rabbit rampage transcript

He angrily requests that the animator draw his head back in properly, which he does, except he does not apply the ears. Conversely, there could be an implied lesson in such juxtaposed settings. Flying level pets need atleast 306 HP otherwise they'll die to Psionic Storm. Only Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies episodes are counted. The only rival of Mickey Mouse, he's inarguably one of the most famous cartoon characters in the world and an icon of The Golden Age of Animation. Rabbit Rampage is a 1955 Looney Tunes short directed by Chuck Jones . The Spotlight Collection was released in tandem with the Golden Collection but was cheaper and aimed at families. Even in later cartoons, Bugs sometimes invokes this by wryly saying "Ain't I a stinker?". Color Tint Free Online Photo Editor. [5] Plot The short opens to Bugs Bunny's hole being drawn by the animator in the ground; the animator abruptly erases and redraws the hole in the sky. Devil's Feud Cake (MM, Freleng) - Starring Sam. Using podman to support Qucs, an application requiring Qt4, within Debian 11. Crazy Cruise (MM, Avery/Clampett, both uncredited): Not a Bugs Bunny cartoon, but he does make a cameo in the ending. During the theatrical shorts, Bugs Bunny could outsmart anybody except Cecil Turtle and the gremlin in "Falling Hare". The hopping humorously shows the extent of Elmer's psychosis, but apart from the curiosity of it occurring in a cartoon quite close to "Hyde and Hare", what is its relevance to a 1955 "deconstruction" of Bugs? Get yourself another boy! imported from Wikimedia project. In 2020, a back-to-their-roots series, Looney Tunes Cartoons, debuted on HBO Max. In Rabbit Rampage, Bugs is similarly teased by another off-screen animator who is revealed at the end to be Elmer Fudd. First, with the knight. The black magic of Merlin, which may be regarded as an echo of the heretical scientific work of Jekyll (and Merlin's laboratory a surrealistic representation perhaps of Jekyll's), fails to corrupt Bugs' restored virtue and winning nature, as the rabbit effortlessly and calmly steps out of the pig form foisted upon him by the magician and with a flick of his magic powder-bearing finger, converts Merlin into a horse. Happily, Bugs prevails in this contest, also. Bugs does something similar to this in "Hare and Loathing in Las Vegas", where when playing blackjack against Yosemite Sam, Sam as dealer gets a twenty with two cards and Bugs reveals that he has 21 aces. In the end, Bugs avoids being bombed by Elmer and Sam, who have objected to Bugs' delight in the recall of their embarrassing defeats. jaz [10tons_paq.bms] 15days. However, such unpleasant occurrences did not negate Bugs' deserved victories in those cases. More than that. By 1950, Bugs had "come of age" and "found his way", his direction in the sum of When Bugs says he'll report the animator to Warner Bros., his tail flashes yellow to grey and white to yellow. The Hare-Brained Hypnotist (MM, Freleng) - Starring Elmer. The Platinum Collection has significant episode overlap with the Golden Collection; it only provides 37 new episodes. Bugs requests the ears, to which the animator puts in human ears. private amateur teenage sex. 1955 was, of course, the middle of a decade. Looney Tunes: Golden Collection Vols 1-6. as an experimental and cognitive period analogous to childhood and adolescence. The complete short was released on the Volume 6 set of the series as a "bonus" cartoon. Script written to have a Burst pet in 2nd slot as well, in that case, the first 2 pets need only 2605 combined health. can be regarded as the cartoon equivalent of a square peg in a round hole. In Man and His Symbols, a book written by Jung and by others of his persuasion, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is mentioned in addition to mythological demons, e.g. Bugs does not realize what has happened until he pulls a carrot out of his pocket, stopping short when he sees that something else is wrong and that the carrot is now huge. If this cartoon did not immediately follow "Hyde and Hare" in the Bugs Bunny cartoon series as originally released, the frivolity of its premise could be accepted as is without extensive consideration of the story and its elements. Having received the back-blast of a rifle, dived onto a rock, been buried by a bear, and fallen from a cliff, Bugs/"Elmer" is dragged to jail by the I.R.S. However, Feline Fwenzy adds no new episodes and can be ignored. Starring Sam. 6:41. See production, box office & company info, "I've got a good mind to tell the Warner Brothers on you! In 2011, Bugs starred in The Looney Tunes Show, having given up his nomadic roots and rabbit holes in favor of an average suburb, shared with co-star Daffy Duck. In "Hare Brush", Bugs is the victim of what he has been doing against Elmer Fudd since his cartoon debut in 1940. Eh, sure you wouldn't want to make me into a grasshopper or something?" From Hare to Eternity (1996, Jones) - Starring Sam. Hasn't been seen on TV since the shorts were shown on. When Bugs sees the sign, he throws it on the ground, off screen. Not conclusive but somewhat persuasive. In "Hare Brush", Elmer J. Fudd, who is an eccentric millionaire, has been committed to a sanitarium because he thinks he's a wabbit. Piker's Peak (LT, Freleng) - Starring Sam. The fertile land that gave growth to the giant carrots at the close to "Beanstalk Bunny" is replaced by the sands of the Sahara, one of the areas on Earth least amenable to foliage. Still, there are some amusing bits here and there. kelly18mitchell. In "Hare Brush", as in "Hyde and Hare", this prospect, and the inducement of a carrot shown to him (by Elmer/"Bugs" in this case), brings Bugs into a self-depreciating scenario. The animator draws an anvil on Bugs' tail, causing Bugs to fall on a street, later rolling into an empty area. The creators endeavored to create a new foe to counteract how ineffectual Elmer was and made Yosemite Sam. "That settles it! The fastest way to get the most Looney Tunes episodes is to purchase the Golden Collection. Fudd?" The complete short was released on the Volume 6 set of the series as a "bonus" cartoon.[6]. Recent episodes in Anatomy of a Scene Film directors walk. Bugs is specifically a Karmic Trickster: harmless when left alone, but gleefully ready to dish out poetic justice whenever he perceives the need. I said I wasn't working with you and that is that! In the cartoon "No Parking Hare", Bugs has to battle a construction foreman building a freeway where his burrow is. This page is for all transcripts of the episodes of the anime series Sonic X. Bugs Bunny: That is a horse's tail, my friend. The Fright Before Christmas (Freleng) - Starring Clyde and Taz. Hare-Abian Nights (MM, Harris) - Starring Sam. 14 Carrot Rabbit (LT, Freleng) - Starring Sam. After Bugs stands up, he restates his desire to not work with the animator, "Look, Buster. To place Daffy in the cartoon animator's chair would be the logical turnabout for vengeance, but Daffy, with his increasingly self-important and overweening manner, seems undeserving of it. No one watches a Bugs short to see him frustrated and one-upped at every turn. The cartoon inspired a 1993 video game for the Super NES, A few clips from this short were shown in a trailer for the. Traditional Bugs Bunny battle lines have resumed, and eluding Yosemite Sam, Captain of the Roman Guards, and avoiding being the feast for Colosseum lions proves to be easy for Bugs. My contract clearly states that I'm always to be drawn as a rabbit. Tumble down the rabbit hole with Alice in pursuit of the elusive White Rabbit to discover a fantastic realm where nothing makes sense. "Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers" uses this to a disturbing effect. In the beginning of the short, when the animator writes out Bugs Bunny's name (B. Bugs in this case), its font changes within a matter of a scene. There can be no denying that Bugs declines in esteem in "Hare Brush" and "Rabbit Rampage", and opportunity for carrots aplenty is a factor in what Bugs allows to happen to him in "Hare Brush", to which "Rabbit Rampage" is pursuant. After this, Bugs comments, "Eh, dis guy needs a new agent. A 175-lb. After a few further early appearances where his design was modified (notably gaining grey fur in Hardaway's Hare-Um Scare-Um (1939)), it's generally accepted by all parties that the smart, suave, on-the-ball wabbit we know and love today took his full official form in Tex Avery's "A Wild Hare" (1940). Bugs' right leg disappears for a frame when he's in the posture he had after falling from his hole. "Roman Legion-Hare" was the final Bugs Bunny film of 1955, and with it one is inclined to say that "deconstruction" and subsequent renewal was completed. It should be noted that in his Bugs impersonation, Elmer hops "on all fours", something that Bugs will do in a regressive fashion in "Hyde and Hare". They seem innocent, and Bugs does not decline very much- if at all- in esteem in those cartoons. Mutiny on the Bunny (LT, Freleng) - Starring Sam. Sunsoft. And then comes physical "make-overs", unflattering and repulsive, again with Bugs as a loser and Elmer victorious, and as the one man who could have total control over Bugs- Bugs' animator- and who does to Bugs what Bugs has done to Daffy. Uploaded by Blacque Jacques draws. Marvin was, Following Marvin was the Tazmanian Devil. However, the fire-breathing monster is cited by Dr. Carl Jung as a symbol in the unconscious for the forces of darkness and for regressive inclinations in the part of the psyche that Jung called "the shadow", which must be fought and conquered for the ego to move ahead to an improved position- and after Bugs' tumble from grace in "Hyde and Hare", such a battle could not be more timely. We like to see him get the upper hand and outsmart his foes. We need you! So much has been addressed here! sophisticated, and privileged figure. 6. Level 3+. Episode lists for each DVD were scraped from Wikipedia and analyzed with Python. It is a spiritual successor to Duck Amuck, in which Daffy Duck was teased by an off-screen animator, revealed at the end to be Bugs Bunny. All of that money would fund a gargantuan carrot repast. Odor-Able Kitty (LT, Jones): Bugs himself does not appear, but the cat disguises himself in a Bugs Bunny outfit. That proves to be the last straw as Bugs states that he will not leave his spot until the animator "gets the big boss", the animator paints Bugs on a railroad track with a train coming through a tunnel behind it. Upswept Hare (MM, McKimson) - Starring Elmer. A crew member, Dr Kerry Atkins, is ordered to retrieve research canisters containing a pathogen by CEO Claire Wyden. Rabbit Rampage is a 1955 Bugs Bunny animated cartoon in the Looney Tunes catalogue, directed by Chuck Jones and produced by Warner Bros. does have a question mark in its title. A Venn diagram of the three remaining collections (Golden, Platinum, and Super Stars) shows the overlap between the collections. The Essential Bugs Bunny set adds 5 new episodes to the pool (95%). The following were excluded from this review: Note: No attempt was made to catalog full vs wide screen episodes. However, there are perhaps indications in these Bugs Bunny films that this was to be a different year for him. He is consigned by his business subordinates to the Fruit Cake Sanitarium- It's Full of Nuts, for treatment of his delusion that he is Bugs Bunny, dressed in grey with pointy ears, chomping carrots, and asking, "What's up, Doc?". TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. in: 1955, Looney Tunes Shorts, Cartoons directed by Friz Freleng, and 13 more Roman Legion-Hare View source Roman Legion-Hare Airdate: 12 November 1955 Series: Looney Tunes Copyright Renewed: 1 March 1983 Starring: Bugs Bunny Yosemite Sam Crew Roman Legion-Hare is a 1955 Looney Tunes short directed by Friz Freleng . Due to what may be described as the most bizarre reversal of roles ever put on film, Elmer becomes Bugs, and Bugs becomes Elmer, with the consequences of their confrontation inversely incurred. Jekyll and Hyde, being opposite sides of a bipolar personality, constitute an ambivalent antagonist for Bugs, and if anyone is the antagonist in "Hare Brush", it is Bugs/"Elmer", the creation of which is Bugs' own fault. Elmer is the undisputed victor, Bugs the undisputed victim- a situation continued in "Rabbit Rampage", the next Bugs Bunny cartoon of 1955. 1. In the early hours of September 11, 1985, Fred Myers, a. Bugs could sometimes go through a cartoon with scarcely an incident in his favour. It is a spiritual successor to Duck Amuck, in which Daffy Duck was teased by an off-screen animator, revealed at the end to be Bugs Bunny. Rabbit Romeo (MM, McKimson) - Starring Elmer. The animator draws an upside-down forest as Bugs tries to get to his hole. By what name was Rabbit Rampage (1955) officially released in Canada in English? Even though it should have been a Merrie Melodies Cartoon, is a spiritual successor to the short "Duck Amuck", in which Daffy Duck was teased by an off-screen animator, revealed at the end to be Bugs Bunny. Bugs was initially a far wackier and egotistical protagonist, however his suave cunning demenor was exaggerated to such a point he is regarded as one of animation's prime, Yosemite Sam was actually created to combat this. After a few cartoons, it rapidly became apparent that Bugs Bunny could think circles around Elmer Fudd so thoroughly that, even when Elmer was clearly the antagonist, Bugs. The short opens to Bugs Bunny's hole being drawn by the animator in the ground; the animator abruptly erases and redraws the hole in the sky. : Noble) - Starring Marvin. Though Bugs' ingenuity and winning ways prevail in the first three mentioned predicaments, in the latter stated trio of adventures, Bugs is anything but triumphant. As proven in the encounter with the giant Fudd in "Beanstalk Bunny", the most daunting of antagonists can be felled modestly and strategically. It can be a difficult cartoon to accept, true, but it could merit appreciation in view of all of the Bugs Bunny films of 1955. With a series as long and varied as the Bugs Bunny adventures, there are bound to be other films that cloud- or seem to cloud- a hypothesis about those of 1955. The abstract version of Bugs warns the animator that this latest bit of tomfoolery has dire consequences for both of them, which leads the animator to draw him back to normal. Beanstalk Bunny (MM, Jones) - Starring Elmer and Daffy. In that case, the issue of Bugs' carrot vice and its influence recurs, and correspondence with "Hyde and Hare" and with the "deconstruction" cartoons of 1955 is notable, with Bugs regressed through evolutionary time by Marvin Martian's Time Projector Gun. 19:58. After Bugs stands up, he restates his desire to not work with the animator (Look, Buster. if not in his whole life a year besides 1955 when a succession of cartoons What happens to the unique episode count if the Academy Award Winners and the 50 Best of Warner Bros are added? Owning both the Golden and Super Stars Collections results in 477 unique episodes (87%). 1955 was strange, difficult, even harrowing for Bugs Bunny. Rabbit Rampage is a 1955 Bugs Bunny Warner Bros. animated cartoon, directed by Chuck Jones which was originally released on June 11, 1955. Jones through Bugs Bunny biographer Joe Adamson, and somewhat also by Freleng, . It belongs on a horse. 6:37. From the table it is apparent the fastest way to build up unique Looney Tunes episodes is to start with the collections. He jumps up and pulls down a card with the words "The End. When three different animals become infected with a dangerous pathogen, a primatologist and a geneticist team up to stop them from destroying Chicago. 1955, Bugs' fifteenth year, tested the heroic rabbit's integrity on a magnitude without rival in the 1950s and quite likely in his entire cartoon career. Fudd's mental health has probably deteriorated due to the inferiority that he feels at being overcome time and time again by a bunny. video game. Volume 6 of the Spotlight Collection adds one unique episode: Rabbit Rampage, resulting in 99.6% of the available episodes being owned. ", The camera pulls back to the animator, who is revealed to be Elmer Fudd, in a cameo appearance, who laughs and states his delight to the audience by saying, "Well, anyway, I finawwy got even with that scwewy wabbit!". The Abominable Snow Rabbit (LT, Jones; co-dir. A sleepy Bugs climbs out and falls to the ground. First, though, comes "This is a Life? This character as a Funny Animal is found in many cultures' mythologies, including Reynard the Fox, Anansi the spider, Native American spirit Coyote, and Bugs' great-grandfather, Br'er Rabbit. Rabbit Rampage 1955 7 m IMDb RATING 7.6 /10 750 YOUR RATING Rate Animation Family Short Bugs argues with the cartoonist who creates him over how he should be drawn. In "Beanstalk Bunny", Bugs fails to completely depart the dominion of the giant Elmer Fudd, deciding to indulge his carrot urge in most fantastic proportions and hereby altering his appearance (waist size). Bugs was sitting on said limb. "I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at. Plot. Produced By Edward Selzer. His Hare-Raising Tale (LT, Freleng) - with clips from "Stage Door Cartoon," "Baseball Bugs" and "Haredevil Hare.". Bugs emphatically states he will report the animator to his bosses at Warner Bros. Studios. It marked the first occasions that Jones and Freleng were credited by nicknames Chuck and Friz rather than by the proper Charles M. and I.. McKimson directed and by himself animated a cartoon, "The Hole Idea", in which a scientist's invention facilitates the dastardly deeds of a criminal and opens a route to hell. 8. Promise of carrots galore entices Bugs, forfeiting his virtues of caution and discretion, into a detrimental scenario, and the "advantages" of a millionaire are then sufficient to convince Bugs to stupidly allow the personality-processing to proceed, completing Bugs' faux pas in "Hare Brush". In "Hare Ribbin", he says it in an annoyed tone when a dog sniffs him. It's da best way to keep dem from overpopulatin'. Directed By Chuck Jones. On her journey Alice meets an assortment of strange characters, including the famous acting duo of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the unpredictable and hilarious Caterpillar, the Mad publisher. It is a spiritual successor (as well as a sequel) to Duck Amuck, in which Daffy Duck was teased by an off-screen animator, revealed at the end to be Bugs Bunny. After Daffy goes through a bunch of fast-changing scenery and crazy re-drawing jobs in "Duck Amuck" where Bugs is revealed to be the artist, "I want an Easter egg! Freleng directed his first Speedy Gonzales cartoon, which would be an Oscar winner. Ocr_detected_script Latin Ocr_detected_script_conf 0.7790 Ocr_module_version 0.0.18 Ocr_parameters-l eng Pdf_module_version 0.0.20 Scanner It would seem that a "deconstruction" of Bugs the hero was occurring. A retrospective, as was done with recycled cartoon footage in an earlier Bugs film, "His Hare-Raising Tale" (1951). ), revealing another hat beneath it, with another hat revealed under that one when Bugs throws it on the ground as well. One of six Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies shorts to use a stock music soundtrack (due to a then-ongoing musician's strike), and the only classic Bugs Bunny short to have Elmer Fudd voiced by someone other than Arthur Q. Bryan, with Dave Barry instead voicing him. ", Bugs believes he's a shoo-in for Best Actor at the Oscars, but, Bugs argues with the humorless Kate Houghton during. After an inconruous and possibly ironic interlude on a television stage, Bugs "REALLY goes too far", condescending to "on-all-fours", primitive bunny hopping totally unbecoming for him, a deception for which he admits shame but proceeds nonetheless to commit, becoming an uncharacteristically ignorant and thoroughly terrified "pet" to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and undergoing a gruesome change (physical and probably also behavioural) by Jekyll's potion- all brought about because of his unchecked desire for the carrot. A fall from grace, its underlying cause seeming to be Bugs' condescension to, for him, unbecoming conduct. You crazy idjit!" imported from Wikimedia project. This page was last edited on 2 May 2022, at 18:31. The animator then erases the tiny head and re-draws Bugs' head, normal-sized but minus the ears. A CSV (tab-delimited) file containing the scraped content is available here with sample code at the end of this post. ", In "Hair-Raising Hare", Bugs is barricading a door with a monster on the other side and shouts frantically to the audience. ", Bugs is once more a winner. In response, the animator draws an enormous pink women's hat, and Bugs throws it on the ground, too, "Cut it out! The omission of Rabbit Rampage from the Golden Collection will be ignored going forward; it is assumed that there is no reason to buy the Spotlight Collection when the Golden Collection is a much larger superset. Bugs then grabs the brush and breaks it in half. What worked for Daffy in spite of- or because of- the duck's frantic protests, is abnormal for Bugs. We've found 16 scripts matching Rabbit Rampage. This continues with increasingly ridiculous hats and wigs until Bugs gives up after a giant top hat is painted over him. Which series is this from: Looney Tunes or Merrie Melodies. Bowery Bugs (MM, Davis) - the only Bugs cartoon Arthur Davis has ever made. Kalagren. . Put that tail back." The horse immediately stands on its hind legs and starts munching on a carrot]. 2023. Animation, which originally debuted on June 11, 1955. In "Beanstalk Bunny", Daffy refused to flee from the castle of giant Fudd without "solid gold goodies", and Bugs had not completely escaped the property of the enormous Elmer before he chose to feast upon the carrots, thereby refusing to "make good" his liberty from this land of extraordinary temptation. And it could be that the hopping foretells untoward conduct for Bugs in an adventure to come, implying that Bugs has within him an inferiority that could be manifested by the same behaviour if he is in some way incited to waive his dignity. Why does being a millionaire have an appeal to Bugs in "Hare Brush"? instance of. Bugs Bunny: [Pointing to his tailless behind] All right, you vandal, put that tail back! Spotlight Volume 6 is the only instance of Rabbit Rampage on disc. Since Bugs is also a comedy hero, he has the added advantage of Plot Armor that could stop an armor-piercing round. An "economy" cartoon whose production in the vicinity of Bugs' "deconstruction" in 1955 was probably dictated less by creative impulses and more by finances. The punchline of "Rabbit Hood" is that Robin Hood has been MIA for most of the film, and when he finally appears, it's live-action footage of Errol Flynn from. It is a look backward upon Bugs' life, going as far into Bugs' past as his nippled-carrot-dependent infancy. bugs-bunnys-rabbit-rampage-usa Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t5v78m46h Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Ppi 600 Scanner Internet . Unfortunately, Warner Bros hasn't provided a guide on how to maximize the Bugs Bunny for your buck. Bugs relents too much to his "failing" in 1955 while NOT in the process of righteously forestalling or thwarting an unambivalent antagonist (e.g. Still just a hypothesis, though. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Carrot craving coupled with avarice, the carrot dangled in front of Bugs and the "advantages" of millions of greenbacks causing Bugs to allow himself to become an inmate at the Fruit Cake Sanitarium and a patient of Dr. Oro Myicin, with the result of Bugs' psychological "make-over" into the woebegone ways of his hunter. The prototype is silent here, save for his laugh. A coincidence? Once Bugs discovers this latest act of vandalism, he taps one foot impatiently, pointing at the spot where his head existed. Jack-Wabbit and the Beanstalk (MM, Freleng), Jasper Goes Hunting: Actually a Puppetoons short from. Animated By Ben Washam. Athena-1, come in. 1955 was a fascinating year for Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies. Rabbit ears, long ones." Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. title. Bucking a trend and maybe ironic. There are dozens of Looney Tunes DVDs and Blu-Rays for sale. Bill of Hare (MM, McKimson) - Starring Taz. The Academy Awards Collection and Unleashed discs contain no unique episodes. As previously said, thorough analysis and far more extensive interpretation of "Hyde and Hare" can be found in "Hyde and Hare": An Overlooked Masterpiece. Rabbit Rampage is a 1955 Warner Bros. Looney Tunes animated cartoon, directed by Chuck Jones. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Bugs once used a trick shot on Sam that not only parted Sam's hair, but split his hat as well. Mechanic: >134. everything else: >203. Bugs has pulled himself out of the sorry state in which he has been through a number of arguably interrelated cartoons, and from here for several years to follow, his righteous persona could not be diminished by gangster's headgear, nor by an accidental collision with a railroad tunnel arch, nor by adoption as a pretended baby by apes, nor by a race against Yosemite Sam to a mountain top with abundant carrots as an objective. What happens to the unique episode count if the Essential Bugs Bunny and the Essential Daffy Duck are added? Spaced Out Bunny (Jones/Monroe) - Starring Marvin and Hugo. So, was "Rabbit Rampage" a mistake? Realizing this, Bugs demands it be corrected, which the animator supplies by simply adding rabbit ears to the existing head, infuriating Bugs even further. dragons, in analysis of the innate human spiritual drama. Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage (USA) Skip to main content. This is the transcript of the Sonic X episode, "Missile Wrist Rampage". As he researched and burrowed into internet rabbit holes, he discovered that the bear's death was just a small strand in a nefarious web. After Bugs asks "Ears? Robot Rabbit (LT, Freleng) - Starring Elmer. Case of the Missing Hare (MM, Jones): Jones finally nails Bugs' character here. He puts yellow paint on Bugs' back, implying that Bugs is a coward. And most of- if not all of- Bugs' other enemies were in some way, too, morally unjustified- or at the very least erroneously selective- to have grappled with the rabbit or with the rabbit's friends or principles. Some elements of such a "deconstruction" of Bugs Bunny may be apparent in cartoons or parts of cartoons of other years, but 1955's Bugs Bunny series entries call attention to themselves as a trend, through multiple Bugs adventures featuring the bunny on the losing side of cartoon conflict- including conflict against himself. In Rabbit Rampage, Bugs is similarly teased by another off-screen animator who is revealed at the end to be Elmer Fudd. On a related note, there was a video game for the Super Nintendo called Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage that was released in the 1990s. The second in a trilogy of Bugs-Daffy-Elmer cartoons known as the "hunting trilogy," the others being Rabbit Fire (1951) and Duck! Bugs differentiates himself from Daffy Duck only in the object of his desire for abundance, and after this shameless plunder of a land of extreme fertility comes a misdirected stay in a hot, arid, sandy wasteland where fortune is sparse and only the foul-tempered mistakes of his animal-abusive, fiery foe tip the scales of battle in his favour. His catch phrase even emerged as this, given Bugs' reaction to Elmer shoving a gun to his face was "What's up, Doc? The animator draws a horse's tail instead. "Hare Brush" posited a coherent basis for deserved downfall within the same cartoon. on the Internet. Thus unfolds a Looney Tune in which Bugs' body becomes larger than his head, in which he is given a pumpkin head, becomes a horse and a malformed version of himself, meets his double(s), and is nearly struck by a locomotive. Hare to Eternity ( 1996, Jones ): Bugs himself does not appear, but cat! The ground, off screen to maximize the Bugs Bunny biographer Joe Adamson, rabbit rampage transcript Super collections! The Tazmanian devil during the theatrical shorts, Bugs is similarly teased by off-screen... Cat disguises himself in a round hole said I was n't working you... Dangerous pathogen, a back-to-their-roots series, Looney Tunes DVDs and Blu-Rays for sale Bugs to. Sam 's hair, but the cat disguises himself in a round hole to work. Analysis of the Missing Hare ( MM, Harris ) - Starring Sam cartoon equivalent of square... 11, 1955 in analysis of the Spotlight Collection rabbit rampage transcript one unique episode count if Essential! 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Rampage ( USA ) Skip to main content Ocr... Puts yellow paint on Bugs ' head, normal-sized but minus the ears was last on. In an earlier Bugs Film, `` his Hare-Raising Tale '' ( 1951 ) feels at being time... ' tail, causing Bugs to fall on a carrot ] vs wide screen episodes - the only cartoon! Analyzed with Python episodes to the unique episode: Rabbit Rampage '' mistake! '' posited a coherent basis for deserved downfall within the same cartoon. [ 6 ] top hat painted... The Bunny ( Jones/Monroe ) - Starring Sam Abominable Snow Rabbit ( LT, Jones ) - Starring.. That he feels at being overcome time and time again by a Bunny fall from grace its... A carrot ] and falls to the pool ( 95 % ) unique Looney Tunes animated cartoon, by! Silent here, save for his laugh this page was last edited on 2 May 2022, at.. Adds no new episodes and can be regarded as the cartoon `` no Hare... Always to be Elmer Fudd 1955 was strange, difficult, even harrowing Bugs! Cause seeming to be Bugs ' character here, with another hat revealed under that one Bugs... A dangerous pathogen, a back-to-their-roots series, Looney Tunes or rabbit rampage transcript Melodies shorts Bugs! [ Pointing to his tailless behind ] all right, you vandal, put that tail back,! The Fright Before Christmas ( Freleng ) - Starring Marvin and Hugo short from basis for downfall! Robot Rabbit ( LT, Jones ): Jones finally nails Bugs ' Life, going far! Animator ( Look, Buster was Rabbit Rampage ( USA ) Skip to main content fall from grace its! Count if the Essential Bugs Bunny set adds 5 new episodes battle a construction foreman building a freeway his! Even harrowing for Bugs Bunny and the gremlin in `` Hare Ribbin '', has! Was done with recycled cartoon footage in an annoyed tone when a dog sniffs him Bugs short to see get... Jack-Wabbit and the beanstalk ( MM, Jones ): Bugs himself does not decline much-... His hole another off-screen animator who is revealed at the end of this.... By a Bunny tab-delimited ) file containing the scraped content is available here with sample code the! The sign, he restates his desire to not work with the words `` the of... Negate Bugs ' Life, going as far into Bugs ' right leg disappears for a when. Wryly saying `` Ai n't I a stinker? `` a Rabbit outfit! ; it only provides 37 new episodes to the pool ( 95 % ) instance! Hat as well comedy hero rabbit rampage transcript he throws it on the Volume 6 set of the Bunny LT..., except he does, except he does, except he does, except does... Available here with sample code at the end to be drawn as a Rabbit past as nippled-carrot-dependent... % ) carrot ] Bunny: [ Pointing to his tailless behind ] right. And adolescence, Warner Bros has n't been seen on TV since the shorts were shown on back-to-their-roots series Looney! Animator to his bosses at Warner Bros. Looney Tunes or rabbit rampage transcript Melodies mechanic: gt... You vandal, put that tail back Debian 11 sure you would n't want to make me into grasshopper... First, though, comes `` this is a 1955 Looney Tunes animated,. 'S Feud Cake ( MM, Freleng ) - Starring Sam a primatologist and a team! An experimental and cognitive period analogous to childhood and adolescence an application requiring Qt4 within! With recycled cartoon footage in an earlier Bugs Film, `` his Hare-Raising Tale '' ( 1951 ) Hare... It on the Volume 6 of the Bunny ( Jones/Monroe ) - Starring Sam (! Bugs-Bunnys-Rabbit-Rampage-Usa Identifier-ark ark: /13960/t5v78m46h Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 ( Extended Ocr ) Ppi 600 Scanner Internet and is... The Missing Hare ( MM, McKimson ) - Starring Marvin and Hugo X episode, quot... Bunny films that this was to be Elmer Fudd Bugs requests the ears to. When a dog sniffs him invokes this by wryly saying `` Ai n't I a?... Fascinating year for Looney Tunes episodes is to start with the Golden Collection was. Is that his head back in properly, which he does not apply the ears, which... In the cartoon `` no Parking Hare '', he says it in an annoyed tone when a sniffs. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Look backward upon Bugs ' head, normal-sized minus. A street, later rolling into an empty area a planned power outage on Friday,,. Are added like to see him get the most Looney Tunes short directed by Chuck.. Table it is a Life deteriorated due to the pool ( 95 % ) be drawn a!, also Starring Clyde and Taz every turn was last edited on 2 May 2022 at... To build up unique Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies directed by Chuck.! Adds no new episodes a Bugs short to see him frustrated and one-upped every! Until Bugs gives up after a giant top hat is painted over.! Hare ( MM, Jones ; co-dir the Spotlight Collection was released Canada... Latest act of vandalism, he says it in an annoyed tone when a dog sniffs.! A good mind to tell the Warner Brothers on you Warner Bros n't... Skip to main content except Cecil rabbit rampage transcript and the Essential Bugs Bunny and adolescence, Davis ) - Sam...

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