how to collapse a cestui que vie trust

It was our right to property (via Birth into this world), our body (via the Live Birth Record), and our souls (via Baptism). The MoJ is required to provide you with a response within 20 working days. Privateer Licenses And Letters Of Marque And Reprisal tit. His video "know who you are" is particularly insightful. Intermsof essential elements concerning Cestui Que Vie Trusts: (i) A Cestui Que (Vie)Trustmay only exist for seventy (70) years being the traditional accepted "life" expectancy of theestate; and, (ii) ABeneficiaryunderEstatemay be either aBeneficiaryor a Cestui Que (Vie)Trust. : 1 Story, Eq. Common Law V. Admiralty Law To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. The problem is that privately owned for-profit corporations under contract to provide government services have misrepresented themselves as the government and used that presumed position of public trust to defraud us, enslave us, and levy false claims against us and our assets in the foreign jurisdiction of international commerce. But what is the value which must be conveyed to the trust, in order to create it? Learning about your legal fiction helps you to unlock yourself. Are we under the crown? Your mother has a birth canal just like a ship. Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Our only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Jude Dale Services Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies. Evidence of this is the birth certificate. This post has been copied from this source. In the meantime, they are drawing down on it for their own personal use and as payment to the Vatican and the English crown. Despite these sobering points, there is hope. Solutions - Actions - Remedies Under the Uniform Commercial Code, however, a surety includes a guarantor, and the two terms are generally interchangeable. The Real Dejure Republic Exists DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E is NOT a Patrick Devine website. [Here is a video discussing the trust relationships in a court room and some techniques for. Situation Updates When you get a bill or summons from court it is always in capital letters, similar to tomb stones in grave yards. Student Loans The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. IRS BYE BYE Would you be against giving your thoughts? Debt Canncellation Movement Unsecured Debts Remedy Inst. Debit Elimination Debt Elimination System (Well begun is half done.), Legally, you are considered to be a slave or indentured servant to the various Federal, State and local governments via your STATE-issued and STATE-created Birth Certificate in the name of your all-caps person. "Accept For Value" (A4v) U.C.C. Commercial Remedy, Agencies Are The "Shadow Government" -- Worldwide, A Mass Action Of Liability - Smart Meters, How To Correct Your Political Status And Why, How To Deal With A Dysfunctional Media And Press Corps, Important! There Are No States . Wake Up If you seek legal advise, find yourself a competent lawyer or attorney. Contact us today to inquire about the new services and packages we offer for individuals, family, couples, and friends. Please be as detailed as possible as to what youre inquiring about so we can better assist you. "Natural law is both anterior and superior to positive law" Oxford Law Dictionary, 'gumshoe sleuth' on YouTube is very good if you want to pick up some workable info, his language can be a bit colourful so he is not for the easily offended! Our only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. And by all accounts justice, as it is practiced today, has never been interested in following law or honoring trust. Where the system fails is in execution, actually following the principles of trust on which legal codes are founded. When London burned, the subrogation of men's and women's rights occurred. As far as Holding them accountable what does that look like. Why unincorporated? The historical facts and timeline progression of how we got into this mess is fully explained in You Know Something Is Wrong When.. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, available on Amazon. Court room dramas are misinformation. 1666 CHAPTER 11 18 and 19 Cha 2. There is an obligation to accept any liability which has been created. November 7 In the case of James ll, in 1688 he had to flee for his life to a refuge in France. You really need to know this information well, so that you cant be hoodwinked or confused by either of them! 2ND DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE When a Birth Certificate is registered with the U.S. Department of Commerce, it means that the all-caps legal person named thereon has become a surety or guarantor, a condition and obligation that is automatically and unwittingly assumed unless you rebut the presumption by effectively noticing them: It aint me.. No amount of paper work, protests, certified letters or official documentation will cause the system to begin acting honorably, because it has to do so for everyone if it is to be a truly just system. Cestui Que Vie Trust . PUBLIC ORDER - THE TIMELINE OF THE GREAT FRAUD AND DECLARATION OF LAW Heres my thoughts and you're more than welcome to correct me. We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system. Solutions Actions Remedies A Sample WORKING Declaration Land And Soil Jurisdiction CORRECT SOLUTION The ship moves by the sea current just as we are able to move by the currency. See full text here.]. The state even owns your personal and private life through your STATE-issued marriage license/certificate issued in the all-caps names. All this information relates to how the general public are still legally tied through Maritime Admiralty Law. Top 12 Steps To Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship Vs Corporate Slave Citizenship This allows people to function in commerce and to accept the benefits provided by state. Thank you. This traces back to 1666, London is an Independent, City, State, just like Vatican is an Independent City State, just like Washington, DC is an Independent City State. July 2019 Middle English certificat, from Middle French, from Medieval Latinceruficatum. It comes from Admiralty Law. Pay Attention! Pontiff's War-mongering 2: one who promises to answer for the debt or default of another. The system requires compliance and ignorance in order to suppress the rights of the people and maintain the illusion of justice. Therefore, the only logical conclusion to draw is that there is in fact NO JUSTICE, NO RULE OF LAW and NO REMEDY for the people. But what is the value which must be conveyed to the trust, in order to create it? Appearances of the Pseudo courts is totally for your benefit and is intended to invoke fear and intimidation. Constitutional Enforcement Seminar This is an envelope w/a declaration in it The Treasury Department then issues Treasury securities in the form of Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Bills using the bonds as surety for the new securities. This cycle is based on the future tax revenues of the legal person whose name appears on the Birth Certificate. 1: a formal engagement (as a pledge) given for the fulfillment of an undertaking. A beings ability to seek the truth and act compassionately and acknowledge others is what defines a sovereign being. The state took everybody and everybodys property into trust. Common Law Vs Admiralty Law Since the early 1960s, State governments themselves specially created, juristic, corporate persons signified by all caps have issued Birth Certificates to persons with legal fiction all-caps names. I have been asked to summarize this issue many times, so here it is in the proverbial nutshell. This dutch site also explains the complete process plus gives all the docs you need to claim back your alive status. New To This Information? The Victory Tax 1779 Naturalization Act (Back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea). (iii) The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie)Trustwas toforma temporaryEstatefor thebenefitof another because some event,stateofaffairsor condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent and present before a competent authority. We are not lawyers or attorneys and do not give any legal advise. Our only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. But instead of returning all the Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust assets owed to the living people, Bill Clinton signs Executive Order #13037, stepping up the conscription process, and again, pretending that nobody knows who these accounts belong to, hoping to seize upon all our property including our names via a claim on abandonment. Its time that we exercised that inherent power and put an end to this gross criminality, fraud, and usurpation by our public servants. However, they are hopefully provocative. It is a game with actors (acting on acts). It is like owning a share in the Stock Market, you may own a share but it is still a share of the Stock. People V. Persons It was our right to property (via Birth into this world), our body (via the Live Birth Record), and our souls (via Baptism). This account contains millions of dollars in your name. MUST READ! Related Pope Ruler of the World to go after War Criminals? The second form of law is maritime and trust law is effective because of the 2nd Cestui Que Vie Trust. The trustee is the person or institution that is in charge of administering the trust. Banking Fraud John DOE or Doe: JANE, 1) CESTUI QUE TRUST: (pronounced setakay) common term in New Zealand and Australia, 2) STRAWMAN: common term in United States of America or Canada. Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies. An Act for Redresse of Inconveniencies by want of Proofe of the Deceases of Persons beyond the Seas or absenting themselves, upon whose Lives Estates doe depend. Ab. (v) In 1837 (1 Vict. (See: beneficiary). The Iteration Method Of Stopping Any Court Action Before It Starts Christopher James His job was to collect all the data from the churches which held the records of birth. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE ***The TRUSTEE Judge has no alternative but to honor your demands but you have to get this right and act with confidence. Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetexts legal research suite. Understanding Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Existence ofLife, Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Learn More at The American States Assemblies, ABOUT "FORECLOSURE" -- A SIMPLE PLAN TO GET THE UPPER HAND, "Accept For Value" (A4v) U.C.C. Its about commerce. just below, it is misspelled Debt Freedom Without Bankruptcy Corporations Are Not Governments The state takes control until a living man or woman comes back and claims their titles by proving they are alive and claims for damages can be made. Does this apply to Australian or Commonwealth law too? But, when two sovereign individuals are unable to settle a dispute, a third party can be appointed by them to assist in the matter; this is ostensibly the role of a Justice System. D. I. Y. American National Passport Could you please share the link to the site in Holland where you can obtain the documents please, Hey mate could you please send me the link. We simply share his files, documents, and audios free of charge. This is outside the scope of our services. When we were born, a trust, called a Cestui Que Vie Trust ("CQV") was set-up, for our benefit. The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. Actions But in truth, the system has never been designed for this, its designed to appear lawful; acting in the color of law. #2) How to avoid prosecution under the Trust, when a Sovereign is taken before a corporate prosecuting Attorney or a Judge: First: the Sovereign must inquire if we are on the record, and if not, insist upon it! State Of The Nation! As the owners of this site, we have the right to enforce any policies and terms we feel necessary. London in 1666, during the black plague and great fires of London, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666. UNIDROIT - The Uniform Commercial Code Is Governed By An International Treaty A MOST VALUABLE PROCESS The Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 states that when you return from beyond the seas your remedy is to claim your property that is registered into Trust, Does the cestui que vie Act form an adhesion contract that I was unaware of, fulfilling obligations and accepting liability unknowingly as trustee of the Cestui Que Vie Trust. (This is the unfortunate, corrupt reality that our peaceful, law abiding communities are dealing with in the court system today), YOU (THE LIVING MAN/WOMAN) = BENEFICIARY of the CQV Trust, (Both Judge & Clerk must follow YOUR instructions for discharge / dismissal as YOU are the Executor of the trial and Beneficiary of the CQV trust.). CESTUI QUE TRUST, A barbarous phrase, to signify the beneficiary of an estate held in trust. This addresses the heart of what self-government means. The America States Assembly Weekly webinar. In these contracts, cestui que vie is known as the policyholder, insured, or policy owner. It has to be treated as a game and just business. Some in the freedom movement think that if we only say the right thing or file the correct paperwork, the system will be forced to comply with the law. Judges Are: Incompetent, Discriminatory and In Breach of Contract | A Documentary Script That Will Reveal The Fraud. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. How To Cancel Debit Related Biometric Data Harvesting At Birth | Did You Know You Also Have a Uniform Birth Number? When aBeneficiaryloses directbenefitof anyPropertyof the higherEstateplaced in Cestui Que (Vie)Truston their behalf, they do not own the Cestui Que (Vie)Trustand are only thebeneficiaryof what the Trustees of the Cestui Que (Vie)Trustchoose to provide them; and. For with great freedom comes great responsibility, requiring a wise and truth knowing mind so as to live harmoniously with others. He for whose benefit another person is enfeoffed or seised of land or tenements, or is possessed of personal property. It comes from Admiralty Law. A not guilty plea, or ANY plea admits jurisdiction. Prosecutor & I do not consent to being surety for these proceedings. just as ships are given berth Certificates at the Dock. Lawsuit Anatomy Overcome Court Corruption e.g. It is a for profit private enterprise that has usurped a once valid method of settling disputes, chiefly interested in deceiving and defrauding their patrons; the unwitting masses. the deed to the juristic-name artificial person whose all-caps name mirrors your true name. Secured Party Creditor we must go through a process of reclaming our nationality, having a nationality ties you to the land as your god giving estate and your natural birthright. Educate Yourself The temple bar is in London, every lawyer called to the bar swears allegiance to the temple bar. Im interested in accessing Patrick Devines forms and testimonials can you help with that? As I understand the process Judge; the county attorney or Police Officer has leveled a criminal charge with the Clerk against the TRUST, using the ALL CAPS NAME that appears on this BIRTH CERTIFICATE! e.g. Blog The person who has pledged him or herself to pay back money or perform a certain action if the principal to a contract fails, as collateral, and as part of the original contract. If you are unable to locate the trustee, you may need to contact a probate lawyer or the court that appointed the trustee. We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system. Adam. The UK's Katie Hopkins Has A Warning For America - Do Not Let America Become Like Britain April 2017 Beneficial Title | Accounts Payable vs. Accounts Relievable et. May 2018 By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm. Lawfully Yours Contains Invaluable Information For All Americans. It is presented to the best of my knowledge and belief, and is sworn under oath and the penalty of perjury. Thus, this post is not written by the A.W.A.R.E Authors. This is a bunko crime known as personageknowingly mistaking on purpose a living man for a corporation using the same or similar name for example, mistaking a man named James Clarence Penny for the retail department store doing business as JC PENNY. February 2018 This site is all about spreading truth, awareness and enlightenment and serves as EDUCATIONAL and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. AMERICA RESTORATION HANDBOOK Look at the symbols in your City Courts that relate to Admiralty. These issues of economic slavery and slavery via corporate proxy must be addressed and the mechanisms used to promote this abuse must be dismantled. Massive Fraud The Great Fraud Of Today Part One: The Corruption Of The Judicial Branch Say nothing, sign nothing and answer no questions until you are convinced that the proceedings are being recorded! What I mean is, how do we undo the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, in our lives in a practical manner? Court room dramas are misinformation. They can enforce the existing rules of . A Cestui Que VieTrust, also known by several other pseudonyms such as Term ofLifeor Years or Pur Autre Vie or "Fide CommissaryTrust" or Foreign SitusTrust or SecretTrust is a pseudoformoftrustfirst formed in the 16th Century under Henry VIII of England on one or more presumptions including (but not limited to) one or more Persons presumed wards, infants, idiots, lost or abandoned at sea and therefore assumed/presumed dead after seven (7) years. You cant get called without swearing this allegiance. #2) How to avoid prosecution under the Trust, when a Sovereign is taken before a corporate prosecuting Attorney or a Judge: Say nothing, sign nothing and answer no questions until you are convinced that the proceedings are being recorded! Hi All - Many of you have heard me mention the Federal Government Birth Certificate Trust that is created on all of you at birth which is the Cestui Que Vie Trusts that the Territorial Federal Government and Vatican created and owns. Regards, Sin Jones. Merriam Websters Dictionary of Law (1996). There are countless scores of knowledgeable people that follow the rules and procedures within the system, hoping to gain remedy and reclaim their status as sovereign individuals, but in most cases the system ignores valid claims and honorable arguments. 12, c. 4, s. 4; vide Vin. This Trust actually pays all of your debts but nobody tells you that because the Elite consider those assets to be their property and the Federal Reserve System is responsible for the management of those Investments., Social Security; SSI; SSD; Medicare and Medicaid are all financed by the Trust. Refuge in France s. 4 ; vide Vin Accept for value '' ( )... Admits jurisdiction just as ships are given berth Certificates at the Dock this account contains of! Knowing mind so as to live harmoniously with others more effective and with! Others is what defines a sovereign being into registering the birth of their babies with how to collapse a cestui que vie trust promises answer. The legal person whose all-caps name mirrors your true name and do not give any advise... He for whose benefit another person is enfeoffed or seised of land or tenements, is! We sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device this abuse must be conveyed to the artificial... 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