fivem give weapon command list

/vtitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Takes an item from the vehicle inventory that is closest to you. DO NOT ABUSE. /blindfold - Blindfolds you, turning your screen completely black. /vpitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Puts an item from your inventory into vehicle inventory that is closest to you. /createfood - Creates your own food to go with your drinks. F3 to bring your cursor up or to hide it. /outfit [name] - Enter your outfit name to switch to that outfit. /togtyping - Toggles the "" typing above people's head. /pay [ID/PartOfName] [AMOUNT] - Pays the specified player the amount, you must have that much cash on hand. I have a question. /pmenu - Opens an interactive menu with commands related to your property. qb-adminmenu. /deposit - Opens an interactive menu to deposit money. you can using command on console to give. /vneon - Toggles the neon on your car, if it exists. /cancelorder - Cancels a shop order or a gas station order. Hello, i just tried to give me a weapon on a server which is using WaveShield but when i give a weapon, i can't give it. /vbusiness [BUSINESS ID] - Stores a vehicle of your choice into a business. Must have a safe already. /vlock or press L - Locks the nearest car that you have the keys of. Lowest is 75, highest is 100. /dmute - This will mute an active recording device. qb-weapons Weapon Logic Script For QB-Core License QBCore Framework Copyright (C) 2021 Joshua Eger This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. /leavetable - Leaves the table you're currently at. Can only be used at banks. Pistols give weapon_deagle - Desert Eagle give weapon_revolver - R8 Revolver give weapon_glock - Glock-18 give weapon_usp_silencer - USP-S give weapon_cz75a - CZ75-Auto give weapon_fiveseven - Five-SeveN give weapon_p250 - P250 give weapon_tec9 - Tec-9 Holographic Sight. /spitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Places an item from your inventory into the safe. /catch - If a fish is tugging on your rod, /catch will begin the fishing minigame. /cancelcontract [NUMBER] - Cancels the contract on the given number. /dispatch (/pcad) - This opens the CEF duty roster. Here is a list of spawnable items from the console. To use these commands, you need to have sv_cheats 1 enabled. /note [ItemID] [AMOUNT] content CONTENT] - Add content to a note in your inventory. Alternatively type /swithdrawall to withdraw all cash. /acceptrecruit - For the recruited character to accept the invitation extended through the /brecruit command. To spawn these items in, open the console and use either of these commands: give ITEMID given NUMBER ITEMID Item ID - Name of Item. We have already covered the knives part of this article in a separate article, and we also invite you to have a look at our article that shows all CS:GO knives in real life. /jointable [AMOUNT] - Lets you join an existing table with a set number of cash(you must have this on you). Hello VAG Forum Family You can give all players item or money or weapon with command also you can setting auto give time in config to all players In. /vehoff - Deattached a vehicle a flatbed truck. /stolenvehicles - This command presents a list of vehicles reported as stolen. Example: /cancelfirerequest - Cancel a request request submitted to the admin using /requestfire. Also disables cruise control if enabled. Example usage: /makelobby 6 no (makes a lobby of 6 players with no table). Participated in the organization of dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009. /cb [TEXT] - OOC chat in the car. /makeup - This opens the make up menu and can be used anywhere. /w [ID/PartOfName] [TEXT] - Whisper - Sends a whisper to person of your choice. TriggerServerEvent ('AdminMenu:giveCash', 60000) revive someone with an id (12 is the id of that player) TriggerServerEvent ('esx_ambulancejob:revive', 12) open a skin change menu. /help - Display a list of console commands. /messages [AMOUNT] - Shows your previous SMSes on your NON-CEF phone(Nokia) - Amount is capped to 20 messages being shown. /vscrap - 'Scraps' (sells) your vehicle off for 20% of the vehicle's value. /pm [ID/PartOfName] - Sends a private message to a person of your choice. /callvol [1-100] : Control the volume of voices on a phone call. Can be purchased from hardware store (wrench icon). 18,591 esx commands fivem jobs found, pricing in USD. /stopfishing - If you are currently fishing, it will make you stop. If youre in the mood for it, we welcome you to click through our CS:GO tag below, where you will find all sorts of useful Counter-Strike: Global Offensive articles and guides. /stopnews - Disable radio interviews in global chat. but command prefix need changed to "_", example: _giveallitem . /enablepointing - This will permanently save your choice to enable pointing with B for this character. These give commands should be typed into your developer console. Useful if you have menus or flyers. /joinnews - Enable radio interviews in global chat, used during elections. /vdoor [DOOR] - Opens/Closes the door of the vehicle. You also need a deck of cards that you can buy from a 24/7 to play Poker. /mask - Wear or remove a mask. /damages [ID/PartOfName] - Checks the damages of a person. /pma [ID/PartOfName] - Sends a private message to an admin. /stats - Displays your stats which contains a lot of information like - Money, Bank, Total Assets, Businesses you're employed with, Job, Playtime, Owned Properties, Owned phone number, Furniture and Outfit slots, Donator status. /dname - This will set a name for your device. It will despawn if the server crashes or restarts. /kicktable [ID/PartOfName] - Kicks a player from the table. TriggerEvent ('esx_skinpenSaveableMenu') setjob someone (59 is id of the player and 3 is the grade) TriggerServerEvent ('NB:recruterplayer . ), /do [TEXT] - Roleplay command (example: /do The car has some dents. /makelobby [NUMBER OF SLOTS] [TABLE] - Allows you to make a Poker lobby. /radiobeepvol [1-100] : Control the volume of radio beeps. Thank you so much. Alias /sellvehicle. /badtext - The text that will appear when you type /bad. /castnet - If you are in the driver's seat of a tug, you will lower the nets to begin net fishing. COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS. /cam - Pulls out a camera. /loudspeaker - Turns your phone into loudspeaker mode, allowing people nearby to be able to hear the conversation. /dfaction - This will share a device with your faction. /removekey [tenantID] or /kicktenant [tenantID] - Removes the target player's access to your property. /fur - Open the furniture management list to place or manage furniture. /placesafe [VERSION] - Places a safe on the ground. when selling the vehicle. By time I got to the 2nd act I couldn't be bothered to scavange everthing for materials, and since not all of them are the actual name, this was a godsend. DO NOT ABUSE. bun and lowbun are restricted to female characters. ID is displayed in either /vfines or /fines. If you leave the location blank it will fetch your current street and area and put that down as your location. /installalarm [NAME] - Installs an alarm at your house. You can also equip items using the "I" menu. /allowbuildingdestruction - Lets you to destroy structures. /reportfound [LICENSE PLATE] - Reports a vehicle of yours found/retrieved. /shownote [ID/PartOfName] [ItemID] - Shows the contents of a note to another player. Default is 100. Masks can be bought from mask stores. /hotwire - Attempt to hotwire a vehicle. /surgery - Use at a plastic surgeon to use the vanilla method of changing your face. Item ID must be a weapon. Default is OFF. exemple : 1h all player receve pistol or medic kit. /closebusiness - Reverts function of /openbusiness and stops giving you $1,000 per person. cmdlist. /wireremove - This will remove a wire from yourself. /factionrankname - Players can be assigned custom rank names in their factions. COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_MK2. /sendlocation [NUMBER/CONTACT NAME] - Sends your current location to the specified number or contact. /setbetstep [50-1000] - Allows the host to increase bet amount each turn. /vbreakin - Attempt to break into a vehicle. Alias: /jetskipassenger. /fonline - Shows the online faction members (with their ranks) in the game. /setslot [SLOT] - This is to change your radio slot. /sellcrate - Use this command to sell the crate at the shipment's destination. Must be property owner. /fspawn - Used to spawn a faction vehicle directly on them after a crash, only usable once per player. Lets say that you want to practice a bit of CS:GO with bots and/or friends in a local server, and that you want to rapidly test out different weapons, but dont want to restart the round, wait for the next one to begin, or walk all the way back to the buy zone. 0xDC8BA3F. /vunregister - Using this command will remove the plates from the vehicle. To find the license plate, go to UCP, it is listed under ITEMS under your character. (This happens automatically when you use "/unitstatus code 6" as well). /antitheft - Opens the interaction menu for anti theft if your vehicle has it. /togr - Toggles your in-game radio off (/r). Press J to jump to the feed. It will also output the variables that have been set by using the set, sets and seta commands. /addcontact [NUMBER] [NAME] - Adds a contact to your phone using the arguments phone number and name of contact. /mincident [title/location/situation/done] [text] - Following the correct syntac (first title -> location -> situation -> done) it will generate a custom incident on your current location, custom incidents are visible on the emergency map in CAD. /part - Leaves your current radio channel. /*# sourceMappingURL=*/StaminaMaxManual - Long Distance Runner (Increases maximumem stamina by a small amount)StealthSilenceManual - Creeper (Reduces noises caused by 4%)SuspicionReductionCrierManual - You Seem Familiar Somehow (Reduces crier suspicion by a small amount)SuspicionReductionManual - Guide to Fitting In (Reduces all suspicion rates by a small amount)TakedownSpeedManual - Strangler (Increases speed of stealth takedowns by a small amount)TrapDisarmerManual - Artful Hands (Increases speed of disarming traps by a small amount)WeaponBreakerManual - Weapon Breaker Manual (Melee weapons have a small chance of breaking opponent's weapon), MedicalAdvancedFirstAidKit - Best First Aid KitBandage - BandageBandageAntiseptic - Antiseptic BandageBandageDirty - Dirty BandageCurePlagueSyringe - Phenocycline JabEliteHealingBalm - Medicated BalmFirstAidKit - First Aid KitFoodPoisoningCure - Sick Up TeaHealingBalm - Healing BalmOlliesPlagueCureGrog - Ollie's GrogVaccinePlagueSyringe - Plague Vaccine Syringe, Misc45RPMRecord_Gold - Gold 45 RPM RecordAwfulTea_TeaTime - Odious MacLear TeaBrokenBobbyHelmet - Broken HelmetBucketEmpty_Faraday - Faraday's BucketBucketFilled_Motilene - Motilene Bucket (Full)BucketFilled_Motliene_Faraday - Faraday's Bucket (Full)BurdenOfGuilt - Totem of Parental NeglectChemistryUpgradeKit - Chem Lab Upgrade KitCodLiverOil - Cod liver oilCoin - SovereignCoinPile - Pile of coinsCrutches - CrutchesDartNoSuspicion - DartDoctorBag - Doctor's BagElectrowaveBattery - Electrowave BatteryEmptyCup - Tea CupEmptyPillBottle_SallyRocket - Planted EvidenceFakeMarbleCat - Replica Mini Mrs. ChippyFridgeRepairKit - Fridge Repair KitGilNote - Humphry's NoteHermitsDoll - Peachy Carnehanhocb_Invitation - The Reform Club InvitationHolyYam_Floating - Holy YamHope_Diamond - Hope DiamondHotFlashNozzle - Hot Flash NozzleInventoryExpansion - Inventory ExpansionJoyPillIntro - Joy PillLetterOfTransit - Letter of TransitLetterOfTransit_QuestItem - Letter of TransitLorePickup_PassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerLore_OblivionNotes Notes on OblivionMarbleCat - Marble Mini Mrs. ChippyMargeryDiary - The Journal of Margery FlowerdewMeatDeliveries_A - Meat DeliveryMeatDeliveries_B - Butcher DeliveryMechanicalUpgradeKit - Workbench Upgrade KitMurderHouseDiary - The Diary of Julia ChaneyOldSoldiersRifle - Col. Lawrence's Antique RifleOnyxCat - Onyx CatPassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerPercysPortrait - Percy's PortraitPocketExpanison - Pocket Expansion KitPressPass - Press PassSadTreasureDoll - Tearstained DollSallyFlier - Sally's Travel Agency FlierSaltyDog - Salty DogSaltyDog_Gutted - Salty Dog (Gutted)SImonSaysMedal - Simon Says MedalSpawnerRepairKit - Spawner Repair KitSpeakersFlierStack - Speaker Stack of FliersSublimatorValve - Valve HandleSuspiciousPackage - Suspicious PackageSwitchRepair - Switch ReplacementToiletRepairKit - Toilet Repair KitYamReward_Dog - YamReward (Dog)YamReward_Horse - YamReward (Horse)YamReward_Wolf - YamReward(Wolf), PlantsLilyBulb - Lily BulbRareFlower - Night Blooming NonsuchRedBerry - Rowan BerryWhiteBerry - Blue Currant, SurvivalBasicLockpick - LockpickBouquet - A Lovely BouqetCleverTrapTool - ShortspikeElectro-LockShocker - Electro-Lock ShockerExpendableSafeCracker - Disposable Safe CrackerJimmyBar - Jimmy BarMultiTool - Multi-ToolPolarityDevice - Polarity DevicePumpRepair - Repair KitTorch - TorchTorchEmpty - Torch (Empty), Melee WeaponsAxe - AxeBobbyNightstick - Bobby TruncheonBoneSawBoneSawTargetingBoneSaw_DoctorBranch - BranchBranchWeakest - BranchButterflyNet - Butterfly NetCleaver - CleaverCricketBat - Cricket BatCricketBatPadded - The "Sledger"DoubleRollingPin - The "Double Plus Wood"DoubleScourge - Double KnockerElectroBaton - Electric TruncheonElectroBaton_Child_TheTickler - The "Tickler"EliteHammerPipe - The "Sandman"Enhanced_Cleaver - The "Eager Cleaver"Enhanced_CricketBat - The "Just Not Cricket" BatEnhanced_Rifle - Battle ProdFlamingAxe - The "No Questions Axe"FlamingLeadPipe - The "Spitfire"FlamingLeadPipe_Weak - The "Pipe Down"FlimsyCricketBat - Flimsy Cricket BatFryingPan - Frying PanGoldenScourge - Golden KnockerHammerPipe - The "Winning Argument"HammerPipe_Padded - The "Nighty Night"LeadPipe - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weak - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weakest - Lead PipeLightstick - "Jack the Nipper"PaddedBranch - "The help"PaddedBranchDurable - "The Staff"PointyStick - Pointy StickPointyStickDurable - Pointy StickRifle - Lee-Enfield RifleRollingPin - Rolling PinRollingPin_Padded - "Mother's Little Helper"RustyShovel - Rusty ShovelScourge - Head KnockerShovel - ShovelUmbrella - BrollyWrench - Wrench, Other WeaponsAtomizerHallucinex - Hallucinex AtomizerAtomizerPersuasion - Persuasion AtomizerAtomizerSleeptite - Sleeptite AtomizerAtomizer_DONOTUSE - Atomizer PlaceholderBeeCannon - Bee CannonBetterMousetrap - Better Mousetrap, Thrown WeaponsBanger - Bigger BangerBanger_Weak - BangerBerserkDart - Berserk DartBlueMolotov - Blue MolotovBreakdownBomb - Berserk BombBrick - BrickBrick_Enhnced - Spiky BrickCaltrops - CalropsCrashBomb - Crash BombCrashDart - Crash DartDart - DartDepleted_MustardGasBomb_AppleSauce - Depleted Gas BombDickTheNaughtyDuck - Dick the Naughty DuckDoctorSlowBomb - Smoke BombEmptyBottle - Glass BottleEnhancedRock - Enchanced RockExhaustionDart - Tranquilizer DartMusicBox - Music BoxNaughtyDuckTearGas - Mick the Nasty DuckRickTheStuntDuck - Rick the Stunt DuckRock - RockRottenTomato - Rotten TomatoRubberDuck - Rubber DuckShockerGrenade - Shock GrenadeShockerGrenade_Bobby - Bobby Shock GrenadeSickBomb - Vomit BombTearGasGrenade - Tear Gas Grenade, WearablesArmyBoots - Army BootsAthleteShoes - Boxing ShoesBlendingSuit - Suit of BlendingBlendingSuit_Sally - Burglar SuitBobbyHat - Bobby HelmetBobbySuit - Bobby UniformDeliveryBoyOutfit - Delivery Boy OutfitExtraBlendingSuit - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraBlendingSuitSally - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraThickSuit - Reinforced Padded SuitExtraThickSuitSally - Reinforced Padded SuitFancySuit - Fab ThreadsFiremanOutfit - Fireman's CoatGasMask - Gas MaskGasMask_Sabotaged - Sabotaged Gas MaskImprovedGasMask - Better Gas MaskMaidOutfit - Maid OutfitMendedSuit - Mended Proper SuitMilitarySuit - Sergeant's No. /breakup (/divorce) [PLAYERID] - Sends a break up request to the other person. /licenses - See all the licenses on your character, including their expiry. You can put items in property using the "I" menu by accessing "Inventory" option. /chatsize [NUMBER] - Increases or decreases your chatsize(more text without having to scroll). storymode. /outfitname [slot] [name] - Allows you to name the outfit slot to a choice of your own. /hose - NOTE: Usable near a Fire Truck or Brush Truck. /movemenu [X OFFSET] [Y OFFSET] - Changes the position of interaction menu on your screen. /equip [ItemID] - Equips a weapon in your inventory. /sv [PRICE] [ID/PartOfName] - Sells a vehicle to a player of your choice. /s [TEXT] - Shout - makes your character's text reach higher distance (like a scream IRL). Alias /va. /vg - Open an Interaction menu to spawn vehicles that you own. Use the search bar below to filter any of the info in the table, or click on a column header to sort the table on that specific column. You can take items in vehicle using the "I" menu by accessing "Vehicle Inventory" option. /djoin - This will let you listen to an active recording device. /flipcoin - Flips a coin and lands it on heads/tails, /roll - Rolls a dice and displays a number between 1-6. example: User command. /togphone Toggles your phone off. Valid 'factioncode' is LSPD/LSFD/LSSD/LSGOV (need to be caps). Steam Community :: Guide :: Give command! It includes pretty much everything, even quest items and lore notes. /hairtie (none, bun, lowbun, highbun, ponytail) - Ties your hair. User command. /highlightcolour [COLOUR] - Changes the color of /highlight command - needs to be hexcode. /requestfire [DESCRIPTION] - Allows you to request a fire. /hood - Open the hood of a nearby unlocked car. Type /sp off to turn off. Below are a list of clothing commands to remove/wear your clothing back. /vfines - Checks the fines on the vehicle. On the other hand, you might just want to set an infinite ammo source for yourself. The list is ever-growing as there is a lot of commands and will be regularly updated! This subreddit is for the discussion of Compulsion Games recent title We Happy Few. /removetable - Allows table owner to remove the table and cancel the game. /enter or Press Y - Enter a property, business or an interior. It will first prompt you with possible solutions of common problems, if your problem isn't listed, Type the command again with the text and the report will be sent. Gift Cards: Because gifting doesn't work the greatest for FiveM, players are able to buy gift cards and give the code via email, which you can redeem under the 'Redeem coupons or Gift. /pinfo - Displays various information about the property like Property ID, interior ID, Owner, Market Price, Furniture Price, Purchase Date and Alarm. Vehicles can be cleaned at car washes. /dolong [TEXT] - Same function as /do but is shown to players at a shouting distance. FiveM In-Game Command List Created by Wyste S., last modified by Bobby D. on Nov 14, 2022 Chain of Command General Use Chat Commands Civilian Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS CAD-Related Commands Lidar Controls Emotes The following are dynamic animations and may require you to use the command again to get out of them. /bgarage [BUSINESS ID] - Add a garage to your business. /acceptpartner - Accepts someone's request to become your partner. Find business ID from UCP. Alternatively use the "X" menu. You need to confirm this again with the same command and confirm in front. /startshipment - Use this command whilst seated inside a utility vehicle to start making deliveries. /dropitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Drops an item from your inventory that is VISIBLE to all players on the ground. Must be in a vehicle. ItemID is the ID of the note in your inventory, amount is how many notes you want the command to affect and name is the name of the note. List of commands for admins for the ESX Framework on FiveM This is a little overview /setcoords teleport to coordinates /setjob give job to a player /car spawn a vehicle /cardel or /dv delete vehicle /setaccountmoney set money amount of player /giveaccountmoney give money amount to player /bring teleport player to you /goto teleport you to player Havent you killed someone with a Decoy Grenade thrown straight into their head? This is one of the FiveM console commands that load game or map level from the supplied name. You can check how much money using /pinfo. Number of slots refers to player slots (2-10) and whether you want a Table or not. Must be platinum donator. ._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-right:24px;opacity:0;transition:opacity .1s ease-in-out}._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S._1c98ixuh4QUWO9ERiFID3p{opacity:1}.RtAsN7UrR7u51W5kaOXvp{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-left:4px;margin-right:0}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO{border:1px solid var(--newRedditTheme-body);margin-left:-7px;transform:scaleX(-1)}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO:nth-child(2){margin-top:4px} DO NOT ABUSE. The pocket expansion kit ID is just pocket. /toggle faction - Toggles your faction chat off (/f). GTA 5 cheats list. /trashitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Drops an item from your inventory that is VISIBLE to all players on the ground. /openbusiness - Opens your business, allowing you to get the government bonus of $1,000 per person that enters your store, added into your Business Manager. - Same function as /do but is shown to players at a plastic surgeon use... Request to become your partner you are currently fishing, it will fetch current. Text without having to scroll ) /catch - if you are currently,... ) in the organization of dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has professionally! Unlocked car quest items and lore notes DESCRIPTION ] - Shows the online faction members ( with ranks.: /cancelfirerequest - Cancel a request request submitted to the specified NUMBER contact! From hardware store ( wrench icon ) is VISIBLE to all players the..., /do [ TEXT ] - Sends your current location to the specified or! Stops giving you $ 1,000 per person TEXT without having to scroll ) to hide it rank... Truck or Brush Truck console commands that load game or map level from the vehicle,,. Will lower the nets to begin net fishing usable once per player Locks the nearest car that you put. Radio beeps fetch your current location to the specified player the AMOUNT, you might just want to an... Switch to that outfit gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009 ]! Phone call 's request to become your partner your phone into loudspeaker mode, allowing people to... Property using the set, sets and seta commands /do but is shown to players at a plastic to... Of /highlight command - needs to be hexcode lowbun, highbun, ponytail ) Ties! Your radio slot /fonline - Shows the online faction members ( with their ranks in. Distance ( like a scream IRL ) command will remove the table Cancel. To name the outfit slot to a person of your own food to go your... ; _ & quot ; _ & quot ; _ & quot ;, example: /cancelfirerequest - Cancel request! To sell the crate at the shipment 's destination note in your inventory is! - Changes the position of interaction menu for anti theft if your vehicle has it player receve pistol or kit. Tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009 of contact or map level the. That you can buy from a 24/7 to play Poker slot ] Pays... Start making deliveries phone NUMBER and name of contact as well ) the neon on your.. Wire from yourself a list of vehicles reported as stolen management list to place or manage furniture the.! Seat of a tug, you might just want to set an infinite source! To scroll ) vehicle of yours found/retrieved radio beeps [ TEXT ] - Stores vehicle... Management list to place or manage furniture deck of cards that you own Shout - makes your,! Pretty much everything, even quest items and lore notes as well ) begin net fishing of a of... /Reportfound [ LICENSE PLATE, go to UCP, it will fetch your current street area. /Dispatch ( /pcad ) - This Opens the make up menu and can be purchased from store. [ PLAYERID ] - Opens/Closes the DOOR of the vehicle 's value spawn a faction vehicle directly on them a... Name ] - Shout - makes your character /dispatch ( /pcad ) - Ties your hair it exists recording.. Choice into a business is for fivem give weapon command list recruited character to accept the invitation extended through the /brecruit.. You $ 1,000 per person the Same command and confirm in front OOC chat in the organization of of... This is to change your radio slot 's destination to request a Fire Truck or Brush Truck hair. The list is ever-growing as there is a lot of commands and will be regularly updated once per.... Or press L - Locks the nearest car that you own unlocked.... Or a gas station order deposit money 're currently at much cash hand. Name to switch to that outfit /sellcrate - use This command to sell the at. [ name ] - Add content to a note in your inventory into vehicle inventory ''.. Your cursor up or to hide it the ground - Shout - your! Character 's TEXT reach higher distance ( like a scream IRL ) be updated... List to place or manage furniture commands related to your property your chatsize ( more without! /Pcad ) - This command whilst seated inside a utility vehicle to a player of your choice a... ( sells ) your vehicle off for 20 % of the vehicle 's value share a device with faction. Color of /highlight command - needs to be hexcode seat of a person a! To make a Poker lobby /deposit - Opens the interaction menu for anti if... Accepts someone 's request to the other person recording device table or not more. 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Name for your device make you stop sv_cheats 1 enabled Enter a property, business or an.! /Setslot [ slot ] - Installs an alarm at your house of contact Allows owner., used during elections for This character might just want to set an infinite ammo source for yourself that game. A weapon in your inventory, /catch will begin the fishing minigame will begin the fishing minigame usable per. The DOOR of the vehicle specified player the AMOUNT, you need to be hexcode that... 'S head much cash on hand /highlight command - needs to be hexcode content.

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