zebra loach and betta

Fighting (or eating) between the two rarely, if ever, breaks out. If you want to add these striped fish (hence the name) to your Betta tank, it has to be at least 30-gallon. Skunk loach. They can easily live in groups in small species-specific or community tanks. They are small and dont require much work to establish a healthy lifestyle. Thats because female Bettas are less territorial and aggressive than male ones. Zebra Loach (Botia Striata) zebra loach. There are over 100 different types of Cories that you can choose from, but they all share something in common. Betta fish tend to swim closer to the surface more often than not, and Corys are always at the bottom. Feel free to choose tank mates from the list given below. One other fact about Balloon Molly fish is they are truly man-made and a result of selective breeding to have scoliosis. Their movements are fun to watch, and they wont bother your Betta fish, and your Bettas wont bother them. They stay strong when it comes to putting up with water level shifting. If your Pygmy cory cats swim at the top of your fish tank, its a sign that the tanks water quality is bad and that you should perform a water change. If you have more space than that, thats even better. The zebra loach is a small to medium fish with an elongated body, flattened laterally with vertical stripes on the body and fins. The main reason for this failure is they get sold at different fish stores while they are juveniles. Red rasbora, aka Harlequin rasbora, are small shoaling fish 2 inches long at max. Tank of the Month, Apple snails are one; nerite snails are another. Check out the FishForums.net Monthly Consider these species decent tank buddies for your betta but slightly less co-habitable than the ones listed above. If you put a goldfish in a betta tank with very warm water, the goldfish will probably suffer from temperature shock that could kill it. Zebra Loaches love to move in slow-moving streams with a good range of vegetation. The low-key maintenance and friendly composition of a Zebra Loach help it stand out pretty well among other fish. If you are considering getting a snail for your betta tank, keep in mind that all snails are highly sensitive to copper. They scientifically go with the name Botia Striata while commonly known as Zebra Loach or Crossbanded Loach. Pygmy cory cats are a type of Cory catfish. These frogs can fit into any small crevices. This tank mate overview article is a generalized guide for selecting different species that could live with a betta. The first problem is that goldfish are coldwater fish preferring water in the 60F range. These fish will take after their other common name and act as Siamese fighting fish. Candy stripe plecos can only be kept in a 25-gallon Betta tank or more, and you should only keep one with your Betta fish, as these Plecos can get territorial. You can add three to five Zebra loaches to your Betta tank, so your Betta fish cant pick on one of them. Zebra loaches are omnivores and readily accept a wide range of foods. Feeding Zebra Loaches a protein-rich diet will further help you keep them healthy and happy. Keep in mind that many loach species are nocturnal, so you wont see much of them unless you have moonlight mood lighting in your bettas aquarium. Make sure to follow these parameters when Common plecos can reach up to 2 feet long and are not recommended for obvious reasons. Do betta fish need company in their tank, or are they happiest when kept alone? After a lot of patience and trying new treatments, its really cool to see the fins grow back a bit. Their dorsal fin grows the shape of a half fan or you can say it looks semi-circular, with the tail fin looking like a fork. Protein-rich diet and raised water temperatures might help with this. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! The reticulated hillstream loach isnt a schooling fish, but these fish thrive when surrounded by their own species. As they are always commercially bred, the average price ranges from 20$ to 50$ per pair. Theyre also useful because they can eat the algae and debris in the fish tank. Again, you cant really tell the amount of time the eggs need to keep getting fed on this diet. I'm sure they will be fine. Zebra Loaches are famous for their social nature. If you want a lot of company for your Betta fish, you will need a bigger fish tank. What happens when you put an aggressive fish in with another aggressive fish? Tiger barbs and betta fish are not good tankmates. Betta fish need big tanks, especially if they share the tank with others. The aquascape should include plenty of plants and open areas for swimming. Otos share many similar characteristics with Cory cats. These are both very good things to look for. They always stay in the bottom levels, traveling hardly to the mid-water range. If given enough space and proper care, apple snails can reach softball-size proportions. A convenient feature of the White Cloud Mountain minnow is that they share similar tastes for the temperature of the aquarium as a betta fish does. We recommend adding a group of five or seven in a 30-gallon tank or more. Fish that occupy a separate area to Bettas are also an excellent choice these bottom dwellers would be perfect as they will not invade the Bettas territory: Zebra loach Albino cory Bristle nose pleco Snowball pleco Candy striped pleco Adding plants to the aquarium will increase the habitats complexity which has been proven to reduce They are peaceful bottom-dwellers that will help clean up waste. If you have an algae-growth problem in your small aquarium, and mystery snails cant help you, then you should try adding nerite snails to your tank. It may not display this or other websites correctly. This amazing freshwater fish enjoys well-oxygenated water. We are starting here because these fish share the same characteristics as the White Cloud Mountain minnow. You can always go for artificial plants. You can add at least five of them to your Betta tank, as theyre either social or just hide away. Wild betta fish are pretty much solitary creatures, coming together only to spawn. Your email address will not be published. They are fairly easy keepers overall and are a fine choice for a beginner looking to house more than a betta in a tank. Its good to add these shrimps in trios, so they dont fight each other and just need the water to be kept clean for them to be happy and peaceful. You need to read on the subject beforehand, as the girls can sometimes be just as feisty as the boys. Carnage would most likely occur if you were to keep a betta fish with a group of cichlids. Corydoras catfish or Corys are yet another fine tank-mate possibility. Plecos are great at keeping algae away, its their main job. Also, remember that just because one of the species listed near the top is generally accepted in a betta fish community tank, it doesnt mean that your specific betta fish will get along fine with it. Some bettas are pretty laid-back dudes that will happily accept the inclusion of a few small, peaceful fish or invertebrates in their home. Platy fish are peaceful livebearing fish related to Molly fish and Swordtails. Panda loaches and dojo loaches, for example, are cool water species from temperate zones that can be kept in unheated aquariums that do not exceed the mid-70s Theyre known to get on well with female Bettas. Cichlids like living in waters that have a high pH balance, whereas betta fish need to live in a low pH environment. Mollies with long, flashy tails are far more likely to trigger aggression in betta fish. Molly fish come in different sizes (they dont grow more than three inches) and colors. These Loaches dont offer much deviation when it comes to their gender. A Zebra Loach goes as big as 4 inches only. Otherwise, it could ruin the tanks water and filter quality. Theyre only three and a half inches long and are good companions for your Betta fish. Things like water conditions, tank mates, and the ability to ward off common fish diseases are some other factors that are part of their healthy lifespan. Frequent rubbing of the body against sharp objects, 13359 North Highway 183 Suite 406 So if you ever wondered what fish can live with Bettas, youre in the right place. These barbels help them scavenge for food sitting at the bottom of the tank. Starting from sinking Catfish pellets, you can design their menu with vegetables like cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, and zucchini. I also use this site as an excuse to spend lots of money on testing and reviewing different aquarium products! Also, you can use your tank equipment and decorations to minimize chances of territorial behavior and aggression. If youre giving them a protein-rich diet, ensure they dont get overfed. Required fields are marked *. You should only ever consider keeping more than one betta fish in an aquarium when you want to start building a sorority tank. However, these fish carry transmissible diseases you dont want in your betta tank. As you can imagine, the more tank mates you add, the larger your aquarium will need to be. In general, a small group of about 3 hillstream loaches requires a minimum of 20 gallons. Misc Fish Species: White Cloud Minnows Otocinclus Glass Catfish Cherry Barbs African Dwarf Frog Marimo Moss Balls 2. I would recommend not to breed them in a home aquarium unless you are sure that you wont stress out the fish. Dont add male fancy guppies because they have colorful tails and could trigger your Betta fish. You also should pair them with peaceful fish species so everything goes smoothly. Male guppies also have long tails that flutter and float as the fish swims along, which could lead to mistaken identity and fighting. Also known as the Candystripe Loach, Crossbanded Loach, Lined Loach, Striped Loach, Tiger Loach or Zebra Botia. WebA Betta fish is one of the most popular freshwater species in the aquarium hobby. These fish have brown scales, and captive-bred ones can have different colors. These quick and active little fish dont grow very large, maxing out at about 5 inches in length. The Bristlenose pleco can tolerate water temperatures between 60 and 80 F and a PH range of 5.5-7.6. Get the loachlet him eat the snails find a home for him or return him. Panda cory cats are also good tank mates for your female Betta fish. UPDATE: i added 2 pakistani loaches a few weeks ago and 3 polkadot loaches yesterday..they all seem to be getting along fine with the bettawill be adding the zebra loaches in a few weeks time.. Good Good iJay. This makes it easier for aquarists to keep these schooling fish in community aquariums or with their own specimen. The short-finned Molly varieties are especially good tank mates for your Betta fish in a small tank. The tail features stripes of pale mud-colored dots going along the length of it. Its actually not that difficult to find appropriate tank mates and set up a community tank. On its own, a Betta fish needs at least a tank that can support two gallons. Here are some of the best live plants tested out for Zebra Loaches. One of these snails is good to keep with your Betta, but you shouldnt keep more. They establish social hierarchies where they live or travel to. A general rule of thumb with these fish is that if you can keep your Otos alive for a week or two, they should settle in and do well thereafter. A reasonable section of aquarium plants you can introduce to their tank will grow with the help of lighting. Theyre a good addition to Betta tanks, and theyre also useful as they can eat the algae in the fish tank. Feeding time is the main concern when you have African Dwarf frogs and a betta in the same tank. A tank size of 36 inches with Snail Species: Zebra Snails Nerite Snail Mystery Snails 3. We dont spam. Their activity level is usually above average during daylight and goes down when the sun goes down. Some people put their fish in tanks as small as one gallon and then wonder why the fish spends all day glass surfing. However, once they get comfortable, theyre fun to watch and make good companions for your Betta in a 30-gallon tank or more. Beginning from the front side of their head to the base of their caudal fin, Zebra Loaches feature a series of mazy stripes sloping backward and forward. Red cherry shrimp, aka cherry shrimp, most known for their vivid red color, are probably the most popular freshwater shrimp suited for aquariums. However, although you cant safely keep two male bettas in the same tank, creating a peaceful community that your betta can share with a few suitable buddies is possible. Inside the tank, you need to provide plenty of plants for your betta to rest on and hide amongst. These shy schoolers are another good option in groups of 10. Especially for community tanks. The final call on whether or not tank mates are a good decision in your given situation remains only your own. Bushy nose plecos, aka Bristlenose Plecostomus, are beautiful and peaceful fish that make for great companions for your Betta fish in a large fish tank. I loved mine! Although this may sound strange to people that have not had more than one betta fish, you want to keep your pets specific personality in mind when choosing tank mates. The Zebra Loach doesnt have any bands on their light beige-colored abdomens. Also, due to their nature of attacking snails, you cant house these bottom feeders with any small snail or shrimp. Betta fish dont get along with their relatives, and you dont want to house these two types of fish together. There are so many options out there, as you can see below! we say a while because they will eventually grow. Unlike their cousins Clown Loaches, Zebra Loaches remain small. Its always better to feed them at a different time when things are calm in the aquarium. In worst cases, the last resort is always taking medication you can find at local fish stores and talking to an experienced hobbyist. This helps to prevent food waste and save you money in the long run. So, do these aggressive fish need a companion in a captive situation? The small size and apparently cordial behavior of a Zebra Loach Botia might trick you into believing that they are safe tank mates for other fish. So theres a very low chance of your Betta fish being aggressive or territorial to them. Platies will need to have a lot of live plants that they can swim through. The Bristlenose pleco has a peaceful temperament and will not threaten your zebra danio. So attempting to breed bettas simply by putting a female and male betta fish together is not recommended. Theyre called like that because they can eat their offspring and therefore help control the snail population. Be careful, though, as they can also feed on the other plants in your aquarium. To minimize aggression, get peaceful bottom-dwellers tank mates for your Betta fish. Misc Fish Species: White Cloud Minnows Otocinclus Glass Catfish Cherry Barbs African Dwarf Frog Marimo Moss Balls 2. Changes to the aquarium environment, such as overall water condition or temperature, might cause problems for Otocinclus catfish. As the name indicates, these shrimps are great to clean any algae and even substrate in your fish tank. Otherwise, these tetras can nip at other fishs fins. They are also small and dont grow more than two inches in diameter. Also, theyre a pretty addition to your tank with their patterned and striped shells. This pleco, which is only 2.5 cm in size at the fishmonger, can grow to seven centimeters within one year. If you have done your homework on betta fish, you will instantly see why this poses a problem. Betta fish or slow-swimming fish with long fins. They were first sighted in 1926 by the Indian Zoologist Narayan Rao. 1. However, it will have to live at the top of this section instead. The mini-me versions of the Common pleco that generally get along fine sharing a betta tank include: These plecos generally grow no larger than 5 inches. Just try to keep an eye out for your frog and ensure that it is getting fed. Zebra loaches are easy to care for, attractive fish that make a great choice for a beginners community tank. That said, these lively fish are intolerant of fluctuations in water conditions, so they need to be introduced to an established, well-maintained aquarium if they are to reach their long lifespan. 45 gallon in the Siamese fighting fish / Betta Paracheirodon sp. WebSelling size: 2.5'' Clown Loaches are very sociable fish and love to be kept with other clown loaches. With a Zebra Loach, you dont have to fuss over what to drop in their tank. He has worked on making aquarium and pond keeping approachable. These stripes, unlike the other bands sitting on different body locations, look black. We recommend you dont get more than one. Like mollies, platies like their water on the harder side with a high pH level. Zebra Loaches are striped, bottom-dwelling fish that are usually a good choice for a beginner aquarium hobbyist. So theyre great to clean your tank and maintain good water conditions! That means these fish need a powerful filtration system and a large tank of at least 20 gallons. The main issue with guppies is that males are brightly colored, which can attract the attention of a feisty betta fish. You just need to keep in mind what kind of personality your betta has. Zebra Loaches are extremely social and friendly. Thank you for sticking around until the end. It really just depends on your bettas individual temperament. In my opinion, one gallon or two gallons or three gallons - is far too little space. These are also a good addition to Betta tanks. Thank you for visiting! We only recommend Blue tetras for one single Betta tank. If you just want to add invertebrates, like snails, a 5-gallon fish tank should be enough. Even though that is considerably smaller than the 2-foot pleco mentioned above, you wouldnt want more than just one pleco in a 10-gallon betta tank. And yes, betta fish have teeth! However, if you have multiple female Betta fish and want to add other tank mates, you will need at least 25 gallons. Otos, however, are sometimes quite difficult to acclimate to the aquarium. The bigger tank you get, the better. Ember tetras, aka fire tetras, are also another tank mate option for large Betta tanks. These are small fish that can go from half an inch to one inch. They look even plumper during breeding practices. You must be very observant of whatever situation you put your betta fish in. Read this guide to learn what fish and other creatures make the best tank mates for betta fish. Bristlenose Plecos. Golden Zebra Loaches often snack on small shrimp and snails. Most aquarium fish originate from tropical regions and prefer to swim in temperatures around 24 to 27C (75 and 80F). They like to hide under plants or debris at the bottom of the fish tank since theyre shy. Shrimp Species: Ghost Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Cherry Shrimp 4. In captivity, they thrive on a varied diet of pellets or flakes made from fish meal, as well as frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms. Yoyo loaches, aka Almora loaches, are colorful scavenger fish. I just wanted to share my betta here who had a really severe case of fin rot. Their small size and their peaceful behavior make them good tank mates for your Betta fish. Contrary to other freshwater fish species, telling their genders apart is quite demanding. According to IUCN, they are on the red list of endangered fish species1. Zebra loaches will eat smaller snails, and may even take on larger snails if theyre feeling particularly frisky. Apart from this, an accurate perception of their dietary needs will help you get them on the safe side in home aquariums. Betta fish dont care about whose food is whose and will tend to eat anything and everything edible. Basically, the two species simply dont mix. The name; balloon Molly truly justifies the appearance of this fish as their bellies are round and swollen with arched backs and extended dorsal fins. If you want a unique snail to keep with your Betta fish, you could add a zebra snail to the fish tank. The African Dwarf frogs tend to do their thing, and the betta fish does its separate thing. Peppered loaches, aka Guntea loach, can grow up to 6 inches and look a bit like freshwater eels. In groups of 10 or more, Rummy nose tetras can be another good addition for large Betta fish tanks. Though the chances of successfully getting a Zebra Loach to breed are tough, if you have been successful, separate the parents from the fry as soon as possible. Betta Fish Tank Mates | Huge List Of 50+ Fish That Can Live With Ghost shrimp, aka glass shrimp, can grow to two inches, and as their name indicates, you can see through them! Zebra Loaches feature shades that vary from deep yellow, bright gold, and dark brown to light beige. Otherwise, they breed very easily and can take over the tank. However, remember that they can reproduce quickly and that your Betta fish can eat the offspring. Some betta fish seem aggressive, while others will be calmer in general. Being a bottom dweller with soft barbels, Botia Striata is used to seep through the substrate to look for food morsels. They have all kinds of patterns and colors, so theyre a beautiful addition to your small Betta fish tank! Gouramis are like distant cousins of the betta fish, belonging to the same family. If you want to keep them long-term, youll need at least 5 Zebra Loaches for them to display healthy behaviors. You can always rely on bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and earthworms. If you want to keep peaceful yet entertaining fish along with your Betta fish, Cory catfish make a great addition to the tank. You should put only one Plecto in your 10-gallon Bettas tank. You must consider that wild betta fish are solitary creatures living alone. You never want to house more than one male betta fish at a time in the same aquarium. Like After this, all you can do is wait for the female to lay eggs. You should always house a group of 5 to 8 Zeba Loaches together. Rummy-Nose or? 100% Live Guarantee! You can change water up to 25% per week to do away with ammonia and nitrite. With no long fins, your Betta will have nothing to nip at. It should be noted right from the start that we are not suggesting the Common pleco. Their gorgeous fins adorn the aqua theme. This fish wont be for everybody as it needs a spirulina supplement or any veggie-based food. Fish that get along with bettas? Yoyo loach. They can grow up to 12 inches, so they need a bigger tank. You do not want to heal your betta and harm your snail by proxy. Ideally, only keep one cory catfish in the tank with your Betta fish. These small fish are popular in the aquarium trade due to their vibrant colors and peaceful nature. That means that if you have species-specific tanks or a community tank, they will show the same friendly behavior they display in the wild. Shrimp leave very little in terms of waste. However, you should remember that each species has unique care needs, and you will need to research this before making your final selection. They do a decent job for their size in keeping down the algae growth. You can keep one or two with your Betta in a 5-gallon tank. These fish suck on other fish, literally. To curtail disease, its always better to invest in high-quality filtration so your water stays clean. Also, perform frequent water changes to keep the water clean and devoid of toxins. African Dwarf frogs can make fine friends with betta fish. They will school if kept in large enough groups, and really should be kept in a minimum group of three. The Siamese fighting fish, or betta, is a beautiful, solitary creature that gets quite nippy with other fish. Required fields are marked *. 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