminals Accountable, Anti-Racism Professor Banned at Christian University. Correspondence. This is worse than the German human experiments and genocide of the 1930s and 40s. He has taken considerable losses for his adherence to the truth, but he persists. 3.68K. Dr. Peter McCullough is staying true to his message that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can be defeated with early treatment - not vaccines - despite being relentlessly attacked by Big Pharma. I have (2) autoimmune diseases, plus seasonal asthma, I'm NOT vaxed . Rather, ambulatory treatment of COVID-19 has evolved relying on clinical judgement and the use of drugs with a signal of benefit and acceptable safety in line with the 21st Century Cures Act. After doing so much for us all, for humanity, these past years. by Rich Kozlovich | Feb 28, 2023 | Global, Politics. Also, I would suggest you download a dosing calculator or bookmark one. It should be obvious the virus is replicating in the nose, and with Omicron, the speed of replication has become much greater than the prior strains of the virus. I suffered from severe annual upper respiratory infections my whole life until a decade ago. It is a guide to how to react if you become ill. mg to lbs! For detailed descriptions of products and solutions please visit one of several websites to get this practical information. He also has a master's degree in public health and is known for being one of the top five most-published medical researchers in the United States and is the editor of two medical journals. Thus, there is a wonderful opportunity to reduce viral replication, in fact, kill viruses with agents directly applied in the nasal cavity and the back of the throat. Ilove all the alternative medical practitioners fighting for health freedom. coronavirus to get ahead of the virus and prevent Getting the flu vaccine each year, is that encouraged? The McCullough Protocol (pending), otherwise known as sequenced multidrug therapy for SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 syndrome, was initially published in the August issue of the American Journal of Medicine, 2020 and later updated in December 2020.1,2 The concept was that there are three overlapping phases of SARS-CoV-2 infection: 1) viral replication, 3McCullough PA, Vijay K. SARS-CoV-2 infection and the COVID-19 pandemic: a call to action for therapy and interventions to resolve the crisis of hospitalization, death, and handle the aftermath. Were prehospital drugs continued via medication reconciliation once hospitalized? He has taken considerable losses for his adherence to the truth, but he persists. Tell W.H.O., Americas Sovereignty is Not For Sale, COVID mRNA Gene Injection Vaccine Causes Myocarditis, Pericarditis & Cardiovascular Events, College Mandates Stick as COVID-19 Crisis Clears, Joe Bidens EO & Susan Rice as Chair of WH Committee on Equity Spells Doom, A Dangerous Comeback of the Gene-Edited-Babies Scientist in China, An Open Letter to NYC Mayor Eric Adams: The Covid Regime and its Discontents. by Tom Renz, Esq. For those at moderate and above risk, it is reasonable to choose one oral antiviral (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Paxlovid, molnupiravir) and consider combining it with an intracellular antibiotic (e.g., doxycycline or azithromycin) to cover concomitant atypical organisms and superimposed bacterial bronchitis. Alan Jones is a professional and a nice man, so he gave Dutton a second chance, directly asking him where he thinks this 'black sovereignty' and Lidia Thorpe fit into the Prime Minister's vision for the Voice. Dr Peter McCullough. (AAPS). Millions have died using the protocols that most physicians recommended, "if you feel ill, take ibuprofen, go home and return to the hospital if your breathing becomes labored." | Feb 26, 2023 | Education, Faith, Politics. I am 70 years old, and my mother is long passed away. He has been censored and attacked for doing so. mortality drug league table below. https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/dosage. Please. The Joe Rogan Experience, a podcast hosted by actor and comedian Joe Rogan, interviewed cardiologist Peter McCullough in December 2021. Recorded at the Andrews University Village Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan, August 20, 2021, this . A report from Klaassen et al. He's an internist, he's a cardiologist and he's an epidemiologist. Austin, TX, August 26, 2020 Respected Dallas cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine Dr. Peter McCullough, has written an article "providing clear guidance to physicians on how to treat COVID-19 at home to prevent hospitalizations and death.". [vi] Dr McCullough testified in the US Senate on January 24, 2022, that going forward 95% of all COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths are avoidable with multidrug treatment. Dr. McCullough has 46 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in The Hill and on FOX NEWS Channel. We have proposed an algorithm based on age and comorbidities that allows for a large proportion to be monitored and treated at home during self-isolation with the aim of reducing the risks of hospitalization and death. For those at moderate and above risk, it is reasonable to choose one oral antiviral (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Paxlovid, molnupiravir) and consider combining it with an intracellular antibiotic (e.g., doxycycline or azithromycin) to cover concomitant atypical organisms and superimposed bacterial bronchitis. Paxlovid should be utilized only in the unvaccinated, and the US CDC warns the public about Paxlovid Rebound in the vaccinated, making the syndrome worse and lasting longer with a prolonged period of infectivity to others.4 Mulnipiravir is seldom used since its impact on the syndrome is modest and given its known mutagenic risks theoretically, including cancer and promotion of mutations in SARS-CoV-2. 4https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2022/pdf/CDC_HAN_467.pdf . Since covid cases are on the rise again, it is good to have this available. In the first video below, he talks about monoclonal . Our list contains physicians who generally follow more flexible treatment approaches than those advocated by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). Courageous Discourse with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake is a reader-supported publication. This becomes all the more concerning since there is evidence the Chinese were funding the UPenn Biden Center on Security, the Biden Think Tankclearly a misnomerwhere records were also stored, unsecured, and since Joe became President, anonymous Chinese donors have poured millions into that university, and Biden Inc. is still in business! For those who are having second and third infections it will be even more mild often indistinguishable from the common cold. The 57-year-old physician used the protocol of hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, aspirin, and vitamins that he and over 20 of his colleagues have published for the early treatment of COVID-19. [ii] Many have asked which solutions, mixtures, and frequencies should be used? study. Please join us to protect the Supreme Court: The Totalitarian Wolves Are Licking Their Chops, Diabolical George Soros Is Using Ron DeSantis to Assure Our Worst Nightmare Prevails, Subterfuge by way of Trains, Laptops, and Needles:Rep. Jim Jordan on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Abuse of the Lawmaking Process on COVID Issues, All for Political Gain, The Constitutions Grant of Independent Power to States Against Invasion, DOJ and US Treasury Not Working With Congress on Hunter Probes, Simple Solutions to Save Lives, Faceless FTC Bureaucrats are Fighting and Suppressing It, Research Continues to Pour In, Leaving Millions of Vaccinated Susceptible to Serious Diseases, Pushing COVID-19 Shots in Pregnancy: The Greatest Ethical Breach in the History of Medicine, 10 Letters Legal Strategies for Vaccine Injury Accountability, Blood Damage Explains Many Harmful Impacts of COVID Vaccines, Early Treatment Suppression and Nasal Hygiene with Nathan Jones & Dr. Peter McCullough, Here is The Data to Prove The Shots Dont Work!, Dilute Povidone-Iodine Nasal/Oral Washes for the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19, Steps to Take Before Hospitalization & COVID-19 Treatment Guide, Risks of Vaccines for Those Recovered from COVID-19 Krammer, Raw & Mathioudakis, Foundations of Good Health, and Its Not Pharmaceuticals, The Biden Scandal Gets More Bizarre and Dangerous by the Day, https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(20)30673-2/fulltext, https://www.imrpress.com/journal/RCM/21/4/10.31083/j.rcm.2020.04.264, https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2022/pdf/CDC_HAN_467.pdf, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8725339/, https://www.ijirms.in/index.php/ijirms/article/view/1100#downloadTab, https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/dosage. All Rights Reserved, List of Doctors that will provide early treatment for COVID-19, Dr Peter McCullough Early Treatment Protocol (December 2022), Dr Peter McCullough: Povidone Iodine, Oral and Nasal Hygiene (2023), America's Frontline Doctors Early Treatment Protocol and Contact a Physician 2023, How to Make Povidone Iodine 1% Nasal Spray, Find a Doctor to prescribe Paxlovid, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Early Outpatient Treatments, Quercetin and Zinc: Zelenko Treatment Protocol, FLCCC I-CARE COVID Treatment Protocol for Outpatients (2023).

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