swtor iokath republic or empire consequences

How about the Iokath operation (Tyth and the rest, as it comes)? Also like i said before acina is open to change she is ready to change the way of the empire if needed, i doubt malcom is open to change to accept not all sith are murdering lunatics((Well sith are still crazy from time to time but i think its becuse of the hardships, survival insincts and truama in thie rtraining period that have made them that way. Mix and matching could happen. It sucked that we had to make a choice , it sucked that we had to deal with it at all . With the War for Iokath, SWTOR tries to return to the roots of having the two main factions fight again. Below is an in-depth look and guide to each one of the Daily Missions. I don't recall slavery being active in Republic controlled worlds. I used to like Bioware, right before 3.0 I was a big fan of the Austin studio. They put the retarded JJAbrams in charge of the movies and lets not start with the stupid movies cuz theres a whole lot of shit to talk about them. so what makes u think our toon with the same military power as arcann before cant take on both faction In open world PvP, players allies and enemies are determined by their currently selected Faction. At no point is he ever "Hoo-ah I'm a 'Pub now!". The Jedi sprung him from Malestrom Prisom and the Republic and Jedi actively supported and protected the Foundry, which planned to kill 98% of Imperial citizens (the amount with any Sith heritage). Both sides have their corruption, but I do find it funny that people think they are able to change the Empire. I'm also in the camp where I find it very hard to even think of siding with the Republic, regardless of what character I'm playing or their alignment. They are all in the middle portion of the Iokath Expanse and you can find nodes both up on the ramps as well as on the ground floor, where all the spider droids are. was a fucking map so damn necesary? The mission is in an instance, which stats at he Docking Ring area. Who knows. This mission is the same for both factions, but is labeled Republic and Empire, because its instanced and the entrances are from the Republic or Empire bases in the most northern areas of the Bases. My Characters respect people like Marr, Acina, Overseer Trenwell, etc. Check if your Sprint is active (its a known bug). KOTOEIRA sounds like you had bad Mexican food. And the Empire *is* already changing - for instance, accepting aliens for training at the Sith Academy, more aliens in positions of power, disavowing the Emperor, the alliance formed by Marr with Satele Shan during SoR, etc. And Rebels has been bringing back some of the better parts. Did you play through that part? Disney owns Lucasfilm. You will be able to choose which Faction you want to side with initially during your characters storyline on Iokath. This mission can be completed at the same time together with Mend a Broken Shard and Subverting the Tower droids, if you have them active. Just started playing. Its sole intent is to support players of Star Wars: The Old Republic ("SWTOR") and make their gameplay more enjoyable. Before you use the Console to assign your troops (located in the Alliance Base right where you spawn), your character has access to their factions base by default. This is just ridiculous! Enable the plasma emitter defenses around the Imperial base. Once you spawn as a Monitor, you have to find and defeat 10 random enemies. What book is this in? So Acina is more valubale than Malcom also if the outlander get the choise to be able to change the empire ways then maybe there will be improvment and even a better peace treaty that benefits both side alot. You need to find the Assault Walker Access Terminal and use it. I also don't think the entire Republic brass was in the dark regarding what Saresh was doing. Great question! That said, we know for a fact the Sith do. Otherwise, youre just your Class faction. The point is that Cross faction groups are restricted to Iokath dailies, Iokath operations and Iokath open world PVP. That would be one of the stupidest written decision choices ever. I agree on the money, but I feel the story has been hurting since Ziost. The Mandalorian will cross paths with old allies and make new enemies as he and Grogu continue their journey together. He had such a knowledge of the Lit Side, he could even keep the ones he cared aboutfrom being caught by the police. Start by attacking the Coordinator droid. Like even acinas "transgression" hell the outlander didnt tell her as an "ally" that it might be a super weapon on iokath. it should be about a group of rebels taking a serious war aganist the empire, butchering stormtroopers with sabers and opening holes on everyone else with a blaster not just playing wrestling with them. ", Sooo, assuming there's truth to this Jedi stealing kids, Sith do it too. ^This. The turret has 3 abilities single target attack, an AoE attack and a button to return back to your character. So my view on the both factions is none of them are good and not that bad either, but what mattered to me, who was there to hinder and deafet a threat by willingly join up by becoming allies with the outlander when we serched for allies? Quinn can go fuck someone else or die if he prefers so. As for Acina, I hope I get to betray her just like she tried to do the alliance. Why is there even a fucking map to find you? Most of it is straightforward with some exceptions.To get Malavin Quinn as your companion, you have to side with the Empire in the story. There are loads of bugs in the game but nothing quite as large as totally hosing cross-Class Faction queueing. Star Wars & Lucasfilm Ltd. all rights reserved. Episode 3 had so much sadness in it, Padme died of it. So I joined the republic to fight against the Sith learn Intel about the republic then stab them in the back when the time comes. Peacekeeper? Episode 2 "Ruins of War". Ossus: Republic or Empire. Sith Empire all the way! Time they fired the writing team and hired well, writers. And its IMHO again but I never was interested in greatness-epicness-coolness of my characters its cheap hollywood stunt in my book Im more interested in their inner story, how they progress, change, what they becoming inside. "You can move a pebble and nothing more? How do we know its gonna work as intendeded? IE, your choice is to have your Alliance side with either the Republic or the Empire. The Empire continued them, but they wouldn't have had the idea without the Republic starting it. Um, you can still kill him, even if you side with empire. This is the choice that will be remembered in future storylines. Regardless, though, having to deal with Republic and Imperial relations is something that had to happen sooner or later. 2x. But with Rogue One they did an amazing job. RE: Slavery in the Republic - if I remember correctly, the first chapter of the companion novel "Annihilation" mentions that the Republic tends to turn a blind eye to slavery unless it involves captured Republic troopers or other assets of value. Their parents have no rights to ever see or contact them again, and the kids know nothing other than what they've been brainwashed by the Jedi to believe. Seventh episode is a simple copy of fourth episode with only more cool graphics. The Six Gods, also known as the Old Gods or the god kin, were the original pantheon of the planet Zakuul. The Reputation vendor offers a wide selection of items, including the Iokath Annihilator armor set for the Empire and Iokath Technographers armor set for the Republic. Correct! Sure, the Eternal thrown increases your military power but wed still be wiped clean if either faction decided to side against us. The 5th location is far to the south. A conceptual clusterfuck really. It would be only logical to try and take your side, in order to destroy another faction. I think youre missing the point. There are actually some heavy consequences depending on your choice, so don't take it lightly. Thanks to Mox and JT from Corellian Run Radio for the help in making this guide! Episode 3 "The Solitary Clone". Each faction has their own Reputation for you to grind, so even if you have only one character, you will eventually have to do the missions for the other side if you want that Reputation. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. That wont happen anymore so the closest thing is joining the pubs. Using this terminal does not override your story choice, but it does allow you to join your friends and play the opposite sides daily missions if you so choose. There's another quest where it's mentioned that the Justicars routinely kidnap people and press them into slavery/service as soldiers and go after their familiesand that is just on Coruscant, right under the Senate's nose - never mind elsewhere. First one is a Droid that offers consumables for Credits + Iokath Power Shards (the ones that drop from mobs and as mission rewards). I found someone who isn't a sith or a jedi with force powers! I think you missed the entire point of why you built this allaince. 1: Disable Republic Plasma Emitter Defenses; Jedipedia.net is a non-profit Star Wars fansite run by Jedipedia e.V. Urgh. Which obviously can't be a problem with everyone, as there are PBS not only in the Republic but in the Jedi. Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR), Guild Wars 2 (GW2) and Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) are currently covered. [toc] New Arcann Customization These customizations can be purchased form the Light/Dark sider vendors on the fleet. Does it count as Iokath, so chosen faction, or it counts as outside operation, so class faction? Then we get to Ossus (Jedi Under Siege), which seems to be a much more permanent choice. To reach the most southern are of Iokath for the first time, it would be best to head out from your Base to the south and in the Iokath Expanse area look for the Factory Tram one is located to the West, one to the South-East on the map. Saresh is also a key figure in the Republic for a long time and she's a lot more corrupt than any Imperial. Bondite. * First run with my Vanguard, obviously sides with the Republic, gets back his wife, happy ending. Earlier, it sounded like we were choosing between three factions including the Alliance but now, only the Republic and Empire is being discussed. Your email address will never be shared or sold. Was there any answer to those who romanced Dorne/Quinn but chose Empire/Republic (opposites respectively)? They support the Eternal Throne, let's say that again. As a smart leader, there is no way you would side with one of them, alienating the other. You have to disarm the laser 4 emitters. Defeat 10 Enemies as an Iokath Monitor: 0/10. You screwed In a war against those factions. So you are saying she is really a Skywalker? Now that you did that you are no longer needed. I've only run through it with a Knight once, and I'm pretty sure I got the same letter. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1dc9e4486ab0e0adb6345d571cbf12cd887c4e36c8cc7726db4a2a38868ff568.gif. If you want to, you can switch instance (via your Stronghold) and re-enter again to click the same 2 emitters and save yourself the trip. . 1. Now that you know how you move between Factions, lets talk about what you can do on each side: Let us know if you have any questions about Faction switching on Iokath or its impact. Most likely, it will require the Republic to get her, but you never know. (SPOILER) Currently the way it works is that once you have completed a Mission, you are no longer able to switch that day. Because the selection of Daily Missions available on the Daily Terminal is always random, you may end up having the same mission(s) on the next day. One of the first quests in Coruscant is helping a guy who thinks his wife has been kidnapped and sold into prostitution. The Tingel Arm Campaign. Happy and satisfying ending. General. Id like to choose the alliance I created and not one of those other lesser factions please. Were supposed to be neutral. He could save others from the policebut not himself. It's much more difficult for a democracy to make major decisions like this and recover than an autocracy led by a single Emperor. This only applies while running EV for between the 550th 837th time. Your objective is to mount a turret and kill enemies of your faction. The last button on your toolbar is for when you are done and want to return back to your character. They're worse than the Empire in every way. Which, let's be fair, is a well deserved first thought to go with when it comes to Sith. . And the person feels bad for not being a Jedi! I do know he do not care or listen to the politics since littrely, not to listen the politicans runs in the family or how Theron said it. 28 Star WarsThe Bad Batch S02E08 Truth and Consequences , 1080p DSNP WEB-DL DDP 5.1 x264 NTb Star WarsThe Bad Batch S02E08 Truth and Consequences , 1080p DSNP WEB-DL DDP 5.1 x264 NTb What book is this in? Pretty much Iokath sucked . You need 50 of those. The starting point is right in the Republic Iokath Base, a little to the north from the Daily Missions Terminal. The 5th location is far to the south. This is the main story arc to unlock the Iokath dailies. Besides, if you make friends with Acina, you may be able to influence her in some of her decisions and start nudging the Empire to be better. Hello I have a question and other people opinion on this, there are proably a bunch of these threads already so sorry for this in andvance and on my spelling/grammar. Well, if it is fanboy who praises Bioware no matter what, then you are hater who do nothing but spite and curse no matter what. Ikr tying a companion to a decision so important is the wrong way to implement it, Im pro empire but at the same time I wont let Quinn escape his well deserved death, so the solution is sticking with the Republic? Disney does not develop Star Wars, movies or tv. The Empire and the Republic have changed since you last worked for them, and the Empire actively helped you against Valin while the Republic quietly sided with the Eternal Throne (according to a report sent by Theron, I think). After all the Chiss tried to secure an alliance with the Republic during the class stories while being officially allied with the Empire, stole the map they kept on Copero as a safety mesure, and Saganu is willing to ally the Chiss with the Alliance even after you side with the Republic on Iokath, they don't seem too bothered that you didn't . We blame disney for fucking with starwars in general. You need to pick up a sphere and bring it to the other wall on the other side. The one you created that has both republic and empire in it, would never need to side with one of the other old factions. Thats what I meant before: there is no meaning in guessing what theyll do next, I have bad feelings of how it can go not the way it would be great but we still dont know how the choice of ally will fall on us. You play the same game I did? This is an in-depth guide to help you find and complete them all. Created using the skills of Cybertech to combine Bondite and Fibermesh. Granted, I dont know what choices you made and perhaps thats what you want. The Foundry, run by Revan (ex-Sith), who was a little mad to begin with? Why the hell was I building my own alliance if I cant choose it to side with? Level 75 Materials Level 65 Materials your alliance with now only one of the 2 factions awaits your return. The Iokath Daily Area was introduced with SWTOR Game Update 5.2. Raina is in hiding because of it. uuurgh a hole much of small devils that may be worse then sith luckily they do not have the force. I'd say that he shouldn't be representative of the whole, and Acina is very quick to jump on the "kill the traitorous little $@$%@#" train, whereas the Republic government officially disavows any dealings with Saresh and openly speaks against the Commander if she is executed. Hell, even bw didnt do that in their first or second go around chapters. 19. The other 3 active abilities include a Single Target Heal, an AoE Heal and a Shield, which allows you to move, but nothing else while its on. To take control of Iokath, the Empire must advance on Republic territory. KOTOR 3: KOTOEIRA : Knights of the Old Eternal Imperial Republic Alliance, (but sometimes also fights Dread Masters and Hutts for the control over Makeb, and sometimes can be a secret agent of SIS while fighting Gree and Ragkhouls. However, it's an alliance between two governments that would be openly aggressive to each other at some point, as both would consider themselves top dog. Was that only if you made a DS choice? SWTOR Patch 5.2 = a lesson in how to completely butcher one of the largest entertainment IPs in the world. 18. Well that is how I project it in my head anyway. There are 5 unique obects on Iokath that need to be inspected with the microbinoculars. Also, Star Wars has always been a fairy tale. I assume this is your favorite gif on the Internet. Force Awakens was better than the prequels, Rogue One is the best movie in the entire franchise, and most of the Lucas EU was worse than even the lamest part of TOR. Yhea like i said in an erlier post the empire are willing to change and they are open with thier skeletons they have so they have nothing to hide so you know what youare dealing with, while the rupublic have a bunch hidden skeletons in the closet that they try to burry. 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