conversations on diversity and inclusion chico state

Regarding public perceptions of wealth, Dr. He is the recipient of Barnes and Nobels Discover Great New Writers Award. The speakers also discuss church attitudes toward LGBT people. Each year, individualscommitted to equity, diversity and inclusion are given Equity,Diversity and Inclusion Achievement Awards. Digital technology has helped create a world where those who challenge our beliefs can be blocked, isolating us from opinions we dont agree with. (function() { Regardless of the forum, conversations about diversity and inclusion can be difficult. Presentation Time: 55 minutes | View Now, Malcolm J. McLemoreCoordinator, Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, CSU, Chic, One of the goals of the system-wide California State University Graduation Initiative is to close the achievement gap in graduation rates between Underrepresented Minority (URM) and non-URM students by 2025. : A Minority Perspective, Lessons Diversity and Inclusion Learned from a Virus, My 2020 Virtual EEOC EXCEL Conference Experience, My Story: PTSD and Reasonable Accommodations, On Point: What A Tribe Called Quest can teach us about challenging social narratives, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Part 2: My #MeToo - An Alternative Perspective, Spotlight on Ms. Renee King Teaching and Modeling the Importance of Good Manners, The Martin Luther King Memorial: Reflections on NIH Values, There Is Value in Having A Diverse Workplace, Toddchelle Young Public Health Connects Us All, Unconscious Bias and the Public Servant, 1 of 3: What is Unconscious Bias. As the chapters first new president in 20 years, hes working hard to build off the remarkable successes of his predecessor while also bringing new vision and embracing national momentum to confront racism and improve equity. They strive to ensure equitable access to education. It features stories on Chico State students, faculty, and staff and highlights campus programs. Location: 11215 Metro Pkwy, Fort Myers, FL. I've Been Named as Responsible Management Official in an EEO Complaint, Help! As a staff member at the Center for Healthy Communities and also in the classroom, Al Neamhain embodies all of these traits, and they do it with courage, confidence, and compassion. Please visit for full event details.The CODI program is sponsored by the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and the Department of Multicultural and Gender Studies. A collaboration between the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and Tehama Group Communications, the biannual Building Bridges newsletter portrays how CSU, Chico connects students through the power of diversity. FromConversations on Diversity & Inclusion He concludes that it is difficult to ignore or overstate the enduring effects of racism in the American prison system. according to the u.s. census bureau, women make up 20% of s.t.e.m. Convinced that change happens one conversation at a time, Amber is a catalyst for driving progress, inspiring people to show-up fully in the . } ), document.getElementById('js-entry-date_' + '0_bkhe1q50')); People do not just need to be different, they need to be fully involved and feel their voices are heard." Alain Dehaze, CEO, The Adecco Group As if she were aware of my state of momentary paralysis, my neighbor leaned over and asked if I was going to speak up. Presentation Time: 50 minutes |View Now, Dr. Jesse DizardFaculty, Anthropology Department, CSU, Chico, Dr. Jesse Dizard starts his presentation by noting that there are 4,575 prisons in the United States this is four times more than Russia, the country with the second-highest number of prisons. California State University, Chico will join the national celebration of black culture and achievements during Black History Month, honoring black Americans with a full slate of events through the entire month of February. What most people have not considered is its context in United States history and continuing effects. The Chico State community is vast and supports a host of varied thoughts and opinions. Kelly McDonald, is here to answer your questions and help you make progress. Be open to the ways you can learn from the experiences and diverse thoughts of others in your workspace. Roll begins her presentation with the question, Is America the Land of Opportunity? She goes on to examine why there is an increasing income inequality in the U.S. Tina R. Bowers, MBA, CDM Vice President, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at Children's Health/Top 100 Diversity Officers })(); Cultural Dialogues: Serving Chinese Students at, Cultural Dialogues: Serving Chinese Students at CSU, Chico. In providing this forum for the many voices on campus to be heard, it is hoped that, through education and acceptance, there will be more enlightenment, understanding, and acceptance. Dr. Robert TinklerHistory DepartmentCSU Chico, Those that pay attention to LGBTQIA+ rights movement, as well as others, know the importance of the Stonewall Riots and what happened at the Stonewall Inn in June 1969. Presentation Time: 47 minutes |View Now, Student PanelIsabel Albino, Paola Esparza, Edger Gutierrez, Gerson Palacios, Dilan Pedraza, Angella Terres Toral, With the passage of the California Dream Act, immigrant students who were brought to the United States as children without documentation may now apply for campus scholarships and institutional grants. Melys is a conduit for bringing academia to the streets and the streets to academiain their work, they have targeted policing and incarceration, racism, homophobia and transphobia, mental health services, and economic well-being. Dr. Robert Tinkler emphasizes this was not the beginning of the LGBTQIA+ movement, nor did every person have the same political agenda. As one student notes, The English we learn in China is not the English used here. The students also share why they decided to study at Chico State. In a panel discussion, four students in the PATH (Promoting Achievement through Hope) Scholars program describe their Foster Youth experience before they arrived at the University. Example: \u201ccomputer\u201d","enableEntryTitles":true,"timeDisplay":"am-pm","currentLocaleCode":"en","dateFormats":{"longDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","shortDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","longDateNoYear":"MMMM Do, YYYY"},"timeZone":"US\/Pacific"},"search":{"eSearch":{"switchSortingToRelevance":true}},"calendar":{"getAppointmentUrl":"\/default\/calendar\/get-calendar-appointment"},"watchlist":{"localStorageExpiry":5},"theming":[]}, })(); Race and America's Prison Industrial Complex. See more of Chico State Office of Diversity & Inclusion on Facebook. He is also a member of the faculty union and has been a leader for positive action on a wide range of crucial issues, such as organizing a community table emphasizing the principles of mutualism, fostering activism and dialogue around the pending Roe vs. Wade decision, running a bicycle brake light repair clinic, and addressing issues of mental health and policing on campus. Unconscious Bias and the Public Servant, 2 of 3: Why is this important? Michelle is good people. This is a refrain heard again and again to describe Michelle Morriss impact on those she works with and the campus community that she serves. kmsReact.ReactDOM.render(kmsReact.React.createElement(kmsReact.DateRenderer, { Raymond describes Matty as a consistent fighter for diversity, equity, and inclusion at Chico State, who uses his privilege for good. date: 1496708342, The church developed further in the antebellum south, attended by many former slaves. In providing a forum for the many voices on our campus to be heard, we hope that, through education and conversation, we can bring about enlightenment, understanding, and acceptance. Media Upload; YouTube Example: \u201ccomputer\u201d","enableEntryTitles":true,"timeDisplay":"am-pm","currentLocaleCode":"en","dateFormats":{"longDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","shortDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","longDateNoYear":"MMMM Do, YYYY"},"timeZone":"US\/Pacific"},"search":{"eSearch":{"switchSortingToRelevance":true}},"calendar":{"getAppointmentUrl":"\/default\/calendar\/get-calendar-appointment"},"watchlist":{"localStorageExpiry":5},"theming":[]}, Amber Maynard grows two things: people and belonging. context: {"application":{"isLoggedIn":false,"isKAF":false,"enableLoadButton":false,"serviceUrl":"https:\/\/","dateType":2,"shortDateFormat":"MM\/DD\/YYYY","eSearchInfoText":"To search for an exact match, please use Quotation Marks. Cross-Cultural Leadership Center: 2nd Annual Black/African American Unity Brunch WED, FEB 17 12:00-1:30 PM They have all overcome daunting obstacles, and they explain what has worked for them at the University in the hope other students such as them can benefit. Example: \u201ccomputer\u201d","enableEntryTitles":true,"timeDisplay":"am-pm","currentLocaleCode":"en","dateFormats":{"longDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","shortDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","longDateNoYear":"MMMM Do, YYYY"},"timeZone":"US\/Pacific"},"search":{"eSearch":{"switchSortingToRelevance":true}},"calendar":{"getAppointmentUrl":"\/default\/calendar\/get-calendar-appointment"},"watchlist":{"localStorageExpiry":5},"theming":[]}, useSpan: true } ), document.getElementById('js-entry-date_' + '0_6vr6menf')); Nine faculty, staff, and students are honored with the 15th Annual Conversations on Diversity and Inclusion Awards. useSpan: true It is understandable that there are challenges when going deep and wide, as we have experienced when building relationships within our own families. $(document).ready(function() { They were simply tired of being harassed by the police - like has recently been seen with the Black Lives Matter movement, following Trayvon Martin and the Ferguson Missouri Riots. (function() { $(document).ready(function() { date: 1477677768, Jae C. Hong / AP Photo. Stepping out of your comfort zone to speak on issues surrounding diversity is a daunting task. In 1985, Dr. Farmer traveled by bicycle through 11 Western states and the Canadian province of British Columbia. And now, through his work with Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztln (MEChA) and the Alpha Chapter of Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and as an alumni and lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences, he has juggled multiple roles while increasing his activism on campus and in the community. As a diversity and inclusion professional, I would have to agree with this statement. }); Dr. Michael Coyle first provides some data about who goes to prison, data that shows black and Latino men incarcerated at a much higher rate than other groups. Eddie is an ally, activist, and awesome administrator who is never too busy to champion equity, inclusion, and student success. })(); The Undocumented Student Experience at CSU, Chico. context: {"application":{"isLoggedIn":false,"isKAF":false,"enableLoadButton":false,"serviceUrl":"https:\/\/","dateType":2,"shortDateFormat":"MM\/DD\/YYYY","eSearchInfoText":"To search for an exact match, please use Quotation Marks. Registration and Zoom links will be posted by mid-January 2022. Presentation Time: 57 minutes |View Now, Pedro DouglasAssociate Vice President of Student Affairs, CSU, ChicoRev. Brand: Chico's FAS, Inc-Shared Services. They have also led programs on the history of policing originating from slavery and how current policing and incarceration practices (including immigration and detention programs) are structurally racist and continue to perpetuate inequality and lack of safety for students, and they have addressed structural racism and wealth inequality in broader society through their work with the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, which focuses on mutual aid and those who are unhoused and food insecure in our areaespecially Chico State students. $(document).ready(function() { California State University, Chico - Staff Council. We want to build a bridge and connect on campus through music. I challenge you to dare greatly and be brave in this work, feel all of the nervousness, feel all of the uneasiness, feel all of the fear, feel all of the pressure and find the courage to still be brave and engage in the conversation. Womens Equality Day: The Movement and Justice for All. The women finish the program by talking about skills they learned in the military that they brought with them to college and to civilian life as a whole. . Enter your email address to subscribe to Chico State Today and receive notifications of new posts by email. (function() { The 2022 awards ceremony was held virtually due to COVID-19, but it was still filled with an outpouring of support and praise for the Universitys diversity champions. or. "Please join us this fall on the following Wednesdays at noon for virtual conversations:Feb. 16March 23April 20May 11 (Conversations on Diversity and Inclusion Awards)The series will be held from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm via Zoom. date: 1487263675, MNSU Disability Conversations . Where Do We Go from Here: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender? At CSU, Chico we guide our students through inclusive environments so that we can celebrate our differences hand in hand. In a recent article in Boston Universitys magazine (BU), The Brink, the author stated, "Diversity in the workplace creates friction. Read More. She has been called a soldier for justice who walks the walk by her colleagues, and her impact can be felt throughout campus in countless ways. Presentation Time: 51 minutes |View Now, Dr. Seema Sehrawat & Dr. Celeste JonesFaculty, School of Social Work, CSU, Chico, Demographics are changing dramatically, in the U.S. and globally, as Baby Boomers (people born from approximately 1945-1964) retire and become senior citizens. As Dr. Sehrawat and Dr. Jones explain, aging is not simply a story of higher numbers. Reflections on Weight Based Stigma and Discrimination. "Minnesota State Mankato supplies its students with countless valuable opportunitieswhether it be starting a business with your Integrated Business Experience classmates in a low-risk environment, leading 30-40 new students as a Community Advisor during their transition to college, or joining a club or organization that presents critical values, beliefs, and support." })(); Does Size Matter? }); (function() { date: 1519773234, The theme for this year's Conversations on Diversity and Inclusion series is "The Power of Storytelling.". As a student they have been committed to making Chico State better not only for themselves, but for other students who are still to come. useSpan: true $(document).ready(function() { date: 1473376075, date: 1492790998, kmsReact.ReactDOM.render(kmsReact.React.createElement(kmsReact.DateRenderer, { useSpan: true }); Boomers are being transformative and breaking the social norm. He then presents data specifically about men of color at Chico State. kmsReact.ReactDOM.render(kmsReact.React.createElement(kmsReact.DateRenderer, { We are humbled that our campus resides upon sacred lands that since time immemorial have sustained the Mechoopda people and continue to do so today. kmsReact.ReactDOM.render(kmsReact.React.createElement(kmsReact.DateRenderer, { (function() { Chico State Today is the official news site of California State University, Chico. Issues of increasing workforce diversity have been championed under her guidance, and she and her team have worked diligently to promote national best practices, such as recommending policy changes that have led to stronger EDI language in vacancy announcement materials, reducing institutional barriers to diversify applicant pools, and evaluating the possibility of a pay variance for certified bilingual employees. Their stories include difficulties such as sexual harassment and being forced to sign forms stating they were not homosexual, to more positive experiences. A full slate of events is scheduled over the next four weeks as Chico State commemorates Black History Month, a national celebration of black culture, art and achievements. School. date: 1476131044, November 9 -12:00 PM - 12:50 PM - Dr. Shawn Schwaller, December 7 -12:00 PM - 12:50 PM - Dr. Gloria Lopez, February 8 -12:00 PM - 12:50 PM - Dr. Nandi Crosby and Dr. Heather Altfield, March 8 -12:00 PM - 12:50 PM - Dr. Evelyn Pruneda, April 12 -12:00 PM - 12:50 PM - Dr. Robert De'Von Jiles, May 10 -12:00 PM - 12:50 PM - COEDI Awards, September 2CODI Kickoff: Confronting Racial Injustice Facilitated by: CODI Planning Committee, September 16Confronting Whiteness Facilitated by: Alicia Trider, Multicultural and Gender Studies, and Micah Lehner, Graduate Studies, September 30Home is Here: The DACA Experience Facilitated by: Teresita Curiel, Latinx Equity and Success; Jesse Ramirez, Wellcat Counseling Center; and Elli Alaniz, Financial Aid, and Scholarship, October 14Check-in | The Marathon Continues Facilitated by: CODI Planning Committee, December 2Beyond Symbols and Statues: The Fight Over Public Memory and Memorials Facilitated by: Ali Meders-Knight, Member of the Mechoopda Tribe, Artist, and Educator Nathan Heggins Bryant, English, November 18Decolonizing Thanksgiving: Combating Discriminatory Practices Facilitated by: Browning Michael Neddeau, Education and Multicultural and Gender Studies, February 3#AdultingWhileBlack on Campus: A Discussion About Identity and Black Student Success in College Facilitated by Sarah Kutten, University of Oregon, February 17Muerte Silenciosa (film and discussion) Translation: Quiet Death Facilitated by Jesse Dizard, Department of Anthropology, March 10The Alchemy of Whiteness: Race, Immigration, and Identity in the 19th and 20th Centuries Facilitated by Peter Owens, Office of Institutional Research, April 7Designing Confidence: Dealing with the Imposter Syndrome Facilitated by the First-Gen Faculty and Staff Association, April 28The Foster Youth Experience Facilitated by Marina Lomeli-Fox and Dawn Carini, PATH Scholars (Foster Youth Program), May 516th Annual Conversations on Diversity and Inclusion Awards Facilitated by Tray Robinson, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Pulling us Together Award Recipient - Laura Nice and the Book in Common Planning Team, Taking it to the Streets Award Recipient Juanita Motley, Promising New Comer Award Recipient - Shawn Bates, The Teach Back Award Recipient - Malik Duffy, Taking it to the Classroom Award Recipient - Felipe Restrapo, Behind the Scenes Award Recipient - Jason Nice, After Chico Award Recipient - Mia Colacion, Walk the Line Award Recipient Black Faculty and Staff Association, Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient - Tray Robinson. The person stated, Why are we asking people about their past views on diversity and inclusion? A diverse organization is more creative and makes better decisions. We are humbled that our campus resides upon sacred lands that since time immemorial have sustained the Mechoopda people and continue to do so today. using their positions to help inspire others. context: {"application":{"isLoggedIn":false,"isKAF":false,"enableLoadButton":false,"serviceUrl":"https:\/\/","dateType":2,"shortDateFormat":"MM\/DD\/YYYY","eSearchInfoText":"To search for an exact match, please use Quotation Marks. Eddie uses his privilege and power as the dean to promote policy and practice that advance EDI priorities and contribute to historically marginalized student and employee success. Her ability to unite different groups on campus under the same common goal is deeply admired, said Yvette Ziga, associate director for the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. context: {"application":{"isLoggedIn":false,"isKAF":false,"enableLoadButton":false,"serviceUrl":"https:\/\/","dateType":2,"shortDateFormat":"MM\/DD\/YYYY","eSearchInfoText":"To search for an exact match, please use Quotation Marks. Do we really know and understand the hardships undocumented students overcome to obtain a higher education? The Conversations on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion series (COEDI) focuses on the complexities of the group and individual identities and how they influence one another. Michelle goes above and beyond the qualifications for this award, which celebrates individuals who teach the difficult but important lessons about diversity issues, and who represent and advocate for people who are often marginalized in the United States. In May, nine were honored for their contributions and dedication during the 14th annual Conversations on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) Awards. From recruitment to transitioning back to civilian life, they provide a candid look at their experiences. After nearly three years, California ends its "State of . }); (function() { context: {"application":{"isLoggedIn":false,"isKAF":false,"enableLoadButton":false,"serviceUrl":"https:\/\/","dateType":2,"shortDateFormat":"MM\/DD\/YYYY","eSearchInfoText":"To search for an exact match, please use Quotation Marks. Example: \u201ccomputer\u201d","enableEntryTitles":true,"timeDisplay":"am-pm","currentLocaleCode":"en","dateFormats":{"longDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","shortDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","longDateNoYear":"MMMM Do, YYYY"},"timeZone":"US\/Pacific"},"search":{"eSearch":{"switchSortingToRelevance":true}},"calendar":{"getAppointmentUrl":"\/default\/calendar\/get-calendar-appointment"},"watchlist":{"localStorageExpiry":5},"theming":[]}, The first such congregation was started in Philadelphia in 1787 by black Christians who felt marginalized when they attended white churches. Copyright 2023 CSU, Chico All Rights Reserved, Diversity Champion Leaves Legacy of Success Among Students, Colleagues, Chico State Honors Diversity and Inclusion on Campus, University Events to Celebrate Black History Month, Poetry Slam, Gospel Choir, Candlelight Vigil Highlight Black History Month Events at CSU, Chico, CSU, Chico Celebrates Black History Month with Events Including Poetry Slam, Day of Service, Gospel Choir, Digital Media Classes Cultivate Creativity, Introducing Hannah Scholzen: 2023 Lt. Rawlins Merit Scholarship Recipient, Distinguished Alum and Retired Agriculture Educator Roy Beck, Chico States Annual Giving Day24 Hours, 100 Worthy Causes, Introducing Theodore Greenfield: 2023 Lt. Rawlins Merit Scholarship Recipient, A Space for Students to Practice Self-Care, Camp Fire Survivor Returns to Rebuilt Home and Hope in Butte Creek Canyon, From The Hill: Womens Historyand Future, Worth Sharing: CEO Magazine Lists CSU, Chicos MBA Program in Global Rankings, Options Abound in Hunt for Student Housing. Faculty and staff have long hosted a series of discussions that focus on the complexities of group and individual identities. kmsReact.ReactDOM.render(kmsReact.React.createElement(kmsReact.DateRenderer, { 8 a.m.5 p.m. useSpan: true . }); Among the results: only 43% of those polled felt that wealthy people got that way because of their own hard work, ambition or education, while 46% said the wealth came from knowing the right people or being born into wealthy families. Shakespeare On The Vine. context: {"application":{"isLoggedIn":false,"isKAF":false,"enableLoadButton":false,"serviceUrl":"https:\/\/","dateType":2,"shortDateFormat":"MM\/DD\/YYYY","eSearchInfoText":"To search for an exact match, please use Quotation Marks. Susan Green, chair of the Department of Multicultural and Gender Studies, says of Melys: They truly embody intersectionality in their work by uniting BIPOC folx around their whole selves and communities, and by educating White folx about what they need to be doing to be not just good allies, but anti-racists and co-conspirators in good trouble.. useSpan: true All COEDI sessions are planned to occur in person for the 2022-2023 Academic Year. Equity and Inclusion; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on Campus and Beyond; Maverick Diversity Institute . McLemore lists ways to assist these students through mentorship from faculty/staff men of color, peer advisors, leadership development, and institutional support. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion news . They are not letting age define them, and they view later life as power years and a time of possibilities. date: 1491499575, $(document).ready(function() { We acknowledge and are mindful that Chico State stands on lands that were originally occupied by the first people of this area, Mechoopda, and we recognize their distinctive spiritual relationship with this land, the flora, the fauna, and the waters that run through campus. Whether its funding a program or a student in need, addressing harm caused by someone in this college or critically examining and then acting on changes in policy and procedures to align with our strategic priorities and student success across campus. $(document).ready(function() { Juan Araujo Sariana has been on the front lines as a social justice activist since his undergraduate days at Chico State, taking part in many protests with his colleagues in service of equity, diversity, and inclusion. 400 W. First St. Juan serves as a role model for students of color, particularly in the STEM fields, and has taken an active role in the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, working on the complicated issues of house-lessness across organizations throughout Chico, such as the Chico Housing Action Team. useSpan: true context: {"application":{"isLoggedIn":false,"isKAF":false,"enableLoadButton":false,"serviceUrl":"https:\/\/","dateType":2,"shortDateFormat":"MM\/DD\/YYYY","eSearchInfoText":"To search for an exact match, please use Quotation Marks. Example: \u201ccomputer\u201d","enableEntryTitles":true,"timeDisplay":"am-pm","currentLocaleCode":"en","dateFormats":{"longDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","shortDate":"MMMM Do, YYYY","longDateNoYear":"MMMM Do, YYYY"},"timeZone":"US\/Pacific"},"search":{"eSearch":{"switchSortingToRelevance":true}},"calendar":{"getAppointmentUrl":"\/default\/calendar\/get-calendar-appointment"},"watchlist":{"localStorageExpiry":5},"theming":[]}, Traveled by bicycle through 11 Western States and the Canadian province of British Columbia nine! Race, Ethnicity, and staff and highlights campus programs ways you can learn from the experiences diverse.: 1496708342, the church developed further in the antebellum south, attended by many former.. So that we can celebrate our differences hand in hand ( ) { Regardless of the movement. Lists ways to assist these students through mentorship from faculty/staff men of color, peer advisors leadership! 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