chances of getting caught lying on faa medical
Yes the present medical sytem sucks but, its all we have until better management goes to Washington. My experience (in Italy for my first ever medical, to begin PPL training) is that if you tell the truth they dont believe you and declare you not able for flying unless supervised. As they say the truth eventually comes out but sometimes lies can go untold forever and I believe there are pilots who are flying around in our airspace with disqualifying medical conditions that should be special issuance or not even have a medical. In my case I have never lied, but if Im at risk of loosing my license for a medical condition that is under control I might do that also. The flight surgeon is not my friend. 3. Make the FAA do a special issue for every single pilot in the country. In-case if you ever get into an accident the FAA/NTSB will look through all your medical history and do a thorough check on that pilot meaning they want to look at every doctor visit and all medications you have been on. My problem is with it taking MONTHS of run around after the issue is handled to the FAAs satisfaction per the conditions they themselves tell us we need to meet. I stopped learning to fly as I did not have the additional funds to have the CAA medical. Ultimately, if you have a condition that you know will result in denial, become a sport pilot. The all have SODA and continue to fly. However you have never been treated or taken medication so probably if you disclose it the FAA would require some sort of doctors evaluation which says you are OK and that will be the end of it. He then went on to work for the leading aviation magazines, including as editor of both AOPA Pilot and Flying. Im 64 and working on my PP license. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. On the part of most pilots here its not lying. You definitely need to be in pretty good shape physically and mentally to be PIC, but I am really discouraged by the heavy-handed, intrusive, and IMHO borderline incompetent way the special issuance process works. The odds of a passenger catching Covid-19 on a flight and dying from the virus are less than one in half a million. Chuck Yeager is the ultimate pilots pilot, yet safely flew his historic breaking the speed of sound flight, with 3 fractured ribs, which certainly impaired his functioning and would have caused most flight surgeons (covering their own asses) to ground Yeager. And even if you assume not, an investigation will cause a demand to produce documents and then the liar is cooked. All I wish is that they would figure out a way to distinguish between a lie and an honest omission. Both have risks. I confessed to marriage counseling and I got snagged for about $1k+ of testing. Is the time and expense involved worth it? There are two schools of thought on this issue: 'If you wanna fly, you gotta lie' versus 'honesty is always the best policy.' Does A Surgical Mask Help Avoid COVID-19? (BTW, I am a member of both.) As the FAA put it, a pilot must ground themselves if they are unable to meet the requirements for the medical certificate.. I went to my own doctor who advised me it was nothing to worry about. They will also review how your current application compares to the ones you have submitted in the past and your driving record. Hell no. and moved on to checking the no column for the rest of the page. I have just been advised that I can take a NPPL which just requires a certificate of good health from my doctor. HIPPA Law prevents them from looking at your medical history without your consent. I have been asymptomatic for all of those years and I am on no medication. Takes the wind out of your sails. Yet there is no medical requirement for any of these. The system does work though. So by that, one could lie of not having epilepsy for example even though they have! I also think that the standards for commercial and airline pilots should be more stringent.. I can tell you from experience that once the AME releases their pronouncement, nothing else occurs. Every child at some point decides to spin around and around until they are dizzy and fall down. If it is not recurrent, you should be able to demonstrate with help from your private treating physician that the problem no longer exists. But sharing them with the FAA is detrimental to your health. I was told at a young age I could not fly with one eye, but latter in life I found out I could with a medical waver. The AOPA and the EAA are going to propose an exemption to the third class physical exam that would allow us to use our drivers license as our medical to fly recreational. I am 64 years old. There is a good chance you can hide some minor medical problems or even some major ones that you recovered from years ago. 614-497-4088 Some justify white lies by rationalizing they would just be wasting everyones time and effort by disclosing minor issues. The other is you tell the FAA about something. Risk is inherent in everything humans do whether they are operating a car, a boat, an airplane or a train. So why open a can of worms by telling the aviation medical examiner? Find one that will work with you to meet the necessary requirements, but lying is not an option. If you cannot read the serial number plate on the airplane that just flew by you then you should not be allowed to fly. What objective proof can they present that Im actually depressed or for that matter no longer depressed that would otherwise qualify me for a medical? Who would you send them to? I was shocked I never thought a medical would ever be an issue for me. Now, prostate cancer several years in the past with normal PSAs now is not a hindrance and the AME is instructed to issue the medical certificate. Why is it ok for a diabetic to drive without checking glucose but not a pilot? Before I was flying my previous HMO physician told me I was the perfect patient for the insurance company because I hadnt shown up for seven years. The FAA medical certification process starts when you fill out an electronic application in MedXPress. You miss the point. I just left the Marine Corps and want nothing more than to begin my flight training, but I still cant help but wonder about the outcome, especially after all I have read on this thread. Youre making a mistaken assumption that its never a safety issue. Medicine is too concerned with dealing with mental health like a physical disease now you have it and POOF now you dont. All three retained their medicals after appropriate medical treatment or new corrective lenses. Also the FAA does check your National Driver Register/Record so make sure you keep your driving safe. Many of the requirements for special issuance for example are redundant and simply bureaucratic paper chases. your PIC in the Cockpit might have the most serious medical condition, but will never no it thats why the federal government made the HIPPA law. I really want to fly but Im not sure my passion, not to mention my wallet, will be enough to get me through this process. It took me six months and an extra EKG (probably to make sure I didnt have a heart attack over this!) document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All information found on is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Ones health does not distinguish between ones ability to pilot a 2 seater weighing 1320 lbs and a 4 seat airplane weighing 3500 lbs. I hid it from the FAA for 12 years They found out I didnt disclose it and revoked ALL my certificates ATP multi-single engine land, Commercial rotorcraft and glider as well as all my flight instructor certificates. Because of that, it is very easy to get away with lying on your medical certificate application. My understanding is that the FAA cannot see your personal medical records without your permission so how are guys getting caught. Having people squeal on them? There are people who should not fly, and the current system induces many of them to overcome their passions and cease flying as PIC. When learning to fly originally I was not even made aware this nor the NPPL was available. The AME Guide explains that the question pertains to unexplained unconsciousness. One assault charge, not so much. In other words, bigger name on the other line. He started his career working with his father, Leighton Collins, at the original Air Facts magazine. Ultimately, a yes response to 18m. I have thought that it would be much safer if boaters and driver carried medicals. Let me start with a word of advice: DONT DO IT. The AME will then be required to report any changes to the FAA, If not, there is no need to report to the FAA. On the subject of medical self certification, read the announcement by the AOPA and the EAA. Once everything is done and documented properly,they should issue the medical quickly. The simple fact is that the FAA generally trusts pilots. Assuming you appropriately responded to one of these three questions, your application was likely deferred and the FAA sent you a letter, requesting medical records. Ill continue to go by the book until such time as the rules change, or I wish to no longer fly. If I continue to wish to fly.I had better take care of myself by good nutrition and exercise..on the issue of lying no, I would not lie because not only is it stupid it is cause for losing the ticket. One DUI is not disqualifying. At worse, you may face a hefty fine or even criminal prosecution. If the FAA knew the real medical condition of most pilots, they would loose thier certificates too. With holding important information. I gave up on my dreams. You may think you told the truth but you absolutely did not. If you submit something on your MedXPresss application that does not agree with previous applications, that can trigger an in-depth review, Your AME can defer your application for any reason that will most like result in further information requests, The FAA could request information based on the results of your driving record search, For military veterans, disagreement between your MedXPress application and your VA disability ratings often earns a letter from the FAA. Im another one that was originally honest and regrets it. You do not have to be Richard Collins or Ernest Gann simply a GA pilot with a story youd share with friends sitting in the hangar. You want to make it more difficult? We have to be honest with ourselves. The AME certified you as ok to fly, now the feds second guess him. Since my late 30s, I have taken meds to control my blood pressure. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. Find another AME. The regulations are not arbitrary. I do not expect it to change in my life time. The FAA processes close to 400,000 flight physicals every year. Major unions have lost court cases and in one instance suffered severe financial damage in the process. Duuuuuuuuuh do fat babies fart? The Aviation Medical is the most expensive physical exam I have ever had and also the least thorough medical exam I have ever had. Having spent over 10k learning to fly I was advised at my medical I had LBBB. I always had to do a stress test, but starting 2 years ago, that has been expanded to require radionuclide scintigraphy every other year. , you can navigate the process efficiently. If this is a recurrent problem, getting a class 3 medical can be difficult. Someday you might actually have a problem you cannot hide. I flew for 16 years in the Air Force with a known heart murmur that I know would preclude me form a civilian 1st class. I do think that the First and Second class medical criteria should be more stringent. Some pilots are terrified of the FAA's power to revoke their flying privileges and, accordingly, bend or ignore the rules. Most pilots I know plan to fly for longer than it takes one or two medical certificates to expire. Also my flight instructor was telling me that he knew an applicant who lied about his criminal history for shoplifting and two to three months later the FAA found out and pulled his medical currently and he did not hear back for any clearance to fly again so these are great examples why not lie. In reality, all pilots (no matter what their license) self-certify their fitness to fly every time they fly. I mean no offense, but other adults telling another adult whether or not to disclose something on a medical just doesn't seem right. Make no mistake,I have no problem with after finding an issue,we get it taken care of. John is a Certified Flight Instructor, who for the past decade, has worked at flight schools teaching students of all ages how to fly and takes enormous pride and satisfaction seeing his students become licensed pilots. Because they can longer fly. I sympathize with you. Also, if you are too young for that, they can check other insurance companies and, apparently, a company, McKesson I believe, that gathers and compiles statistical data from and for insurance companies. Special Issuance hoop jumping is expensive. Thats if they even decide to give you a medical waiver. However, I also think that the standards for commercial and airline pilots should be more stringent. If somebody had an experience with this, or knows somebody who has had that would be great if they are willing to share. Thus the FAAs excessive emphasis, on the potential hazards of medical conditions and medications, serves only to reinforce its own bureaucratic authority. I think the medical is about to date as traveling by the hose & buggy. We train for emergencies and stalls etc. If you have vision with only one eye, you can get a Statement of Demonstrated Ability (SODA) by taking a Medical Flight Test. Few people have memory of everything diagnosed as a child, how many appoinments one has been to in the last 3 years, or even knowledge of what the doctor has put in your medical record. Commercial pilots, or military pilots or leisure pilots may have lied during their lifetimes, but it is unfair to only single out the pilots. Please don't sabotage your own union's efforts on your behalf. Because the measures necessary to achieve it would make life intolerable dull and stifling. Youd think somebody in the FAA would be ashamed of being this dumb and show a little initiative and courage to fix such obvious issues instead of burying their tiny little heads in the sand. Coronary heart disease that has been treated or, if untreated, that has been symptomatic or clinically significant, Disturbance of consciousness without satisfactory explanation of the cause, A personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt acts, Transient loss of control of nervous system function(s) without a satisfactory explanation of the cause. I can now only fly Sport due to a medical condition that will cause me to fail the third class medical exam if I take it. What does NTSB say? Jack, petition the FAA to quit demanding the maintenance of wakefulness test. Required fields are marked *. Of what I can, yeah, that was my "digging thru files" reference, but why isn't there a copy of your last application right there when you log on? Most major airlines are in negotiations at this time, and many are contentious. Those are hard to fake. Question 17 can identify for the FAA that an individual is currently taking a disqualifying medication such as Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera, etc, commonly used to treat ADHD. If you do have heart disease, you would have to continue to see your Cardiologist as well as your AME to maintain your medical. If you have any concerns about your next FAA flight physical, contact us to find out the best way to prepare. In this case, you can cast doubt on the original diagnosis and attempt to avoid further evaluation. No pill makes that any different no weekly conversation with an over-paid, disinterested asshole makes it different either. Deliberate falsification on the medical form is a crime punishable by imprisonment and large fines (read the form, folks), and any losses wont be covered by your insurer. Any law or rule, which is widely viewed by those subject to its enforcement as being unfair, unjust, capricious and arbitrary, because it has no basis in fact, will be disrespected and thus unenforceable. It is a good thing that there are no sport airplanes to rent in your location. Who gave the FAA the power to stop pilots from flying because they take antidepressants? And, actually, the FAA is making Special Issuance less of a problem for certain diseases. If you cant pass the physical you need to find another way to fly. Expand the Sport Pilot Program and the sport aircraft class (Cessna 150, and other two seat trainers) and there will be no need to lie. The FAA has created an atmosphere that not only encourages problems to go unchecked and unreported, but actually makes some of those problems worse by discouraging pilots from addressing them, instead allowing them to fester. The only way to get information to them is via the USPS, another government agency stuck in the past. Now that I have no further problems I have to take an Awake and Alert test annually. Therefore I go to a chiropractor every chance I get. I have a perfect driving record,clean medical history,and also a clean criminal history. Unfortunately, this can result in some pilots opting to lie on their medical. Hes very consciencious, and does not tolerate much in the way of obfuscation, at which he appears to be very good at spotting. Good pilots self certify before every flight and wise, old pilots know when its better to stay home. Please type or print legibly and remember to sign and date the request. Investigating complaints from citizens and co-workers. Doesnt this seem grossly out of proportion? Comparatively, what I take is barely more than a prescription grade Imodium AD. So the Medical certification system is statistically, virtually, perfector..redundant AS LONG AS you are in a multi-crew aircraft. I would be totally fine with an evaluation, but it sounds like a lengthy- expensive- and rather rigorous test that offers no gurentee to a medical. They are busy guarding the barn only after the horse is back inside. The information request usually comes with a warning about certificate revocation and enforcement action if you do not respond within the period specified in the letter. With that framework in mind, it should be obvious that the FAA has a number of overlapping methods to catch you lying on your flight physical application. Help is only a phone call away! Signed, RN/PPSEL/IFR. One of the greatest fears among aspiring and qualified pilots is not being issued or losing their medical certificate. I hadnt had any issues or symptoms for over 10 yrs., doctors Id seen always pronounced me fit & healthy. If pilots routinely lie, but its never a safety issue The next hell will be finding out what conditions they place on that SI. I have read articles online about pilots who get caught falsifying their medical. Do you need to have 20/20 vision to be a pilot? Just do want everyone does to get into the military hide the truth. If they have any concerns about your eligibility to hold a medical certificate, AMEs can also deny your application or defer your certification to the FAA for further review. The only truthful answer is yes, most every night. Theres also the issue of things that a doctor may speculate on that they have no training or qualifications to formally diagnose. An example is the FAAs recent rule change on anti-depressant use. All other patients was sick, so sick but pilots healthy, so healthy. What most folks dont realize is that less than 1% of medical applications are denied whether it be for diabetes or criminal record. The whole thing is about safety but the FAA has never proven the need for the medicals, especially the third class, it was just randomly instituted one day a long time ago. Give blood, nope, they do tests on it, might find something. They have been instrumental in getting my medical back these last three years. In the FAA world view you are not telling the truth. As statistics show flying is considerably safer than any land based carrier. Fill up the plane and navigate for them. Oh yeah did I mention that I live in an isolated community and that the next mediocre doc is a good four hour drive away? They even asked me are you sure you never had epilepsy attacks?. That is when the truth will come out. Too much information could mean denial of the application and bureaucratic warfare with the FAA. It is also very much a question of freedom. But, it was not the fault of the FAA, it was mine for not verifying the doctors statement before submitting it. Reply. to get it straightened out. What to do? What are the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical? But the standards are not different. You should report any AME who does not do a reasonably thorough examination and review what you put on the 8500-8. Office hours M-F 8:30am - 5:00pmOur Privacy However, my pilots do. If you have a FAA medical denial for ADHD, call your aviation attorney at The Ison Law Firm for a consultation. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you. Should that person be allowed to self-certified medically and carry as many as 5 passengers? That may boost your chances of passing the exam or minimizing delays on the FAA's end. A 3rd class medical should not be required for a private pilots license. Now a question: Should 80+ year old pilots with type II diabetes, hypertension, a coronary artery stent or two, on 3-4 medications be allowed to fly a 6000# gross weight airplane with 5 passengers up to 14,000 feet, VFR or IFR without having had a medical exam by an AME? I read a lot of threads on here about how pilot are getting caught lying on their medical applications. There are about 450-500 fatalities per year in all of GA. I was so desperate to lower the volume that I installed a volume control in my own headset so I would not be blasted out of my seat. Those that are honest will remain so, and those who arent never will be honest. I got my license back about 10 years ago. Don't undergo a physical exam if you suspect you might be disqualified. As for lying on the medical form, lies can be undiscovered for a lifetime of flying, but if there is an incident or accident, the FAA and/or NTSB will dredge up every doctor visit, medication, hospitalization they can. In other words, your health is in your hands. And for the record, someone who is truly medically incapable of handling a C172 should not be driving on roads shared by schoolbuses, gasoline tanker trucks, etc. For airmen, this, like so many other aspects of aviation, is a judgment call'but one that also gets tangled up in personal ethics. I cheeted on a eye test flowen with out a incedent. Some do it by mistake. I hope the FAA box didnt kill more. Please type or print legibly and remember to sign and date the request. thank you, that will be $110. Even patients, with well controlled epilepsy, may safely drive. This is one of those typical government deny-theres-a-problem attitudes that eventually comes to a head when something major and catastrophic happens. If the problem went away, petition the FAA to remove the requirement for special issuance. This in spite of my personal physician and the AMA specifically noting several times that it was a complete non-issue. Do whether they are operating a car, a boat, an airplane or a train or two certificates. My license back about 10 years ago your license would figure out a incedent, with well controlled,., a pilot must ground themselves if they even decide to give you a medical.! Faa generally trusts pilots criminal record never had epilepsy attacks? investigation will cause demand. 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