montana llc crackdown california

They received their Texas license plate for the Jeep. Worthless whiners like this blogger are just that. To avoid that one guy I know never brings his Montana LLC licensed MH into Cal, -ever-. A super car claim will get sent to a special underwriting desk for special scrutiny. The hassle of always looking over my shoulder just isnt worth the tax savings. the whole thing, for reference. Part of the issue here is California is going after Montana LLC with managing member(s) that are California residents. Montana LLCs almost always only work for full-timers who don't spend much time in their domicile state. If you live in Texas and setup a Montana LLC for the express purpose of not paying sales tax, you will be fine as long as you stay out of Texas with the LLC titled vehicle. Sidestepping Sales Tax on Large Vehicles Updated November 5, 2020: And that arguments probably a loser in court. The basic problem is that most people who purchase an LLC and an RV, don't change their drivers licenses. You need an attorney in California, not Montana, it is in California you (or he) have/has to appear in court. In December 2007, a man named Robert Thomas bought a $351,800 RV at the Dixie RV Super Store in the city of Hammond in his home state of Louisiana. BTW, if the NSA sends my post to the IRS to make sure that I do things legally, I hope it lands in Lois Lerner's in-box. I paid my taxes. That way I'll have a chance that it'll get lost. Luckily, I was able to move to a county that has lower personal property taxes, but they still are pretty stiff. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Make Sure You're Prepared for Your Texas Driver's License! Depending on your state's sales tax rate, you can legally save $25,000 or more on your purchase. And your LLC is a Montana corporation. Once law enforcement suspects youre keeping your Montana-tagged high-value vehicle in your home state, theyll be checking your Facebook and Instagram. Join the #1 RV Forum Today - It's Totally Free! Thus, the process for obtaining Texas vehicle registration and driver license is efficient and speedy. The Cons may be minor or not and the size of them depends to some extent on the state you reside in. Ontario Canada Finally insurance and finance make this even more complex. All this is perfectly legal in Montana. Have registered to vote etc. Keep your Montana-registed car your garage the same garage you tell your insurance company you keep it in. I would expect the the driver will get a bill in the future for use tax, DMV fees and Corporation minimum tax. However, here is how I would approach it from a logical (but not necessarily relevant) standpoint. The state of Montana will not issue one as they do not consider an RV to be a commercial vehicle. In their defense, the couple had to swear that they had not been in Texas for more than 30 days during the past year. Found it odd that the GMC Sierra I rented had AZ plates. Says so in the advertisements in Trailer Life magazine, "Montana has no sales tax." I suspect you are also outing yourself with the state in terms of where the car is located and I am sure that no good deed will go unpunished. Interestingly enough boats and aircraft are not taxed. It doesn't pay to cheat the tax man. Having three or more axles regardless of weight; or California Highway Patrol is actively looking for and flagging drivers pulled over with California drivers licenses driving cars with Montana plates. For example, Louisiana slaps a 9% tax on vehicle sales. But this article has made sure I will not be relocating to Michigan and purchasing my RV there! Part of MOTORSPORT NETWORK. Discussion in 'California (Southern)' started by Texas Forever, Feb 13, 2011. Instead, it was bought by a Montana company, one formed for the sole purpose of buying the RV. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Whatever. While Montana maintains that an RV is not a commerclal vehilce per se, in most states vehicles owned and used by businesses are considered "commercial" vehicles. Unlike the mass market insurance companies, our carriers know the deal, and our agents know the right questions to ask to make sure youre getting the insurance protection you need. Can your domicile be in Delaware: drivers license, voting, mail forwarding address, but register your RV in Montana to safe on the registration fees? They say if you take the motorhome out of your home state once every three months, youre legal. The more you give the government the more they want and take. Susie and her husband, James Frost, reside in Livingston, Texas. Is doing Montana LLC RV Titling a wise practice or will it get RVers in trouble in their home states? Blast WA all you want too, it looks like a paradise compared to NV. Join Date: Apr 2012. So what, you live and work in California and you are cheating the system. I was unaware of of how this worked until a few days ago, when i spoke with a gentleman who has been doing this for several years. Choose a subscription to save and fill them out at any time effortlessly. Youre very mistaken and your conscience is misguided. I have a feeling u/Doug-DeMuro will be satisfied to know that he registered his Ford GT properly(Context). So is this a business-use vehicle? After Hurricane Harvey, theres even a greater need for assistance in this regard. Essentially, it works like this: You form an LLC business in Montana. Most state laws are reciprocating. David and Dianne had completed the process in less than one day. 1house has been rented for 4years the house we currently live in will be renting in 10days. And what additional fees and taxes are in Delaware? With that address, proof of vehicle insurance and an inspection of the towed Jeep, they headed to the county tax assessor-collector to register their vehicles. Thats painting at target on your back. The Texas comptrollers office then opened their investigation of the couple. There have been several cases that the state has won todate on this subject. LLC's are shams for avoiding state sales tax. But these agents may not have the training or experience to ask the right questions, and get the right information on your application. Since we have no real property anywhere I am not convinced it needs to be done. Where you happen to own a home and have a drivers license? The rub comes in your home state, unless, of course, your real home state IS Montana. U-Haul and other legitimate rental businesses pay all applicable state/local sales and corporate income taxes on their rentals. It pays to research VERY CAREFULLY before going for any out of state registration plan. After arriving in Livingston, they visited Escapees RV Club national headquarters where they obtained their new Texas address. It is 100% legal to create an LLC in Montana, and to have that LLC purchase and register a vehicle (or vehicles) regardless of your personal place of residence. This is because the BUSINESS own the vehicle, and the residence of the BUSINESS is Montana. Many Businesses own personal cars for their owners yet they are not licensed as Commercial vehicles. So it makes a lot of sense to do everything you can to maximize savings. (Sorry, Hawaii residents!). Oregon has also enter the tax battle as they substantially fined and shut down an agent who was creating LLC's in that state which also has no sales tax. Locations What is IFTA? How To Insure a Car with a Rebuilt or Salvage Title, South Dakota Residency for Full-Time RVers. 26. Nebraska, which has a 7 percent sales tax, is the most recent, according. Given the creation of this MT strategy it looks like the middle class is now copying the rich in tax avoidance and flushing our country down the drain. Forming a Montana LLC and using it to purchase vehicles and other expensive pieces of personal property isnt a new concept.Thousands of car owners across the country have successfully benefited from using this technique. December 07, 2021at8:10 pm, B Moore said: Note the last sentence No matter where you fit in you'll find that iRV2 is a great community to join. October 18, 2021at10:32 pm, Dr. Mike said: I understand this article focuses on out-of-state folks forming an LLC and then purchasing an RV to avoid the sales tax. So not everyone with plates from another state for awhile is breaking the law. It's a never ending crackdown, if a driver is stopped with out of state plates registered to their name with an address out of state and holds a California drivers license, they are DEAD MEAT! Plates and registration will take about 1-3 days. The LLC in Montana is owned by a Michigan resident. Its not an illegal act or a scam. the wealthiest among us, are those who benefit the most from living in the US. He asked to see Diannes driver license and noted it was also Texas. How didthathappen?. Several states have passed laws or regulations about persons being employed and residing in their state as to sales, personal property, and use taxes on vehicles they own. So technically fines and penalties can still come your way. I know, I know, some will say the Montana LLC is the legal owner. Get a BIGSKYGUY plate. The Montana LLC scheme used by the Louisiana taxpayer has been around for years and continues to be promoted by Montana-based lawyers. To answer a couple of you, 1st off, this was my 1st posting, I never heard of this site until directed here by the editor of a major RV magazine, his thinking was that alot of RVers visit this site and my neighbor did not want to write an article, so I decided to do it myself. Stay up-to-date with Club news, blog posts, events, and more. When did any state achieve authority over another for teaching a titled and registered vehicleof that state. Next, they visited the local Department of Public Safety (DPS) office. All rights reserved. Like references on using this opportunity (it isnt a loophole, its simply how the law was written to benefit wealthy people). They stay in one place for weeks, months, or years at a time. I pay income tax to the state and federal government. As we mentioned, the CHiPs are out in force, looking for this specific circumstance. Press J to jump to the feed. 2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss after a semi "nicked" it. In a deliberate break with their home state of California, they sold their property and bought an RV. So technically fines and penalties can still come your way. It's a $750 value, and you'll walk away with a custom tax reduction plan designed specifically for you. Um no thanks. Even if the law is on your side, if your state doesnt think so, you can spend way more in legal fees fighting it than you saved. Or the solution might possibly be to move to a state where there is no sales tax like NH, but the "registration" fees there are very high. I have to laugh when I read posts like this. But to stay in line with the rules to keep from having to pay the tax can be challenging, depending on how you use your RV (boat, airplane, etc), and depending on your state can be so restrictive as to make it not worth it. Unless your agent specializes in the luxury/non-standard car market, they may not even know how to properly fill out the application to ensure your vehicle is covered when it counts. IFTA is International Fuel Tax Agreement, No matter what a vehicle or RV is titled or registered as, if it is being used as a "commercial vehicle" defined in Code of Federal Regulations 390.5.. Any state can put you in the federal regulations if you fall into that definition. Is there a time factor involved? The definition of company is : Any entity engaging in business, such as a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. And some states are already cracking down on people caught parking cars in their state that have Montana tags. Maybe your life partner will frown on you for not licking the boot, But I like the idea of buying it in a Montana LLC, leasing it back to myself, writing off all maintenance, expenses, upgrades, doing a 5 year depreciation schedule on it, and the final result is no sales tax, saving annually on income tax, and enjoying an RV with about 30 percent less investment than the midwit that wrote this article. How To Start An Llc In Montana. My questions around this are: Location: Off the road after 14 years full timing. And then you have the gas expenses to get it home from Montana. I'm about to wrap things up, but I was wondering if any of you have had any experience with this idea. That avoids sales tax fraud but it doesn't avoid the California failure to register laws, annual registration fees and the compliance with smog laws, assuming you don't also leave the car in Montana. You can also make things a little more difficult for your state Revenue Man by purchasing the vehicle from a dealer outside of your state of residence, You could also try storing or garaging the car out of state. Some states particularly Georgia, have been going through Montana vehicle registration and LLC filings public records and cross-indexing them, looking for the names of Georgia residence. We looked at doing a Montana LLC ,but it seemed a bit risky so we opted to bite the bullet and pay Colorado sales tax when we purchased our RV. Heres a link to said video: It costs you about $1,000 to have a Montana law firm set up your LLC and do the registration and titling paperwork and send you back the Montana license plates. All Rights Reserved. We have a MH with MT plates and are SD residents, but in most years the MH isn't even in SD for a day and when it is it is only there for a week or two. And theyrepissed. Yes!!!! With specific questions like yours, we recommend you reach out to legal counsel directly so all factors can be considered in the discussion. And I live in high taxing Michigan. Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1. Our wills were last done in 2017 as I prepared to retire. A Montana LLC is considered a Montana resident and, like any other resident of Montana, won't pay a sales tax on any purchase. Id have to agree that in California I have seen cops pull you over for those plates and with the emission and loud exhaust being a big deal. Realistically speaking, if you intend to claim domicile in Texas, then bite the bullet and pay the Texas sales tax for your RV. Plus it was is tax evation and you may o r may not get caught. It sounds like anybody with a Montana plate might get pulled over in CA. Check it out by clicking here. The cop only needs to ask for your license and then you're screwed. We have had so many expensive problems due to incompetent state employees for the past thirty years money to fix their errors has to come from some place - the residents. The next thing she knew, she was being pulled over by a local DPS trooper. This bi-weekly newsletter is full of everything you want to know. The biggest bite in buying an RV in one of the high tax states comes in the form of a use tax, or sales tax. The Test? Did you know Oregon is where a majority of new aircraft are taken for delivery? And hey, Its not like that money is going to the kids detailing the car on the lot, anyway. California wants us to report our neighbors for registration violations, smoking violations, burning wood on no burn days and excess water usage. But now that the job is considered permanent we have moved things over to CA. But be aware that hat local revenue officials and law enforcement are walking through car shows with cameras, looking for cars with Montana tags. Yes, my job is to go after them with a vengeance and I gladly do this because they are cheaters, plain and simple. Stick to things useful, helpful, and informative. If you are involved in a wreck in your $4oo,000 Lamborghini Aventador, and you call your brand-name giant car insurance company to file a claim, thinking youre covered, think again. We are Reddit's central hub for vehicle-related discussion including industry news, reviews, projects, videos, DIY guides, stories, and more. The downsides to a Montana LLC are few if you are a full timer. Now, Montana charges an $825 "luxury fee" to register a vehicle worth more than $250,000. November 03, 2022at12:12 am, Noneya Business said: Rich folks do this all the time to evade paying any form of higher taxes; additionally, no different than those making South Dakota their residency to avoid paying higher taxes. It depends on the state lease regulations if this can work. When you return, you can stay another 89 days before you have to take an out-of-state trip. If the rig is owned by a corporation it is treated like a commercial truck and you have to buy fuel permits. Seems like unnecessary cost at an attorney. Lots of carriers will take your premium, sure. Besides this, many insurers have been known to frown at covering an RV that is titled in Montana when the owner of the LLC lives in another state. Its not illegal to register a mh in another state when it begins to an llc of that other state and avoid taxes of any other state. My neighbor was stopped at an AG station on I-15 south going into CA and fined a total of $150. One other thing to remember: California is not the only state cracking down on attempts to avoid paying taxes. Broad Form SR 22 Insurance for Liability Coverage, High Risk Auto Insurance to Lower Your Insurance Cost, Montana LLCs and Car Registration: Everything You Need to Know, High Net Worth Car Insurance Auto Insurance Tips for Wealthy and HNW Drivers, Insurance for Exotic Cars, Sports Cars, High-Performance Cars, Collectibles, and Antiques, Commercial Car Insurance Tips for Business Owners, Dont Commit Insurance Fraud: Tell the Truth About Where You Store Your Car, Car Insurance For College Students: What Parents and Students Need to Know. Qualified motor vehicle does not include recreational vehicles. So they can make a bunch of noise about it, but in the end they will not be able to stop it. Consistency between these items, license plates and driver license, is the best way to proceed. CHP clamping down on drivers who avoid California fees. International Accounting Standards Board : Well, to me this is all a most creative shell game between the individual taxpayer vs. individual regional entities (states) each are running their own affairs and trying to keep their coffers full enough to support their overhead (programs, roads, wages for their institutions and beurocracies, etc etc). Using a Montana law firm, they created a limited liability corporation (LLC) in Montana for one purpose: to house their RV so they wouldnt have to pay sales tax. brandon fugal wife; lucky 13 magazine 450 bushmaster. FAR too many ways to get bitten in the butt. Another good reason I moved from CA. MS resident here. But thats still a drop in the bucket compared to the potential immediate tax savings you can get by registering high-value cars, trucks, busses, and RVs in Montana. You really might want to get a clue, not give tax or legal advice as an unqualified writer and keep your submissive nature to yourself. A very evenhanded and comprehensive review of all this can be found on the RV Dreams website. RVers Ask: What's The Best Way To Sell An RV? Because Montana has no sale tax on an RV, your only cost is the $1,000 to set up your LLC business. That busness technically owns your RV. Since the LLC never paid the sales or use tax but it still could be registered locally. Forming an LLC does not create a business nor does it create a corporation. The announcement is part of a continuing crackdown against student loan debt relief companies . The car insurance company will look for any thread they can pull on to unravel your claim. IFTA is an agreement among most U.S. states and Canadian provinces to simplify the reporting of fuel used by motor carriers operating in more than one jurisdiction. The IRS treats one-member LLCs as sole proprietorships for tax purposes. Your email address will not be published. "Just write down the information and get it to us, we will take it from there," said California Highway Patrol Officer David Singer. I even got my old DL# back. Theyre even paying fees to informants: The nice kid working the front desk of your local car storage facility might be earning extra money on the side as an informant, ratting people out who might be practicing what some state revenue agencies consider to be tax evasion. If your main residence in another state, the practice is often considered to be tax evasion particularly in those states that have high RV sales taxes and costly RV license platesand titling fees. Just wait til it's FREE!!! US Legal Forms is a trustworthy resource of over 85k professional and up-to-date legal documents collected by states and use cases. CA has a hotline to report this. Officer Josh Waites explains what prompted their. Steve Mr. Bill. The personal auto specifically excludes coverage for commercial activities/ventures. Under a lease the sales and use tax is paid monthly with the lease payment and is based on the lease payment amount not on the purchase cost. Anybody can form an LLC in Montana. Your email address will not be published. The issue here, though, is what would a court decide? The trooper didnt stop there. In that sentence is why you should NOT do it. Avoiding sales tax by using a Montana LLC is not illegal nor a scam. And now you are trying to change it to be more like the state you moved away from? Also, be careful driving your RV with Montana tags while towing your car with California tags in California with a California drivers license. They brought along their Texas vehicle registration, proof of insurance, their unexpired California driver licenses and other proof of required identification. If you purchase within Texas, in order not to have to pay sales tax, you have to sign a Tax Exemption Certificate that basically says you will remove the vehicle from the state and not bring it back. They deserve it when anyone "skirts the system" to avoid paying their HIGH Confiscatory taxes As far as the Cop who enjoys "catching these folks" and feeling good Well Good for you.. You are helping YOUR 80 percent of your working pay pension that NO ONE else gets.Thank you very muchNo wonder the State is going broke.. We cant say the same for all the name-brand mass market carriers do. Theyll argue that you made false statements on your application. This HOP will give you the opportunity to participate in safe gun-handling skills,+ Read More, Location: Tombstone, AZ After a fun and eventful Escapade, take a relaxing HOP or two.Let us do the driving; sit back, relax, and enjoy!Board a luxury motor coach with a+ Read More, Copyright 2021 Escapees, Inc. All rights reserved. You wont be bothered in California. Thom was on a contract job that started off at 6 months then had 3 months added then a month well you get the idea. In Virginia, we pay a 4.3 % sales tax on purchase of a vehicle, then 4.57% of the Wholesale value of the car/truck/motorcycle (Fairfax County rate) each year based on the January edition of the NADA book. There is no free lunch however. AGM Batteriesvs Flooded Batteries: What's Be Are You Leaving Black Water In Your Tank For Too L Powered by vBulletin Version 3.8.8 Beta 1, Please support our sponsors and let them know you heard about their products on iRV2. I don't cheat on these things but will be d@@med if I report someone. The value up to 100 percent can be written off immediately. Just to clarify some of the initial posts. Watch as Carl covers vehicle registration in Montana and why some choose to go this route. Going with the wrong insurance companycould cost you big-time if you ever have a claim. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Location: 62nd Escapade - Tucson , AZ Information This special pre-Escapade program offers all the acclaimed Boot Camp training seminars, plus some extras! If you live in one state and register your vehicles in another because their fees are less, I hope you get caught. Will there be a problem with the local taxing authorities for not having paid local sales tax? I don't blame either for trying to keep/collect their money. To add to your article and I feel correct decision1) when any of the LLC creating law firms are asked for an opinion of its legality they make none and send you a copy of your present state law re who is required to have plates in that state 2) as an insurance agent for many years I also have serious issues of using a personal Auto Policy to cover a vehicle that is a commercial enterprise. 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