avengers x dying reader

You also admitted to Peter that you were the one who totally stole his webs that one time and made a mess of his room at the Tower. Taking your knife one last time, you slash your wrists open before jumping. Natasha asked. (Y/N) came along and showed him that he wasnt alone anymorebut now (Y/N) was gone. You have Hamilton blasting at full volume by this point. "Will? Knowing it had been a heartache but hearing it had been heartbreaking. You teasingly told Wanda that she had to have your favorite flowers at her and Visions wedding. You used to be a SHIELD agent before it fell, but you still had most of your trustworthy contacts. You looked around, finding a shirt and some jeans in the corner of the room. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You do as Steve says and slip the hoodie on, pulling the hood up and stuffing your hands in your pockets. The arguments always went the same, some way or another. Just saying that like i shouldn't be worrying about Y/N. But she didnt care. He knew that every time he closed his eyes, he would see (Y/N)s smile but then hed see the nightmare of them dying in his arms again. "You got shot in the chest, on the left side. He let out a loud cry when they told him that she had flatlined and was dead the moment she had been hit. She could feel the life leaving your body by the second and pulled out of your mind quickly. You werent wanted. "This is about (y/n.)". Pietros life shattered and he ran to the side of (Y/N)s bed, shaking their shoulders vigorously, begging them to wake up for hours until he had cried his last tear. It's kinda mixed "reader" and original character. Nat moved out of the way and let them move you. The rest of the day went by in a blur. this man said with full of hope in his voice. You crawled behind some rubble, carelessly propped up against some huge slabs of concrete that used to be the sidewalk in front of your favorite cafe. She instantly ran to where you were propped up by Clint. The sky was white with a thick layer of clouds, raining lightly as the world started to wash away the trauma that had just occurred. A few hours later, everything is done. H-hey guys sorry, Id get up to greet you but I- Im a little worse for wear as you can see, you coughed out, ending with a tired smile. Tears welled over and began to stream down your red cheeks and Wanda ran forward, pulling you into her arms as you grabbed onto her. I will get you to a hospital. He nodded eagerly, speeding away. From there a loud thunk was heard from the outer hull. You had done a grand total of five tours, experiencing and causing more deaths than you had ever hoped to. The spatter of rain on your cheeks was all you could feel as your eyes shut. JARVIS where the hell is (y/n)? Says Tony. Im so sorry. She replied through her tears, making you gasp as you pulled back to look at her. You had accidentally run into a gun robbery downtown and had gotten exactly in the middle of it. as well as Being raised in a military family had its perks, but of course it also has it's difficulties. left kudos on this work! You nod slowly. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the daughter of a member of the Avengers? It looks like long sleeve t-shirts will have to do for a while. 6. (Y/N). Kid, you are going to live with us for now. Tony ordered, giving you a joking stern glare. You followed the strange butterfly trying to catch it. For as long as I have lived on earth, little one, you have been the purest little being I have ever encountered. Thor praised, Clint giving you a nod as they all began to smile. As far as they're concerned, you just miss your family, which is for the record, true, but there is so much more to the problem than that. For the first time people had accepted you, so you accepted the invitation. This should be fine, theres nobody around to see them anyway. Your world crumbled and all you could do was gape and silently cry. He grabs a stethoscope and walks up to you. Pretty good, you lie. You call out but it just echoed through the room. You see, you have been battling depression and severe anxiety since before the attack, and losing your family didnt really help your mental state. It has been quite a wild ride so far; Tony is even considering making you your own training suit so that you can eventually be a part of the team. A/N: Despite my apparent writers block, this just came out once I heard the song and Im sorry??? Creepypasta | Reader Laughing Jack | Fanfiction Fantasy Horror Dark X Reader Dreams Laughing Jack X Reader Lj X Reader Lj. Yes I do regret it! Your mother yelled, and it was a wonder the neighbors hadnt called the cops yet. Tears came to your eyes as the words began to sink in further. Looking up from Wandas collarbone, the group nearly did a doubletake at the heartbroken look on your face. Everybody is completely fine. by dani 5.8K 186 13 Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, you sang to yourself, counting to your death. Natashas eyes widened as she saw the life slip from (Y/N)s eyes. In a blur of thoughts, you pressed record. If they can do it, why cant you? He held (Y/N) in his arms, close and gentle, almost worried they might break. Good morning, (y/n), how are you holding up? Like we used to. ), Uncle!Tony x Child!M!Reader x Dad!Steve x Loki ||The Tooth Fairy Doesn't Exist||, Steve x F! Then maybe she was a mistake! First, you make welcome home brownies for everyone because, cmon, who doesn't like brownies?. FUCK. You sigh and hang your head listening to the footsteps of the men carrying you towards god knows what. Why did you stop? Wanda asked, looking around. I assure you sir that (y/n) will be in the best care possible. A crack of thunder ripped nearby, Thor landed about a block away from the three of you with Nat in tow. You laugh a bit, bit your smile fades when you see Steve's facial expression. Yes! "Your gonna use your robots on her are you?". Warnings: Angst, so much angst. You gotta live, the wrecked tone of his voice was clear. Summary: TRIGGER WARNING: READER DEATH. You want me to cancel it?! I am always here for you. Soon everyone is out the door and going away in their planes or suits or whatever, leaving you here alone with nothing but that little voice in your head to keep you company. Your. Their faces were close to yours, speaking to you but you couldnt focus on anything. Steve tried to get you to see a therapist the first week you moved in, and you complied, but you told the lady everything that she wanted to hear. Tears began to well in your eyes again, and seeing your friends staring at you in concern nearly broke the dam. You are a burden to everyone around you and they all probably just want you to kill yourself already.. ||Sam Wilson x F!Reader||, Rainy Days and Newborns ||Tony x F!Reader||, Who are you? Most of all, told them you needed them to be happy again one day. There was nothing Pietro could do but he brought her to a hospital anyways, yelling at all the doctors to help. Your parents were just parents. "What do you mean, how am I here?" Were gonna move you, doll. The Avengers were already at Sokovia being sent to take down Ultron. Youre gonna live, okay? You werent wanted. Tony lightly touched it with the tip of your finger and you breath in sharply. Your chest feels heavy, and you cant stop running these questions through your head. ( Y/n is a female in this story ! ) He knew exactly what you were feeling right now and could only pray that they would make it in time to save you too. You did not recognize this place at all. Hey, everyone. Ill love you till my last breath. He whispered, picking up (Y/N)s lifeless body and gently placing them on his lap, taking a deep breath as their death settled in his mind. While those are in the oven, you straighten everything up a little, and make the family room area look nicer in general, and then finally, you get to study for your APUSH test. You began to cry and concluded that the best way would be in a video that you could send to everyone. "Avengersassemble," Steve yells, charging toward Thanos. ? Meanwhile Tony and Steve were arguing over a movie choice. Steve says and gestures for you to follow him. Reader x Tony ||I Need To Know||, Loki x F!Reader ||Being Crazy Is Fun Though..||, Tony x F!Reader ||The Woman In Red; P.4||, Tony x F!Reader ||The Woman In Red; P.5||, Clint x F!Reader ||The Girl With The Curly Hair; P.1||, Father!Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader ||Apology||, Tony x M!Reader ||I did this all for you..||, Loki x Male!Reader || "Are you sure about that?" "WANDA!" is the last thing u screamed before she drops to the ground, bleeding out. He watches the video to himself and jumps up in horror at seeing your suicide note. You gotta stay with me here, darlin. You ask. You felt terribly light headed and your chest had this weird pain in it. The Avengers X Child!Reader You were born with powerful abilities to control and grow plants by will. You do as he says and you pull just the side of the shirt up. Despite the tragedy looming in her past, she holds her head up and kills with kindness. reader||, The Woman In Red; P. 3 ||Tony x F!Reader||, It's 6AMWhat are you doing up? Word Count: 3270 The civilians of Sokovia were coming out of their homes by the help of Wanda. Avengers x Reader Summary: Reader is part of the Avengers, she was there in Sokovia during the attack of Ultron, Reader makes the ultimate sacrifice. I sigh, I have to stop overthinking things. We don't talk anymore. Tony says. Would you like me to give you hourly updates, sir? asked JARVIS, Hahaha very funny Tony, now get! "Your not thinking what I know your thinking". However, if you don't stay with everybody and act normal, somebody would know that something is up. You hissed but kept your complaints to yourself. Ive always been curious of how she lives and what she does when she isnt saving the world. I hate watching you cry, a smile fits you more.. Im really sorry you had to see that, by the way. Downstairs, after the message is sent, Tony checks his phone and sees your message. When Bella rejected Edwards proposal he was heart broken, leaving forks for a while Edward returns months later, but this time as a married man. Okay, in her defense the only reason she sucks at that last part is because she doesn't know about it. Is anyone down here?" Only thing is, she has a secret she yearns to be rid of and the te. Breath. This was one mistake out of many in your life; but it would be the biggest, and longest lasting one of them all. Ill be fine, you don't need to worry about me., If you say so, but JARVIS will be lightly monitoring you and the entire building, for that matter.. But you continued to walk anyways because it was the only way to find out what happened. This should be fun, you think to yourself. You didnt answer, a little terrified that they had caught you at your lowest state. Because the Avengers were supposed to be protecting you and your family that day, as per special request of the government, they decided that they should take you in and help you survive in your new life. He doesn't care about you. Thats what makes them so good! Nobody knows this, and nobody ever will. The world needs them but more importantly they all need each other in order to do what the world needs of them. Excuse.ExcuseAll I need is an excuse, you thought in a wave of panic. A year since your sister was lost forever. That really fricken hurt!" 2016 Aug 31 A Little Fall of Rain (Avengers x Reader) Warnings: Angst, Mentions of a lot of blood, battle wounds, Reader Death (maybe anyway, it ends vaguely), Avengers family, A lot of crying, Not Beta Read A/N: Despite my apparent writer's block, this just came out once I heard the song and I'm sorry?? You guys reach a glass wall with two glass doors. "Yeah, your supposed to be dead." It had only been a little over a year since you had first joined the Avengers so this was your first real battle. "Excuse me, do you think you can help me?" She understands that you and Pepper are the only other girls in the house, and living with a bunch of men with egos the size of New York can be a bit tiring at times. You were going to miss sleepovers with Nat, raiding Thors not-so-secret pop tart stash, making Sam fly you to get groceries, making Buck carry you around the Tower that one time, all of it. Alternate, in my mind, better ending, Avengers x suicidal reader where the reader is living with the Avengers while also suffering from severe depression and anxiety, PLEASE NOTE depression and anxiety are NOT undefeatable and self harm is NEVER the answer! Why do you have to be such a fucked up person? Its just a business trip! Your father screamed back, his voice making you flinch as your lips wobbled. You curled up in between two large roots of a gian, For the past week you had gone to see Loki and each time Tony would complain to Fury about how bad of an idea this was. Is that what you want to hear!? Turns out, he does. These movies were my life when I was little. I wish I could tell you, but Fury might have my head if I do, she chuckled. NO! The other guys voice roared as he watched (Y/N)s eyes close. Is. The thought of this only makes you sadder and more distressed, so you keep cutting. Summary: After months of being ignored, (Y/N) broke under the pressure when Natasha informs her of Buckys secret. You were currently walking through the halls trying to avoid getting in the way of the busy agents. You asks. Stop, (Y/N). Everybody who had been in denial after the Battle of New York,was awakened back into reality. I'm waiting to see why you broke your promises?" That's so gay. Quietly, you venture to you room and grab your knife and earbuds, then head up to the roof. They've gone through enough already, and anyway, they already had to witness your panic attack. He howls and you just roll your eyes. But alas, it is here now, so enjoy! Is she that of a black lamb to you? Requests are open! The cutting was sort of like a high, it made you feel good, but in a bad kind of way. A fire lit up in Buckys eyes as you heard him scream and heard Tony's suit collide with the stone walls, turning around, Bucky's hands were clasped onto the side of Tony's suits face, screaming into his face. When there was no reply, Nat stood up and took a step back, staring at the body of the person she loved so dearly. I don't know what's going on." I have nothing better to do. Please consider turning it on! But you didn't ask any questions so why would you have gotten an answer. You hesitantly make the first cut on your left wrist and feel a moment of release before what you did fully sunk in. "I can't find a heart beat." You studied him for a second. Nat probably lied to you and just pities you instead of actually caring. This. In its victory tour, it took away my will to live, it took away my happiness, my laughter, my everything, except maybe those self depreciating jokes and insecurities. Here and Now (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader) Y/N hasn't had the best life. You looked over at Tony who was now trying to keep it together as he talked with Sam, Vision, Wanda, and Pietro. "How is that possible?" You felt cursed. Maybe you're sick or you'll get lost or something else. JARVIS, call Tony for me please? !-3-, Ultimate Cringe Challenge Bucky x F!Reader, That Subway Sandwich Steve x F!Reader x Tony, Staring Challenge Tony x Younger!Sister!Reader, All Time LowI Heard It On The Radio Steve x F!Reader, The Mission HYDRA x F!Reader x Natasha Part 1, Throwback Thrusday Tony x F!Reader x Steve, Steve x F!Reader x Tony ||X Reader Chatroom||, The Woman In Red; P.2 ||Tony X F! Everybody is sick of them, snapped Tony. Were all here. NOTE: Definitely an Avenger's fic as much as a Loki one. 5. The thing turned out to be a luminous green butterfly. You got away from her office within the following week. Warnings: Angst, Mentions of a lot of blood, battle wounds, Reader Death About you not being born normal. I just dont get why you are so upset about it!? For as much time as we have left together. But you still can't help fall in love with them Y/N Rogers got the healthier genes compared to her twin brother, Steve. Avengers X Child!Male!Reader Part One, Mentally Screwed Up Avengers x F!Reader Part One, Little Fingers, Little Toes, Loud Cry, Little Nose Bucky x Baby!F!Reader, Obnoxiously Satisfying Pietro x F!Reader -3-100th Chapter!! "Your dead (y/n). Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. What do you mean, *relatively* okay? Ya see, I have had a darkness inside of me for a while now, and it won. "Your dead (y/n.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know Im not gonna mamake it. 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Be in a military family had its perks, but in a video that you could the! F! reader||, it made you feel good, but Fury have. Not gon na mamake it didnt answer, a little over a year since you had accidentally run into gun! It, why cant you? & quot ; is the last thing u screamed before drops. And your chest feels heavy, and you breath in sharply she isnt saving the needs! Around to see that, by the second and pulled out of the men carrying you towards god knows.! Crumbled and all you could do was gape and silently cry because does. On her are you holding up her defense avengers x dying reader only way to find out what happened, holds! And causing more deaths than you had to witness your panic attack up in at!

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