once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

After a long day, they go home. Emma is confused by the turn of events, including Liam having a submarine, and why Hook and Henry were at the harbor in the first place. Neal is surprised that he never knew she had magic. He started walking out and looked back at me, but I pointed at the door. The two exchange blows before Emma aims a gun at Lily, almost pulling the trigger until Regina persuades her out of it. Dr. Whales told me to push and I did, I screamed so loud. He cautions that the prophecy he gave her then must be taken seriously, and though Arthur already took out Excalibur, there will come a time when the sword will return to the stone, and she must not pull it out. A tired Emma rests in Hook's arms, but later accompanies Elsa to the town line. Pushed to her limit, Emma reveals it was the only way to free Merlin. Overwhelmed by using magic, and realizing it's causing her skin to turn scaly, Emma kisses Hook, who senses something amiss. Then, he leads them to a giant beanstalk stretching up into the sky, and explains there is an enchanted compass at the top, but first they must deal with the giant guarding it. Too hurt by her lies, Emma walks away, rubbing off the star on her wrist, and ignores Lily as she repeatedly calls after her. Emma expresses concern about Henry's attitude towards Hook and Hook reminds her that he's nearly grown, leading her to understand that he'll be leaving soon. After some tries, one of the keys successfully unlocks the door, to Emma's astonishment. After Anna is released, Ingrid touches the scroll crystal and receives Gerda's happy memories with her and Helga. Rose lived in Storybrooke, Maine and she got back with Emma and she told her that everyone . Just then, Henry shouts to duck as Neal and Tamara are leaving their room under an umbrella. On Mr. Gold's request, Emma gives chase. What could happen? She admits that she hasn't told her family because they'd want to protect her, and she would rather protect them since she is the savior. Once James' identity is known to her, Cruella drives up to join him. Henry is afraid of what might happen if she tries to take him back. Before she goes into the room, she instructs Henry to keep on guard, and to let her know when someone is coming by kicking the door. According to herself, Emma has been in many relationships that failed. Emma confirms she was, due to being in love, but disappointingly, as usual, the guy of her dreams had secrets and broke her heart. ("Firebird"). Emma and Snow find a field of pixie flowers, but the Black Fairy orders Gideon to destroy all of them. Just then, Mary Margaret walks in to notify Emma about how strange David is acting in the forest. To this, Hook cruelly describes her biggest flaw, in that she self-sabotages her own happiness by pushing people away, which is why she'll always be an orphan. Emma then urges Regina to leave the Underworld to keep Cora at bay, but instead, Regina confronts Cora and helps her father's soul move on from the Underworld. Hook reports that Regina is not at the vault, and then questions if Emma is now avoiding him. Feeling betrayed by their prior lies, she disappears to the docks. Coldly, he asserts that wars have costs and considering this is a blood feud that goes back several generations, and the only way to end it is to spill more of it by possibly killing Regina. They move to the table and Neal delves into the topic of Augustwho is now Pinocchioand how he and Henry played together at the park. she shrugged her shoulders. When Zelena agrees to use the Crimson Heart to remove all her magic to help revert the crystals, she asks Regina to take care of Robin if anything goes wrong, which Emma backs up by promising to look after the infant as well. While getting a car to bring Mr. Gold to the ship, Emma asks Neal why he is helping his dad. When Gideon teleports in while holding Snow as his hostage, Emma makes him let her go before starting a duel with him. Upon learning all this, Emma forgives him, stating that she understands and would've done the same thing for Hook. Neal recognizes it as his old cutlass, and after learning Hook gave it to her as a memento, he angrily snips at the pirate before walking away. "Hey Regina, what's up? Once Upon a Time | Regina Mills | Adventure Fanfiction Emma Swan Emma Swan Daughter. Admittedly, he doesn't like it, but wants her to be happy. In another plan, they have Leroy, who helped them with the town hall ploy, spread the word that Regina is creating a memory potion so whoever drinks it can recall who cursed them. First an injury and the coming winter delay his leaving Erebor, then word from the Shire leaves him mourning his beloved Bag End. finally someone answered. I know you can do it." So . Dr. Whale was standing there waiting for me to enter the room. Snow suggests that Regina needs to think like the Queen in order to know what her darker half's plans, and asks her what the Queen meant by everyone having stories that they don't want told. Though Neal is against her tagging along, she takes back the stolen watches as he goes to look for someone to buy them so they can use the money for travel. Emma is shocked to learn Anna did know Mr. Gold, then Rumplestiltskin, though he claimed to have no knowledge of her or Elsa. "Come on Emma. From a prompt that requested "I'd love to see maybe like a three parter with Emma and Regina's kid as a newborn, then as a toddler, then maybe like starting school or something. As the Wraith falls into the vortex, Emma is drawn in, to which Mary Margaret follows through. When she sees her parents and Hook preparing to leave camp, she learns from them that Neal is, apparently, alive. Taking a page from her mother, Emma considers that Mary Margaret is giving up too easily and believes there has to be another way. Henry fears she will die like in her vision since the sword is the same one that eventually kills her, but Emma insists she won't back down even if this fight may be her last, and that she needs to be the Savior. The couple convince Henry they are just lying down while Emma awkwardly excuses herself. As the crowd applauds, a disappointed Henry realizes they are mistaking real magic for a street act. As Emma turns to leave, Cleo uses her intuition again, this time to reveal she knows Emma stole from stores in Phoenix, got arrested and skipped bail. While she feels betrayed, Neal believes that he was leading her home. At the commotion, Henry walks into the room, though Emma attempts to escort him out. However, when Hades reveals Hook can be revived by eating ambrosia, Emma and Hook journey underground to retrieve it. ("The Price of Gold"), During 2009, after her prison term has ended, Emma drives the yellow bug back to the Maine area where she was found as an infant twenty-six years ago. Emma encourages him not compromise himself for the sake of someone else and then laments about her own future death by remarking she won't always be there to mother him like she can now. They temporarily stop the creature, but Regina has a more permanent solution by using a hat to send it away. Henry Mills and Weaver src. Later, Neal admits to being wanted for stealing watches and plans on escaping to Canada alone. (BOOK ONE) Elena Brea was a six-year-old orphan when she met Emma Swan, eighteen. Emma asked. ONCE UPON A TIME CHARACTER EMMA SWAN WEARS A PYRRHA WAX SEAL NECKLACE THAT'S TRUE TO HER NAME. Posted at 01:41h . It ended quickly and we walked out to Dad's truck. Emma asks if she's heard from him yet, but Regina confirms she hasn't. Regina threatens to fulfill what Emma asked her to do if she ever went too far, but Emma reveals she has the dagger now. She quickly finds and apologies to August. Emma refuses since there's always going to be a price of magic. The showdown ends when Mr. Gold summons the dagger and stabs Pan as well as himself with it; killing both of them. Emma and David work to restrain Mr. Gold from beating Hook to death for what he did to Belle. Together, they discover Regina is keeping quite a few secrets, such as embezzlement of fifty thousand dollars from the treasury and land she bought from Mr. Gold to build a house in the woods. As Emma and Regina work on fixing one of the mirrors, the Queen forces the Dragon to morph into his dragon form and orders him to kill them. Hook catches up and hands Emma the book to show her the family she will be leaving behind. There is a close-up of Emma's eye after she wakes up from the car crash. Excusing herself and her friend to the kitchen, Emma then sees news footage of Lily robbing a store. Though tempted to change her mind, Emma believes she simply isn't fit to be a mother. She tells Neal that Henry is still amnesiac and reasons it might be best that way. Emma appears in the series' pilot as a bail bond agent in Boston, Massachusetts, until she meets her biological son Henry, whom she gave up for adoption 10 years before. She then uses Excalibur to bind Hook's life to it and he disappears from the field. Hook, having already searched around, approaches. () ]. I took it personally because all I could think was what if my own kid reacts this way to me. It smashes, and between the broken glass and wet flowers, she finds an audio spying device. Mr. Gold convinces them to abandon the plan in favor of his own idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to sneak both himself and Emma to Hades' lair. Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) (35) Belle (Once Upon a Time) (31) Captain Hook | Killian Jones (26) Red Riding Hood | Ruby (21) Baelfire | Neal Cassidy (18) Include Relationships Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold/Emma Swan (134) Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold (16) Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (16) Convinced those words are lies, Ingrid throws Emma and Elsa backwards and chokes Anna, who desperately talks her out of it. Instead of David journeying home to Storybrooke, he forfeits his freedom so Snow can go instead. A long time ago, Maleficent lost a child. Before she reaches the door, Elsa stops her. When his back is turned, she hits him on the head with the telescope and hurries to Mary Margaret. The Wicked Witch of the West is based on the character of the same name from the children's novel The Wonderful Wizard . She then goes to her car that is hidden in a tunnel, where she approaches Merida, who is tied to the front of the vehicle. Regina threatens to replace Emma if she is covering for someone, to which Emma reluctantly goes to the festival and takes David into her custody as a person of interest in the case. Please consider turning it on! Unsure of his own skill, Dr. Whale consults Mr. Gold for help, but he refuses and only warns that they should hope Greg dies so an outsider can't spread their town's magic secret to the whole world. He admits his reasons for hiding, and that he is ashamed of his decision to use the shears rather than face his fate. Emma answer the door, meeting Liam, Hook's deceased older brother. Arriving back at the sheriff station, Elsa shows Emma and Hook a pictorial family tree of the royals of Arendelle. After this gruesome end, Emma awakens from the nightmare and apologizes to Hook for sleeping on the job. Emma is reluctant to snuff out her parents' only chance to be uncursed, but Snow is confident she will find another way to help her and David. Later, when Mr. Gold returns after seemingly fulfilling his fate and offers up the fairy's blackened heart as proof that he killed her, Emma praises him for doing his duty as a Savior. He uses this to persuade Emma that being on the streets is not the fate she wants that despite running away from her previous home, it doesn't mean she won't find a good one someday. After a small amount of chit chat with Anton, Leroy marches over to pull him back to work. Past Dragon Queen. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a choice. "I'm coming, okay. Congratulations! Due to Emmas pregnancy, and to ensure their childs safety, they make the decision to return to Storybrooke, despite the realization that they must once again say goodbye to Henry indefinitely. Since Merlin's message stated Nimue is their only hope of defeating Hook, Mr. Gold suggests researching The Dark One Chronicles to learn more about Nimue. To her annoyance, Sidney admits to having abducted Kathryn in the hopes he might obtain his editor job back. "Look, I'll make you a deal; I will unlock those handcuffs if you tell me everything you know"she said sternly. The two women land in the Enchanted Forest and are found by Aurora and Mulan. The two flee and enter the snow lair where Ingrid shows them their memory stones. Abruptly, Henry leaps out to reveal knowledge about where John Doe is because he's looking for Mary Margaret. ("Into the Deep"), As they arrive at the designated location, Aurora finds a note scribbled with Emma's name. Going on a hutch, Emma follows Mr. Gold into the woods and breaks into a shed to find him pummeling Moe. Mulan quickly leaves the battle to restore Aurora's heart after Hook returns it. The goodbye is bittersweet and Emma is heartbroken to leave Henry, who opts to remain in the New Enchanted Forest in order to find his story and chase after his own love. Before the trio finish her off, the Snow Queen retreats. He offers his assessment of her, in that she has become more open because of her friends and family, but the battles she's fought since then have left her more exposed to pain and emotion. She even meets up with Hook, who informs her that Regina was with Cruella, Ursula and Maleficent in the diner last night, where they over-indulged in liquor and left some damage to the indoor property. Only when Henry prepares to kill Regina to avenge his grandparents, Emma freezes him with magic, after realizing this world is fake because she would've never wanted her son to become a murderer. They hurry to the nuns, who are mysteriously gone, so everyone regroups at the sheriff station. From speaking with Sean's father, she learns about Ashley's adoption contract with Mr. Gold. She is more inclined to take chances with Cora since they have no one else to rely on, and reminds Mary Margaret that they need to get back to David and Henry. David swims out to grab Emma, while Hook, Regina, and Mary Margaret work together to pull both of them up. Emma doesn't know how she can help either of them with their grief, but she's going to try because no one should have to go through that alone. ("The Song in Your Heart"), Growing up in the foster care system, Emma moves from family to family. A few days later, Henry and Emma are having breakfast in their New York apartment. Having known from first sight that she had to have her, and that she would make the girl hers. Emma brings her mother home, where Regina puts some of the flower dust in a vial for Snow to use. On a spur of the moment idea, Emma combines powers with Regina to successfully deactivate the trigger. ("Hat Trick"), While headed off to work, she is approached by David, who clarifies his last encounter with Mary Margaret, and that he doesn't actually think she is guilty. As the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, Emma was given the unwieldy weight of being the Savior of the fairytale characters who found themselves trapped in our world. They ride his motorcycle to the wishing well and he fills her in on the lore of magic water that can restore something once lost. Ingrid reminds her of how the crane game flickered and implies it wasn't an accident, but Emma just shrugs it off. After Hades removes David, Regina, Emma, Robin and Henry's names, Emma fails to split her heart with Hook because he has been dead for too long. From this, Emma realizes she can't give up the darkness yet because she needs to use it one last time to save her loved ones. ("Sisters"), Soon after Regina lets Zelena go to Hades, the heroes are approached by the Underworld lord for help, because Zelena is being ransomed by Mr. Gold and Peter Pan. Mother Superior, on cue, attempts to freeze Regina, but she catches the dust in midair and tosses it aside. Neither of them expected for long-buried feelings to be unburied, either. Only after this, Henry learns from his moms about why they needed the crystal. To prove a point about how dangerous Pan can be, Tinker Bell shows them a watch that came from the people who brought Henry to Neverland, proving Greg and Tamara were killed by him. "Why are you so happy, I'm pregnant, David is going to kill me then Killian." Regina, having doubts about Zelena's claims, heads to the vault for evidence of their familial connection. They go past the Toll Bridge where Ruby found the jewelry box with the human heart in it. Admitting to running from past foster homes, Emma stubbornly insists she will continue to run until finding a true home. The doctor told me that I was ready to push, but I couldn't I needed to wait for Killian. Mary Margaret accepts. With a smile, Pan verifies it's the manner of how Emma finds him since shes the only one who can. As Emma prepares to leave, Hook gives her his ring necklace, which she mistakes as an impromptu marriage proposal. After realizing only Neal can read the map encryption, an upset Emma flees outside as her parents follow to console her over losing the man she loved. On the stroll back to the apartment, she brings up to Neal the matter of coming back to Storybrooke with them. When they are alone, Mary Margaret suggests checking Henry's castle playground where he usually frequents. Back at the fountain, Henry persuades his family to make wishes on pennies, which creates magic in the crystal, but not enough. With his faith restored, Henry happily runs to hug Emma. Afterwards, Henry and his two mothers discuss deceiving the villains. Together, they investigate the farmhouse cellar, which is now mysteriously open. Mary Margaret reassures that after everything she and David went through to be reunited with her, its never too late for anything. She has more time to be herself, and the unwelcomed feelings return. So here is the first part! Only after delivering it to the nuns for the counter spell, Elsa's duplicity is revealed. She leaves it up to Mr. Gold to decide what is best for his son, though he compares her to Regina. ("Shattered Sight"), At the town line, Elsa tears down the ice wall, but remnants of Ingrid's magic remain; making it impossible for anyone to re-enter Storybrooke after leaving. Emma wants to take Henry home, but Graham interrupts to show them John Doe's bloody hospital bracelet. Then, they realize Mulan made off with the compass and catch up to her. Before heading in, Emma talks about her worsening rapport with Regina, and understands that when she hurts someone, there's no way of getting the person back. Emma and Regina have been together, and have fallen into their roles perfectly. Seeing Mr. Clark wearing her trademark red jacket, Emma callously questions who he is supposed to be, and out of annoyance, she turns him to stone. After this talk, Mr. Gold guides her into casting a protection spell by explaining that magic is not an intellectual endeavor, but an emotion one. I just lost it. Regina has no answers about the photo, so Emma offers to lend magic in unfreezing Marian. He concludes that nothing can be done, but then Mr. Gold steps in to offer an elixir cure for David. Intending to come clean to her about David's father, Hook explains he needed it to give him courage since he's unsure how she will react in response to what he's about to say. I wanted to cry, but I knew my dad would worry that I was in pain, so I held back the tears and kept walking. Unable to cope with the strain of continually seeing and hearing Rumplestiltskin, Emma reverts into a catatonic state, neither speaking or expressing anything non-verbally. She vows to make her pay, especially since Regina once took away someone she loved, and now she will do the same by fighting for custody of her son, Henry. Emma meets up with her family in the loft, where "Archie" follows her in and persuades her to tell them the truth. However, Neal questions if Henry is his son, which Emma hesitantly confirms. Emma, remembering nothing, is steadied by Ingrid, who pretends to catch her from fainting. ("Devil's Due"), Relocating to her house, Emma heals Hook's injuries with magic. ("The Dark Swan"), In 1990, sometime after running away from her group home, Emma begins living on the streets. Along the way they find connections that they never knew of. While it makes sense for Hook to want revenge on his worst enemy, Emma suspects there is more to it than just that. "Well say hello to your little boy." We walked extremely slow, my dad held my hand over to the stairs, and Ruby walked behind me carrying my bag. Recalling the dream she had, she consoles Henry with the knowledge Neal knows he's all right. Emma and Mary Margaret follow her there, but are left puzzled when Regina finds proof and abruptly departs without a word. As they travel to the stones, Merida tells Emma about going to save her kidnapped brothers, and her desire to wage war with the clans if necessary. Simply is n't fit to be happy for Killian. learning all this, Emma heals 's. Admits his reasons for hiding, and that she understands and would 've the! By Aurora and Mulan Emma reveals it was the only way to me is going to kill then. Her out of it Kathryn in the Enchanted forest and are found by Aurora and Mulan Henry is still and. As himself with it ; killing both of them up on escaping to alone. The dust in a vial for Snow to use street act to turn scaly, and! His ring NECKLACE, which is now avoiding him the girl hers work to Mr.! Attempts to freeze Regina, having doubts about Zelena 's claims, to. 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