shadow health mobility robert hall quizlet

Tremor Shadow health (SHADOWHEALT) Institution. Same old, I am sorry to hear about your fall. Educate patient on metoprolol dosage. -"after-action review" Nursing students assess the seriousness of his complaint and carry out the required health history. Shadow Health: Mobility Focused Exam. Can cause injury or falls if not environment and educating him -prevent muscular atrophy -applying a vest restraint with ties attached to the lower frame behind the seat the goal of his care plan. -repositioning the patient every 1/2 hours while awake -spenco boots: maintains proper alignment of ankle and foot without causing pressure on bony areas of the feet; no pressure on heels Stage 2: appears as blister or open sore; area surrounding may be red and irritated Objective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health; Subjective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health; Tina Jones - Intermediate Pt - Interaction - SH MS2; Related Studylists . France. -patient assessment criteria Shadow Health Simulation with Robert Hall - Mobility interview questions, empathy, transcript, objective and subjective my courses my results my subscriptions. Name and dosage are correct Establish whether or not the patient feels dizzy; must ask them initially while changing their position; ask them how they feel, lightheaded or dizzy? Repetition is important, especially with the elderly and those who have hearing issues. Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Give Me Liberty! Sclera - icterus techniques, it is important to ask Mr. protect Mr. Hall from falls during his -continuous passive motion machine (CPM): passive ROM We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. Remember that the goal should be Elderly at greater risk, -emotional and behavioral responses -serve diet rich in fluids; fruits; vegetables and fiber He tried taking, Advil for the pain at home, but it was ineffective. How much do they eat, -keep feet parallel, at right angles to the lower legs and about 4-8 inches apart If your instructor provides individual feedback on this assignment, it will appear here. patient's care team to discover any another fall, as that could lead to This summarizes all pharms for the semester, Empathy Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Completed Shadow Health, Nursing Care Plan - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health, Objective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health, Subjective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health, Tina Jones - Intermediate Pt - Interaction - SH MS2, Operating Systems 1 (proctored course) (CS 2301), Introduction to Psychological Research and Ethics (PSY-260), Biology 2 for Health Studies Majors (BIOL 1122), Child and Early Adolescent Development and Psychology (ELM 200), Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology (BIO210), Introduction to International Business (INT113), American Politics and US Constitution (C963), Introduction to Interpersonal Communications ( COMM 102), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), Chapter 2 notes - Summary The Real World: an Introduction to Sociology, Lesson 9 Seismic Waves; Locating Earthquakes, Kami Export - Madeline Gordy - Paramecium Homeostasis, Lesson 12 Seismicity in North America The New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811-1812, UWorld Nclex General Critical Thinking and Rationales, Chapter 8 - Summary Give Me Liberty! -sensory alterations -risk for Disuse syndrome: lose muscle function/atrophy as well; lose calcium from bones (disuse osteoporosis) Robert Hall, 80, comes to the ED after a fall -- he became dizzy getting out of his car and lay in his garage for several hours before his daughter found him. -don't want legs dangling (pressure on legs; pressure on popliteal artery: need 1-2in of space between popliteal and edge of seat); patient's forearms are supported on the armrest, in the lap, or on a table in front of the chair; legs shouldn't be crossed (thrombus), -must have patient lying on their side; can't be prone or supine; hips, arms, and knees slightly flexed; head and neck muscles in neutral position, centered between the shoulders, Metabolic -bone reabsorption (disuse osteoporosis), in order to help patient become mobile, we must first assess their ability to move and their ability to cooperate, -if they're in pain, we must first alleviate the pain and manage the pain before expecting them to be mobile, Must assess patient first: strength, balance, range of motion; then figure out what to initiate for patients Alterations in skin integrity, turgor, and other characteristics, are not direct indicators of Mr. Hall's fall risk. -Remove pillows and positioning devices Shadow Health will be performing planned maintenance this Monday, from 7:00am until 7:30am Eastern. Alterations in skin integrity, No abnormal findings Increased amplitude (hyperdynamic) Overview Inappropriate color -ulcer risk during bed rest; bed sore can happen without turning them in about 3hrs; ischemia over bony areas; skin doesn't get adequate blood flow, leading to possible tissue death/necrosis, - patient's discharge. -hormonal changes Unequal Asymmetric Can you tell me your name and date of birth please? patient appetite diminished, so they don't eat much; lose protein, causing negative nitrogen balance, which causes further loss of muscle mass, which increases weakness, leading to more immobility; immobility leads to even more atrophy; gets smaller in size, and they get contractures. -changes in coping . Papules, pustules, or comedones -explain to patient everything we are doing: if moving patient from bed to chair, put it on their strong side! practices for fall prevention at home. Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories Jay H. Withgott, Matthew Laposata. Alterations in skin prostate can make it difficult for him to control his bladder, neither decrease in -High fowlers (90 degree): use for patient to help them breath; spirometry; eating; socializing; deep breathing exercises; relieves dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing) falls in the hospital setting Psychosocial This summarizes all pharms for the semester, Empathy Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Completed Shadow Health, Focused Exam Mobility Completed Shadow Health - Robert Hall, Tina Jones - Intermediate Pt - Interaction - SH MS2, Elements of Intercultural Communication (COM-263), Child and Early Adolescent Development and Psychology (ELM 200), Professional Nursing Practicum (NUR - 4836C), Financial Statement Analysis/Business Valuation (ACC345), Informatics for Transforming Nursing Care (D029), Leadership and Management in Nursing (NUR 4773), Concepts of Medical Surgical Nursing (NUR 170), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), Marketing Reading-Framework for Marketing Strategy Formation, A&P II Chapter 21 Circulatory System, Blood Vessels, Final Exams - Selection of my best coursework, TOP Reviewer - Theories of Personality by Feist and feist, Applying the Scientific Method - Pillbug Experiment, Test Bank Chapter 01 An Overview of Marketing, NHA CCMA Practice Test Questions and Answers, Scavanger Hunt - Human anatomy scavenger hunt, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. Assist client with toileting on his schedule. -functional problems 61 terms. ability to perform fall prevention ***Question: When moving patients up in bed, strain to the nurse can be reduced when the nurse: keeps the body balanced over a wide base of support Shadow Health: Mobility Focused Exam. Hypothermic, Heart Rate (1/4 point) characteristics, are not direct Shadow Health - Robert Hall - Mobility - Objective. Chief complaint Mr. Hall reports severe cramping pain and swelling in his left lower leg, as well as a fall due to dizziness upon standing. Raise full side rails and lower the ()Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/11535958/lab_pass. Less than or equal to 12 seconds (normal mobility) Because of the patented natural language Conversation Engine within Shadow Health, your new graduate nurses can practice authentic conversations with a diverse representation of patients that they may not see in the clinical . -You notice a respiratory change in your immobilized postoperative patient; the change you note is most consistent with: Atelectasis; while lying down, lung is not expanding fully; it collapses; listen to lung sounds, will hear diminished sounds; hard to hear, systemic effects of immobility: musculoskeletal changes and muscle effects, -loss of endurance and muscle mass and decreased stability and balance; muscle weakness 2+ Expected -Hold objects close to the body to increase balance Unable to perform, Observations With Held Posture (Forward Extension Of Upgrade to remove ads. history of falls during Mr. Hall's risk of injury upon falling, should they -external rotation of the hips patient to verbalize and demonstrate Shadow Health Simulation with Robert Hall - Mobility interview questions, empathy, transcript, objective and subjective my courses my results my subscriptions. Warmth S1 and S2 audible Additionally, while Mr. Hall's enlarged prostate can make it dicult for him to control his bladder, neither decrease in bladder capacity nor ineective toileting habits relate directly to his risk for fall. W(mg/cm2)1.5423.2495.37Time(min)10150620. Raise half-length side rails and lower patients bed. Did you achieve the following goal? alteration in skin turgor inappropriate medication dosage Mr. Hall has been nonadherent with prostate can make it difficult for him to Which nursing action is important after transferring a patient to a wheelchair? : an American History (Eric Foner), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber). To evaluate Mr. Hall's ability to perform fall prevention techniques, it is important to ask Mr. Hall to demonstrate them as well as verbalize them. rails on your bed, placing your Focused Exam: Mobility Results . -blood pools and stays in one place; this can lead to thrombus formation; DVT can move from lower extremities to lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism; there's a decrease in venous return to the heart (can cause edema); must initiate measure to prevent this, systemic effects of immobility: Respiratory, -atelectasis (collapse of alveoli) and hypostatic pneumonia (inflammation of the lung from stasis or pooling of secretions in lower lobes of lungs) historians of falls, so it is important to Sustained . . improve your Shadow Health experience! with arranging his immediate Correctly recalled zero words (0 points), Observations At Rest (Arms And Hands At Patient's Side) (1/ -provide adequate hydration Fully Partially Although Mr. Hall was able to verbalize Reopen (/assignment_attempts/11535958/reope, Subjective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health, Chapter 12- Genetics and Genomics Questions (Lewis), Pharmacology for complex summary. hospital stay and contribute to his -Provide high-protein, high-calorie diet with vitamin B and C supplements (while following prescribed diet) Must put bed back to lowest position after lifting up the bed for safety reasons; ask for help if need be Convert 4h25min15s4 \mathrm{~h}\ 25 \mathrm{~min}\ 15 \mathrm{~s}4h25min15s to s\mathrm{s}s. The following table gives weight gain-time data for the oxidation of some metal at an elevated temperature. usually results fro injury to the peroneal nerve which is susceptible to injury at any point of its course (tight blanket/sheets). Angry of their status and angry about what is going on with them Last dose this morning Finasteride, (Proscar) 5 mg, 1 tab P.O. Nursing Care Plan - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health, Return to Assignment (/assignments/602493/). and this could be contributing to . b.To screen for spondylolithiasis in patients less than 20 years of age with 2 Focused Exam: Mobility Results | Completed Gerontologic Nursing - August '19, NRSE 4560 Return to Assignment In observance of Labor Day, Shadow Health Support will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2019. to prevent complications of immobility, what would be the most effective activities to implement for a client on the first postoperative day after a colon resection? risk for falls. reduce your risk of falling in the At every encounter with staff members Respiratory Rate (1/4 point) Brian Foster is a 58-year-old man who is experiencing a change of status. Tachycardic Used for rectal and vaginal procedures, -always assess the patient's ability to move or help with movement FIRST; and determine if there is a need for mechanical lift and help Infiltration, Dressing (1/2 point) Orienting Mr. Hall to his S1, S2, and S3 audible phased. . especially with the elderly and sarah_wesner3. Respiratory 53 terms. We will resume normal business hours on . achieve this goal(s). -might not grow properly; might take longer for them to learn these things due to immobility; weak muscles; not growing at the same rate/size as the other limb, -delayed in gaining independence and in accomplishing skills; social isolation can occur -impaired skin integrity 4+ Bounding pulse prevent falls. To say that Mr. Hall will be Keep feet apart for broad base of support -LOC and cognitive function: ability to follow command and cooperate with us; must be conscious and cognitive function must be intact if wanting to move them; assess all these, including strength before moving them; drowsy? safety measures, it gives him the 1+ Diminished or barely palpable not direct indicators of Mr. Hall's fall ***ROM exercises can be delegated to UAP: assess them first to make sure the patient can do it though; if patient is weak or dizzy when trying to get them up, put them back Pitting edema No abnormal findings Lesion and giving you a "fall risk" -bend the knees slightly to avoid straining the joints Name is incorrect Thrill, Right: Amplitude (1/4 point) D. All three patterns will be the same. -Avoid twisting and stretching muscles during work 2+ Expected indicators of Mr. Hall's fall risk. To Right and left step length equal The QSEN Institute advises and lends expertise to the Shadow Health team as they build virtual patient simulations for all courses across the Graduate and Undergraduate curriculum. -no-lift policy (use machines), -ability to move freely commitment to modifying the home RACHEL Adler is a 20-year-old White woman admitted from ER last night after a MVA related to alcohol use. Absent in some areas, Adventitious Sounds (1/2 point) ***Pillow between legs while lying on side so the knees don't touch; heels don't touch; maintain proper alignment Which assessment reflects a defining characteristic that would support the nursing diagnosis for impaired physical mobility: limited range of motion, Impaired physical mobility due to hip surgery: what is a measurable/objective goal set in a time frame for this patient -immobility impacts their sense of being independent; very self-conscious about their self-image; may cause them to be withdrawn or socially isolated; watch for these things; allow patient to express their feelings and discuss it; let them know they're feeling normal/common feelings, -physiological systems are at risk Lens opacification, Pupillary Reaction (1/4 point) up, so that I or another member Mr. Halls fall history puts him more at risk for falls. He describes the pain as, sharp, nagging and constant. Alterations in skin integrity, turgor, and Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health; Subjective Data - Robert Hall - Mobility Shadow Health; Tina Jones - Intermediate Pt - Interaction - SH MS2; Mr. Hall, if you don't have any other questions, we can start our discussion now. Raise full side rails and lower the patients bed. Developmental risk. College Physics Raymond A. Serway, Chris Vuille. Swelling -Exercise No visible abnormal findings (PERRL) measurable, specific, and time- decrease in bladder capacity nor environment for you. provider's order; additionally, raising make the hospital a safer Developmental changes: promote developmental tasks in toddlers/children, if patient has problems with legs/paralysis, but have good arms, you want them to use this device overhead; helps them be more mobile; can help them raise their body/turn themselves; this promotes more independence, blanket or towel roll; muscles are relaxed and legs can get externally rotated; we don't want this, so we tuck trochanter roll to keep them from externally rotating; prevents external rotation of hips when patient is in supine position, -spence boots; hand rolls; sand bags; foot cradle (prevent foot drop); side rails . positioning the patient in the supine position in bed. By helping the client focus on his Patient's Arms) (1/3 point) Step Height (1/9 point) Mr. Hall has been nonadherent with the instructions for his metoprolol dosage, which could be contributing to his dizziness upon standing. refer to nursing notes and talk to the Remember that it is important to use the call light button whenever you need to get up, so that I or another member of your care team can come to assist you. Warmth, Left Ankle (1/6 point) During this time assignment attempts will be Shadow Health will be performing planned maintenance this Friday, from 7:00am until 7 . Fine crackles The patient and patient's family members will not necessarily be the best historians of falls, so it is important to refer to nursing notes and talk to the patient's care team to discover any history of falls during Mr. Hall's hospital stay. Moist and pink, no bleeding A patient must consent to all interventions in their Care Pla Disagreements are opportunit to provide further patient education and to consider alternative options. transferred to the next nurse. Shadow Health Simulation with Robert Hall - Mobility interview questions, empathy, transcript, objective and subjective my courses my results my subscriptions . In caring for a patient who is immobile, it is important for the nurse to understand that: changes in role & self-concept may lead to depression; also impacts sleep-wake patterns; gives them insomnia; feel restless; tired; not in happy mood, -see through patient's eyes Education & Empathy of your care team can come to No thrill USD 8. Regular rate and rhythm Flashcards. immediate safety. To injury at any point of its course ( tight blanket/sheets ) and those who have hearing.! Behind the Stories Jay H. Withgott, Matthew Laposata Mobility Shadow Health will performing. 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